





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


1996 №3

Economics and Information
Land Caltivation and Plant Growing
Livestock production and veterinary medicine

Full text
The common annual meeting of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus

Full textAntonjuk V., Shcherbakov V.
The main results of the scientific research according to Programme "Agrocomplex" and priorities for perspective.

Full textShcherbakov V.
About scientific аnd organising activity of Presidium of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus in 1995.

Full textSamersov V.
The main results of activity of the research establishments of the land cultivatioп and plant growing department of AAS during 1991-1995 and priorities for 1996-2000.

Full textKovalev N.
The main results of activity of the research establishments of livestock and veterinary medicine department of AAS during 1991-1995 and priorities for perspective.

Full textSharetskij S.
The necessity and the main directions of reforming of agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus.

Full textGerasimovich L.
The systemed research of the power engineering of Belarus agroindustrial complex.

Full textKurilovich V.
Improving of the system of seed-production and settling for elite seeds of agricultural plants.

Full textShejko I.
The first-turn tasks of science and practice for stabilising of the country's livestock branch.

Full textMogilenko A.
The perspectives of persistent training regarding zoo-veterinary specialities for science and practice.

Full textGolushko V.
The increasing of livestock efficiency.

Full textGorin V.
The ways of surviving of genefund of agricultural animals.

Full textLichatsevich A.
The problems of the soil improving and ecology.

Full textSharshunov V., Valko V.
The conditions and perspectives of improving of scientific research in agricultural universities of Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

Full text
The common annual meeting of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution).

UpEconomics and Information

Full textGoussakov V., Iljina Z.
The problems of Belarus agriculture and their decision.
The economical estimation of the country's agriculture and the main directions of its development both in short and medium term perspective are presented by the article. The complex of urgent measures directed to taking agrarian economy out of crisis have been suggested taking into consideration that all the agro-food chain is being under negative influence of the crisis. It is reflected that the intensive ways of performing of agricultural production play the specific role for stabilising of the economy taking into account surviving of the resources. Taking into consideration exported potential the country should find itself regarding international deviding of labour through specialising of export. Functioning of the food markets(the main are presented in the article) will be assist to achieving of targets and successful integration of the national agriculture in world one.

UpLand Caltivation and Plant Growing

Full textSkoropanov S.
The main conclusions following from experience of swampy land's drainage.
The scientific foundation of the new conception of the theory and practice of the drainage system have been formulated. This conception includes the following main parts; seeded grassland with dosaged fertilizers for plants; reconstructing of the used up drainage system applyed to grassland; taking into consideration the ecological aspects.

Full textMorozov O., Pavlovskij N., Bosak V.
Accumulation of the radio-active elements bу Vacciniaceae kinds.
The results of the research of accumulation of the radio-active elements by cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus), blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)and partridgeberry (Vaccinium vitisidaea) planted to radio-active contaminated areas(24 and 44 mx-ray/h. have been presented by the article. It was defined that the degree of accumulating of radio-active elements by the fruit of Vacciniaceae kinds is in reverse dependence of intensity of pre planting soil cultivation and regularity of agrotechnical steps during after planting stage of formating of culturalcenosis. The activity of cultivated soil pieces reduced by 3.4-9.2 times. Accumulation of radio-active elements by fruit under expositive dose 24 mx-ray/h. was less than the wild-growing ones by 2.2-4.4 times. Fruit activity reduced by 5.0-33.9 times under dose of 44 mx-ray/h. in dependence on the level of agricultural background.

UpLivestock production and veterinary medicine

Full textSerjakov I.
Utilization of coenzim В-12 in sow's rations.
The data regarding changing of vitamin B-12 by coenzim B- 12 in rations of bred and milking sows have been presented by the article. It was defined that the most effective doses of coenzim B-12 are: 72.0 mkg. per head per day for bred sows during the first 84 days of breding and 86.0 mkg. per head per day for bred sows during the last 30 days of breding and 165.0 mkg. per head per day for milking sows. It should be noted that the others doses of coenzim B-12 have been more effective than vitamin B-12. In the case of changing of vitamin B-12 for coenzim B-12 the sows have the rate of growing of living weight by 7.1-13.6% higher during reproductive stage while usualiy-18.3 kg. Pigs reared per sow was higher by 0.3-1.0 head and their surviving by 2.5-3.9%. Utilization of coenzim B-12 had the positive influence for gematological indices both sows and sucking pigs.

Full textBorisenko E., Dueleva V.
The efficiency of utilization of prewilted grass silage under feeding of cattle.
The following results have been received while the experiment with Black and White bulls at "Chapaev" collective farm of Baranovich region. Daily increasing of live weight of bulls foddered by silage of legume-grass mixture made up 808 gr. in controlled group and 866 gr. in experimented, the cattle of which foddered by silage of "galega vostochnaja". So, daily, increasing of live weight in experimented group was high by 58 gr. (or 7,2%) as compared to controlled. Foddering of such kind of silage to experimented bulls was positively influenced to utilizing of fodder. The feed expenses in controlled group made up 10,6, while in experimented one -9,9 f.u. per 1 kg of increasing of live weight. So, the feed expenses in experimented group was less by 0,7 f.u. (or 6,6%) than in controlled one.

Full textPastukhova Z.
Feedingstuffs on the base of buttermilk.
The number of feedingstuffs wiih the buttermilk's substance was considered. These are the dry and liquid buttermilk concentrates, utilized partly or in full as alternative substance to free fat dry milk in mixed fodder and others feedingstuffs. The advisability and efficiency of such products utilizatin as feedingstuffs without damage of health and growth of animals.

Full textLipnitskij S.
The studying of some parameters of toxic and antiparasitic activity of Sosnovskij phytoparasite.
The results of studying of some parameters of toxic and efficiency antiparasitic of Sosnovskij phytoparasite have been shown in the article. It was found out that it does not cause embryotoxical and teratogenic influence to animals.

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