
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2010 №3

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textIlyina Z. M., Turkova O. V.
Directions for improving the system of agricultural food sale
A number of factors including effectively operating system of agricultural food sale guarantee a steady and stable food market functioning. Imperfection of pricing, poorly developed infrastructure of the agroindustrial complex, monopolism of the state organizations, processing industry and trade, poor support of the government cause certain problems in the sale sphere. The modern mechanism of sale promotion requires constructive actions directed at the search for favourable sales markets, optimization of relations between market participants, development of effective ways of agricultural food sale, guarantee of the adaptive marketing information system.

Full textKagan A. M., Tsimayev A. А.
Methods of estimation of innovative projects at the enterprises of agroservice
The article deals with the issues of estimation and selection of innovative developments at the enterprises of agroservice. The model and methods providing for a five levels’ system of the estimation of innovative projects are proposed. A special attention is paid to the calculation of the index of competitiveness of innovations and sequence of the final integrated estimation which enables to choose the most perspective innovative proposals and projects at the stage of preliminary analysis.

Full textBarysenka A. A.
Profit material encouragement of the managers and specialists of agricultural organizations
The article analyzes the sources of employees’ income (personal investments, contributions, shares, cash proceeds, etc). Profit-sharing mechanism within organizations and allocations norms for labor motivation (or bonuses) of managers, their deputies and specialists are proposed.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textGusakov V. G.
Basic objectives of soil science at the present stage of development
The paper deals with the latest information on the essence and specificity of the structure and development of soil science. The potential directions of the perspective research in agricultural soil science which can reform significantly and prioritize this branch of science are described.

Full textKoukresh L. V.
Foreign experience in the agricultural production of the republic
The biological potential of the natural resources of the republic in comparison with the leading European countries is estimated on the basis of the analysis of weather conditions made within the period of effective temperatures above 10 degrees (average daily temperature, rainfall, solar radiation power) and presented for agricultural production with the index of optimality of meteorological factors. For agricultural production of Poland the index is 1.3, France – 2.0, England – 1.5 referring to the same index in Belarus. The proposals on the application of the international experience in the agricultural production of the republic in accordance with the potential of meteorological factors are stated.

Full textIvanyuk V. G. , Ilyashenko D. A.
Resistance of potato to stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor thorne)
Nowadays in Belarus there are no nematicides protecting effectively potato from stem nematode. Crop rotation and culling of tubers reduce significantly the losses caused by stem nematode, however they don’t minimize its harmfulness. The most important method of control over stem nematode is cultivation of resistant or weakly affected varieties breeding of which is linked to a number of additional difficulties connected with accumulation of invasion material and creation of artificial invasion conditions. For the purpose of reproduction and accumulation of invasion D. destructor as nutritious substrates we have studied various species of fungi which can be food reserves for nematode in soil. The methods of the estimation are developed and the breeding material of potato is estimated in respect of susceptibility to stem nematode. The initial material for breeding of the varieties resistant to D. destructor is identified.

Full textKovalevich Z. S., Golovaty S. Е.
Accumulation of selenium in cereals grains when using different forms of selenium fertilizers
As a result of the vegetation experiment on sod-podzolic loamy soils with low content of selenium it’s established that application of 40 mkg/kg; 160 and 320 mkg/kg of selenium in the form of selenate and sodium selenate contributes to the accumulation of microelements of selenium in millet, barley, buckwheat and pea grains. However, barley and millet absorb 2.8–6.4 times more selenium from selenate than from sodium selenate and buckwheat and pea – 8.2–15.7 times more.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textBatkovskaya T. V.
Selection and genetic parameters of fattening and meat-fat traits of hybrid young pigs
The research of the variability of fattening traits shows that fattening traits of three breed young pigs (BM×L)D have a higher variability in respect of pf age of animals reaching 100 kg of live weight, in respect of average daily weight gain – 7.54%. In general the variability coefficients witness about the evenness of hybrids on the main meat-fat indicators and show that hybrids meet the requirements of meat processing enterprises. High negative correlation pf age of animals reaching 100 kg of live weight with average daily weigh gain in all experimental groups making up r < 0.8 (–0.93 ... –0.80) (P ≤ 0.001) is determined. Also a high positive correlation between pf age of animals reaching 100 kg of live weight and fodder expenses per kilo of weight gain of the following combinations (GW×BM)×D, (BM×L)×D and (BM×L)×L – r = 0,84–0,99 (P ≤ 0,001) is identified.

