





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2010 №1

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textGusakov, V.G.
Productivity and competitiveness of the agriculture of Belarus: analysis and perspectives
The present article deals with systematic consideration of the dynamics of development of the national agriculture by the example of a set of problems: output of products and labor productivity, life and export, specific output and per capita consumption, norms of production and perspectives of development. Constructive conclusions and proposals for stabilization and enhancement of the efficiency of agrarian production are made. Principal recommendations on strengthening the competitiveness of natural agriculture are made

Full textBelsky V.I., Shpak A.P., Bychkov N.А., Zapolsky M.I.
Economic efficiency of performed integration of organizations in the agroindustrial complex
The measures taken in the recent years by the state on the property and financial restructuring of agricultural organizations have made as a whole a positive impact on the results of their work. Thus, the most positive results are reached by integrating agricultural organizations with effectively functioning subjects of managing. At the same time, the transfer of the agricultural organizations as property complexes to legal bodies in the long-term rent is of interest (including, with the subsequent right of the repayment), confidential management and concession. Examples of effective work of already functioning cooperative-integration structures created by a grocery or a territorial principle with the finished cycle of manufacture are presented. They allow to lower expenses in a chain “manufacture – processing – realization”, to raise the competitiveness of production, and to improve the economy of the agrarian branch as a whole.

Full textSuboch F.I., Poznyak S.M.
Concept of development of the process industry in the aspect of food competitiveness
In the article the essence and the importance of development of the process industry in the aspect of food competitiveness are stated. The cluster form of the organization of innovative activity leads to the creation of a special form of interaction of spheres of agrarian and industrial complex. Such an interaction allows accelerating the diffusion of innovations in the general regional economic space. The factors most considerably influencing the formation and the development of an agroindustrial conglomerate are outlined and the interpretation of the concept “co-competitive integration” is given. By the example of the Minsk area, the organizational-industrial structure of the cluster on the manufacture of agricultural raw materials, its processing and finished goods realization is offered

Full textYurchenko V.V.
Integration of the national data on agriculture into the international information space
The paper in question presents the review of the Public Institution “Belarus Agricultural Library n.a. I.S.Lupinovich” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (BelAL) activity on organizing a free access to agricultural data and integration of the national information resources on agriculture and related branches into the world information systems. Described is the participation of the BelAL as the national centre of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the international information systems AGRIS, AGLINET, AgroWeb CEE, FAO Depositary Libraries. The main directions of the BelAL activities such as information support to researches and scientific developments in the sphere of agricultural sciences and agro-industrial complex as well as organizing information delivery services and a direct access to the international and national information resources on agriculture and related branches are analyzed.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textKoptik I.K.
Scientific-metodical approaches and results of winter soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding in the Republic of Belarus
The history of crop spreading and appearance of breeding work on winter soft wheat in the Republic of Belarus is outlined. A promising initial material has been isolated and breeding methods have been tested. The method of intervarietal hybridization of soft winter wheat is found to be the most efficient one. Scientific-methodical approaches to the development of new varieties are shown. The system of varieties, which were introduced into the agricultural sector of the Republic, has been developed. This has favoured solving the problem of self-providing of the national economy with food wheat grain.

Full textLikhatsevich A.P., Avramenko N.M., Tkach V.V.
Basis of the methods for determination of agricultural crops productivity on reclaimed areas
To determine the agricultural crops productivity on reclaimed areas with the adjusted water regime it is offered to use the point estimation of ground fertility and standard report data on different areas actual productivity (ploughed field, hayfield, pasture). On reclaimed areas with the unsatisfactory condition, where well-time and qualitative undertaking of required agrotechnical works is impossible, these factors are supplemented with complex estimation of reclaimed area conditions.

Full textRupasova Zh.A., Reshetnikov V.N., Volotovich A.A., Vasilevskaya T.I., Yakovlev A.P., Kurlovich T.V., Pyatnitsa F.S.
Genotype differences in the variability of the biochemical composition of fruits of introducents of seeds Vacciniaceae depending on the abiotic factors in the conditions of Belarus
As a result of research of quantitative characteristics of biochemical structure of fruits of 30 taxons of 3 Vacciniaceae DC ex Perleb species (such as V. covilleanum Butkus et Plishka (a highbush blueberry), V. vitis-idaea L. (red whortleberry) and Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers. (large cranberry)), the interspecific distinctions of the degree of stability of its separate components to the complex influence of meteorological factors are revealed by 32 parameters (traits) describing the contents in fruits of some organic acids, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, terpenoids and major mineral elements. The cultivars possessing the greatest and, accordingly, smallest levels of the dependence on abiotic factors are designated.

