





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2009 №1

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textSuboch F.I.
Innovation activity of spheres of agroindustrial complex in the aspect of the strengthening of food competitiveness
The article considers the essence and importance of the innovation activity of spheres of agroindustrial complex in the aspect of the strengthening of food competitiveness. The claster form of organization of the innovation activity results in creating a special form of interaction between spheres of agroindustrial complex. Such interaction allows speeding up the diffusion of innovations in the common regional economic space. The factors most considerably influencing the formation and development of an agroindustrial conglomerate are presented. The basic scheme of the model of the innovation development of agroidustrial complex is given.

Full textKovel P.V.
Formation and problems of economic return in agricultural enterprises
Theoretical and practical questions of economic return in the meaning of their compensation using the schemes of simple and expanded manufacture are given in the article. An annual finance balance is taken as the basis of substantiation of economic return. The important value is given to the price factor and the equivalence of commodity-money exchange in inter-branch communications. The samples of systematic positions used are also given in the article.

Full textBrench A.A., Pozdniakova E.V.
Analysis of efficiency production factors of meat-processing industry in risk conditions
The article describes tendencies and problems on developing the meat-processing branch in the Republic of Belarus. Strong and weak sides of functioning of the meat-processing industry are specified. The analysis is made on risk factors rendering the most significant influence on the economic activity of meat-packing plants. The efficiency factors of production of meat-processing enterprises such as yield of capital investments, fund profitability, labor productivity, etc. are analyzed. The article considers differences in the structure of capital funds for individual enterprises. The influence of such factors as the average annual cost of basic capital funds, the specific weight of their active part, the average annual cost of current assets, numbers of workers, and the level of automation of administrative accounting on the production potential level is investigated.

Full textPashkevich O.A.
Management of the personnel in agricultural organizations: Modern Requirements to the maintenance and work forms
In new conditions of management requirements to the personnel of the organisations vary, there is a complication of the maintenance of functions of management by the personnel, the volume and methods of their performance vary, and new ones appear (commercial activity, marketing, foreign trade activities, etc.). It focuses on the perfection of management by the personnel on the basis of monitoring of management by the personnel according to the personnel policy of the agricultural organisation.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textPrivalov F.I.
Historical experience and modern agricultural science in Belarus
The objective of the article is to demonstrate the process of formation and development of agricultural science, to describe its current achievements, to present the main problems of the innovative way of arable farming development on the basis of improvement of soil processing agricultural technologies, to state the importance of crop rotation, plant breeding and seed growing, plant protection, introduction or energy saving technologies. The analysis of the approaches to the solution of these problems made by the author shows the perspectives of arable far-ming development in the Republic under modern conditions.

Full textShlapunov V.N., Bobko V.I.
Narrow-leaved lupine in one-species sowing and agrophytocenosis
The results of three-year investigations of the action of narrow-leaved lupine. Mirtan upon different periods of sowing in one-species and mixed crops are presented. It is established that under the conditions of the central area of Belarus, postponing sowing periods of narrow-leaved lupine from III decade of April to May and I decade of June results in decreasing the periods of seedlings –budding and seedlings – blooming, a faster increase in the mass of plants, and, vice versa, in extending the period from blooming to the phase of dove-colored bean. When mixed with oats and tritycale, from early to more late periods of sowing the specific weight of the bean component grows and that of the cereal component decreases in the crop structure. From the blooming phase to the phase of dove-colored bean the crop yield of one-species and mixed sowings increases by a factor of 1.5–1.6.

Full textIvaniuk V.G.
Forecast of phytosanitary state of potato in the conditions of climate warming
Comparative analysis of the dynamics of climate factors and the phytosanitary situation of agrocenoses in Belarus is carried out by the example of potato in this article. Forecast of potato diseases and pests development is given in the conditions of climate warming.

Full textKukresh L.V., Ryshkel I.V.
Protein-balanced fodder – guarantee of the high economic efficiency of animal husbandry
The results of investigation of the comparative economic efficiency of cultivating cereal-bean cultures (pea sowing “Mellenium”, pea sowing “Aleks”, vetch spring “Udacha”, lupine narrow-leaved “Khvalko”), including those through the animal husbandry products when added to the composition of concentrated fodders obtained during 2005–2007 have shown that for the yield obtained in experiment the supernormative harvesting of digestible protein per 1 ha of sowing cereal-bean cultures is able to balance up to the norm from 15.8 to 36.9 thousand feed units of wheat, which allows one due to feeding to produce a balanced grain mixture of 20.1–40.8 tons of milk or 2.4–4.8 tons of cow meat. In this respect, more high indices are peculiar of lupine narrow-leaved. Pea sowing gives the smallest yield of animal husbandry production using this procedure of calculation.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textApanasevich T.L.
Comparative characteristic of young stock of aberdeen-angus, black-motley and charolais cattle by productive qualities
As a result of scientific research it has been established that at the age of 6.5–7.0 months the pre-lethal alive mass of bulls of charolais breed was higher than 6.7% in comparison with those of aberdeen-angus . black-motley breed, hence, the difference in the mass of a steaming carcass has made 42.9% (Р < 0.001) for the benefit of charolais breed. The lethal mass of bulls of charolais breed has made 139.3 kg (Р < 0.001), which is by 40.8 kg more than this parameter for bulls of aberdeen-angus x black-motley breeds. By quantitative and qualitative indicators the meat of bulls of meat breed, which have been brought up according to the “cow – calf” system up to an alive mass of 210–230 kg, lays claim to a category of “milk veal” and is represented by perspective raw material for production of children’s nutrition.