Full textSheiko I. P., Linkevich E. I.
Use of laser in pig breeding
As a result of the research it’s established that the use of laser in pig breeding ensures simultaneity of the demonstration of the signs of heat, high insemination ability of gametes, enables to improve the quality of sperm to be applied in artificial insemination.

Full textGoloushko O. G., Zayats V. N., Nadarinskaya M. A., Kvetkovskaya A. V.
Use of feed yeast autolysate for making good the deficit of protein in the fodder for young cattle
The study of efficiency of the use of feed yeast autolysate in the fodder for milk and post milk calves shows that the most optimal norm of feed yeast autolysate is 4% of the fodder weight.

Full textPhinogenov A. J., Phinogenova E. G., Misteyko M. M.
Efficiency of the preparation hondroton in the process of treatment of arthritises of laboratory animals
The paper states the results of the experiment on medical efficiency of the preparation hondroton and hondroitin sulphate on laboratory animals. The use of the preparation for 3 weeks promotes a fast mobilization of a joint: joint volume is reduced by 1.21–1.26, morbidity disappears 12–15 day after the use of the preparation. Medical efficiency of hondroitin sulphate is less evident.

Full textSkourat E. K., Dzegtsyarik S. M., Grebneva E. I., Asadchaya R. l., Kovtik A. S., Benetskaya N. A., Govor T. A., Lemeza A. N.
Parasites of sea fish to be imported to Belarus
The paper states the results of parasitologic analysis of sea fish that is delivered to the Republic of Belarus from the Middle East and Far East countries. The analysis was carried out in 2008–2009. The representatives of 17 families of sea and catadromous fish were examined, 9 species of parasites were discovered. Also the level of fish infection with different parasites in respect of families and areas of fishing was analysed.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textSevernev M. M., Kitsikov V. O.
Law of continuity – an organizational and methodic basis for scientific and technical progress acceleration
The conditions of the effective implementation of engineering developments and their introduction are substantiated. The law of continuity of the development of scientific and technological level of production is presented. The strategy to form and develop the system of machines with reference to the cause and effect relations in scientific and innovative activity is proposed.

Full textShilo I. N., Marinich L. A., Zhdanovich V. I., Mikhaylovsky E. I.
Calculation and identification of the main thermotechnical and structural parameters of fire-chamber stove V-800 working on local kinds of fuel
The paper deals with the calculation of thermotechnical structural parameters of fire-chamber stove V-800 working on local kinds of fuel.

Full textHaldyban V. V.
Calculation of rational parameters of a screw feeder
In the article the method of calculation of the rational width of a loading part of a tube screw feeder depending on its constructive and kinematic parameters, and also physical and mechanical properties of the material to be transported is proposed.

Full textGrudanov V. Y., Brench А. A., Tkacheva L. T., Philippovich M. O.
Thin crushing of meat raw materials with a new cutting mechanism in chip crushers
As a result of the conducted research new designs of a cutting mechanism of a chip crusher are developed. Cutting edges of knife blades are made inclined at a tangent to internal radius of a meat grinder plate and have the maximum length that ensures a high quality process of sliding cutting. New designs of meat grinder plates of a chip crusher with identical throughput on the whole working surface, minimal hydraulic resistance to pumping of a working body and the greatest throughput are created. Depending on the degree of crushing, application of the developed cutting tool enables to reduce temperature by 15.1–18.3% and specific power consumption by 7.1–10.8%, to increase productivity by 10.3–18.1%.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textVasilenko Z. V., Tsed A. A., Volkova S. V., Koroleva L. M., Mirontseva A. A., Myslitskaya A. N.
Research of the influence of cereal crops on amino acid structure of spirit mash and biochemical process at its fermentation
The article deals with the results of research on identifying the amino acid structure of spirit mash samples depending on the type of cereal crop (rye, oat filmy, oat bare) and the temperature of boiling (90 and 130°С). It is established that the optimum amino acid structure is formed in the process of oat bare processing which ensures a higher concentration of amino acid with high and average speed of absorption in spirit mash. It allows not only to intensify biochemical process at the fermentation of mash but also to exclude the use of expensive ferment preparations that are applied in the process of getting mash from other cereal crops.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Ivan Stepanovich Loupinovich (To the 110th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Roman Semenovich Chebotarev (To the105th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
The Institute of Vegetable Growing – 85 years

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