Full textDarashkevich I.N.
Medical herbs cultivation: tendencies and perpectives
The article describes the agricultural aspects of the medicinal herbs market as the raw material basis of the pharmaceutical market. The importance of medicinal herbs growing is rising due to the high proficiency and effectiveness of production. The medicinal herbs cultivation could be used as an additional profit for the rural population, means for meeting current demands for large volume production, but also as a means for relieving harvest pressure on wild populations of herbs.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textGrin M.P., Koronets I.N., Klimets N.V., Dashkevich M.A., Krasovskaya V.M., Shemetovets Zh.I.
Methods of high performance cows rearing
High performance cows play the greatest role in the system of selection-pedigree work on the perfection of the existing and production of new breeds (types) of milk cattle. The pedigree selection is the first stage of work. The efficiency of different methods of pedigree selection for high performance cows rearing is studied. It is determined that a cow with the milk yield of 10 thousand kg and more can be produced using both homogeneous and heterogeneous selection of parent pairs during the milking period for the first 2–3 lactations in the conditions that support the given performance level. The highest performance is determined by superdominance. The cow milk yield in the group of this inheritance form made 11104 kg of milk or was by 10.7% higher than that of cows with the intermediate inheritance form. Superdominance occurs frequently (28.6%) at cow rearing using the method of homogeneous selection in two related generations.

Full textGolubets L.V., Starovojtova M.P.
Estimation of the efficiency of producing embryos in the system in vitro in the conditions of different Cо2 concentration in the atmosphere
From the research results it is established that the optimum СО2 concentration in the atmosphere is 5%, which allows one to get up to 22.4% of blastocysts from a number of splitting up germs. The decrease in the carbonic gas concentration with growing and developing cells enhances the yield of blastocysts (embryos) in comparison with the control by 6.9%. The use of the Menezo medium has shown a higher efficiency in comparison with ТС-199 as the СО2 concentration in the surrounding air is decreased. At the 4% СО2 concentration the yield of blastocysts is increased by 20.8%, at the 3% concentration, when the medium ТС-199 is used, morulas did not develop to the next stage.

Full textDromashko S.E., Tarazevich E.V., Afonin V.Yu., Kvitko O.V., Sazanov S.B.
Sensitivity of various breed groups of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to exogenous DNA damages
The article deals with the sensitivity of a various (Cyprinus carpio L.) to exogenous DNA damages (by natural and technogenic factors). A difference in the level of micronuclei between the breed groups was found due to the in vivo induction of DNA damages in peripheral blood erythrocytes. It is permanent transfer in allelic polymorphism that can be at the bottom of different carp genome sensitivity to environmental mutagenic factors

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textSamosyuk V.G., Chebotarev V.P., Lensky A.V., Knyazev A.A., Novikov A.V.
Analysis of the composition and the optimization of the park structure of combine-harvesters in the Republic of Belarus
In the article the predicted amounts of grain products in the Republican regions are determined, and also the crop capacity distribution of crop areas in terms of the total grain yield of 10 mln tons is presented. The analysis of the existing park structure of combine-harvesters is made. The prime cost estimation of cereals harvesting depending on a combine type and grain crop yield is given. The optimal park structure of combine-harvesters on the basis of the analysis of its technical and economic indices in different variants of supply in full sets is grounded. A complex of measures of the Republican combine-harvesters park optimization is presented.

Full textSharshunov V.A., Chervyakov A.V., Kurzenkov S.V.
Determination of rational parameters of the equipment for fodder grain preservation
In the article the technique and results on optimisation of the process of fodder grain preservation in the installation of the proposed construction are presented. The mathematical models of the influence of constructive and technological parameters of the installation on quantitative and quantitative indices are obtained. The functional dependence of the nonuniform treatment of grain with a preservative solution on its distribution in the mixing chamber is determined. Rational design parameters of the proposed installation and technological process parameters are found. The results of the work will be used for calculating and designing installations of the proposed design.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textFurik N.N., Zhabanos N.K., Kalinovskaja K.V., Kononovich K.M., Lushch A.M.
Sour milk products with fructose
The influence of various fructose concentrations on organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indices of sour-milk products has been investigated. Normalized milk fortified with fructose was fermented with poly-specific bacterial concentrate “Probilact” consisting from Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and probiotic cultures: Bifidobacterium ssp., Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus helveticus. Addition of fructose into milk improves taste properties of sour-milk products as well as increases the ratio of probiotic microorganisms in them. It has been determined that the optimal effect is gained when enriching milk with fructose up to the ratio 0.3–0.5%. As a result of this addition, the ratio of lactobacillus in sour-milk products is increased more than doubled. It has been also determined that after 10 days of storing at the temperature (6±2) °С organoleptic properties, titratabic acidity, ratio of lactobacteria and bifidobacteria of sour-milk products, enriched with fructose up to the ratio 0.3–0.5%, correspond to the qualifying standards to sour-milk products for children nutrition.

Full textVasilenko Z.V., Tsed A.A., Mirontseva A.A.
Substantiation of the efficiency of using vegetable stimulators in the production of food ethyl alcohol
The results on determination of the impact of technological additives of vegetable origin – amaranth aqueous extracts of fermented malt and rye on the physical and chemical characteristics of rye mash and the processes of its fermentation are presented. It is found that the application of these extracts lead to the intensification of biochemical processes during fermentation of wort and the increase of the ethanol yield, which is indicative of the effectiveness of their use in the production of food ethyl alcohol

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Petr Petrovich Kazakevich (To the 55th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Belarus Agricultural Library n.a. I.S. Lupinovich (BelAL) – 50 years

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