Full textAmossova L.A., Zavodnik L.B., Rabcevitch V.N., Potchinskaja E.S., Zajtchenko O.A., Voloshin D.B., Shimkus A., Oaptchuk A.V., Boriajev G.I., Ilina S.N.
Advantages of the use of organic selenium for the preventive maintenance of hyposelenosis of pigs
It is known today that selenium is one of the microelements with the essential role in the organism of animals. We have found that organic selenium has a great influence on vital parameters of the organism. In experiments with rats, sows and pigs it is established that the preparation Selenium Yeast (in quantity of 250 g/t preparation into concentrates) accelerates the growth of weight, increases hematological parameters of blood, livestock parameters of sows during pregnancy and sorts as well as of pigs in the first month of life. The use of the preparation Selenium Yeast raises a level of selenium in the tissues of sows and pigs, which improves the nutritional value of product.

Full textGorbunov Yu.A., Minina N.G., Deshko A.S.
Acupuncture pretreatment for plural ovulation regulation of folliculogenesis of cow-donors
The influence of acupunctures on the organism of cow-donors in connection with the production of embryos is studied. It is established that the pretreatment for plural ovulation of biologically active points of cow-donors by the laser and acupuncture at certain modes of exposure promotes the rising of the embryo production of animals and the efficiency of the technology of transplantation of embryos of the large cattle as a whole.

Full textBarulin N.V., Shalak M.V., Plavskii V.Yu.
Influence of infra-red laser radiation on the toxicity stability of young sturgeon fish
This article contains the information on the influence of polarized laser radiation of the near infra-red region, the wavelength of which is &#955; = 808 nm, on the toxicity stability of young sturgeon fish, when short wavelength radiation influences impregnated eggs at the stage of organogenesis. The size of the stimulating effect strongly depends on the time and the modulation of influencing radiation. So, under the optimum conditions of the influence (F = 50 Hz, &#955; = 808 nm, P = 2.9 mW/cm2, t = 60 sec) the toxicity stability is approximately by 70% and higher than in the control groups. The question of usage of the specified physical factor in the technology of cultivation of sturgeon fish in the conditions of industrial fish culture is discussed in this article.

Full textMostovoy D.Е.
Development of tribal calves as a trait of selection of belarusian black-motley breed of cattle
Research results on the selection-genetic parameters of Belarusian black-motley breed of tribal calves’ development growing in standard conditions of feeding and management at elever are presented in the article. The integrated index of tribal calves’ development estimation is their live weight. 6 month-old calves (n = 621) had 192 kg of live weight, 12 (n = 784) – 382 and 15-month old ones (n = 638) – 473 kg. The trait (Cv) varies from 7.7% for 15 month-old calves to 12.6% for 6 month-old calves. The definite effect of genotype of tribal calves’ parents on their son development is determined. No significant differences between tribal calves development traits received at one-time «rush» of Holstein breed (50.0–62.5%) and a high one (75.0–87.5%) were determined. The development criteria of Belarusian black-motley breed of tribal calves selection is their live weight in the period of the 12 month age.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textGorin G.S.
Calculation of general and tractive dynamics of a suspended tractor
The article considers the theory of interaction of a rubber belt and small-section crawler tractor with soil in the process of formation of a tractive force on actively contacts areas under supporting rollers. Shearing characteristics of binder and unbinder soils and their constants are described. Approximate expressions for calculation of linear and nonlinear epures of normal and shear stresses are presented. Methods for calculation of the boundaries of actively contact sections, where components of the tractive force are formed, are proposed.

Full textGerasimovich L.S., Shesteren V.E., Shulga V.A., Zhdanko A.L.
Complex power supply of agrotowns of the Mogilyov region
3.5 thousand power and economic parameters are collected in all agrotowns of the region, the composition and volumes of consumed power resources are revealed, the technique is proposed, and the agrotowns are grouped in the basic industrial and power parameters. Materials collected are meant for decision of questions of optimal power supply of agrotowns.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textKaliadzich A.S., Paulouskaya L.M., Lilishentseva A.N., Aleksandrouskaya A.S., Schramchanka V.V.
Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of water extracts of aromatic and medical herbs
Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of water extracts of aromatic and medical herbs offered for manufacturing drinks and cocktails are studied. It is shown that the water extract of sage possesses the greatest аntioxidant activity. The antibacterial activity of extracts of sage, echinacea, balms, schisandra, white garden in relation to bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium is found. The high content of potassium in extracts of echinacea and basil is revealed. On the basis of the research made fruit juice-containing drinks and cocktails are prepared.

Full textBashilov A.V.
Features of the kinetics of peroxide oxidation of lipids in the presence of antioxidants of phytogenesis
It is established that extracts of leaves, inflorescences, roots and rhizomes of Polemonium cоeruleum L. render an inhibi-ting action on the peroxide oxidation of linseed oil. The extracts produced can be recommended as inhibitors of peroxide oxidation of linseed oil with the intent to prolong the period of storage.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Tamara Nikandrovna Kulakovskaya (To the 90th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Viktor Stepanovich Shevelukha (To the 80th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Balery Mitrofanovich Lemesh (To the 70th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Leonid Stepanovich Gerasimovich (To the 70th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Vladimir Grigorievich Gusakov (To the 55th Birthday Anniversary)

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