
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2006 №2

Economics and Informatics
Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agriculrural Production
Scientists of Belarus

UpEconomics and Informatics

Full textGusakov V.G.
Ensuring strategy of the food independence of Belarus
Methodological bases of ensuring the food safety and the independence of the country are formulated in the article. A defi nition of the concept of food independence is made. The structure of intracountry and foreign economics criteria of the stable clevelopment of agroindustrial complex is established. Mains risks and threats of the national food safety are outlined. The most important indicators of estimating and regulating a degree of the food independence are formulated. Basic tasks and priorities of strengthening the food safety as well as main functions of state management bodies for its support on an optimal level are specified.

Full textSevernev M.M.
Organizational and methodological bases of accelerating the scientific and technological progress
The present article analyzes the organizational principles of carrying out studies and of introducing completed works, the necessity to elaborate the methodical points of estimating studies at a stage of their planning and development as well as the demands for young scientists.

Full textChukholsky P.G., Katselson Yu.M.
Improvement of the organizational structure of a dairy sub-complex
An analytical estimation of the state of the dairy production and processing at the acting organizing structure of the dairy sub-complex in the Republic of Belarus is made. Recommendations on optimizing the personnel size of processing enterprises and the model of agroindustrial complexes, the organizing model for a regional economic group of dairy production and processing are substantiated and proposed.

Full textSuboch F.I.
Perspectives of organizing and economic improvement of integration organizations of the South of the Minsk region
The dairy product sub-complex of the Republic is facing the task not only to achieve positive changes in the production, but also to rapidly move to a new stage of the economic development. The state of the dairy product sub-complex of the South of the Minsk region is analyzed. Its stated problems are specified. Measures to improve the efficiency of the dairy product branch are proposed.

Full textDragun N.P., Karpenko E.M.
Analysis of the competition intensity of the dairy product branch by the example of Gomel region enterprises
The dairy products market distinguishes itself by the high competitive activity, which makes actual its valuation and analysis as well as the determination of the degree of its influence on the level of the competitive ability of dairy product enterprises. The results of the analysis of the competition intensity in dairy enterprises of the Gomel region are stated in the article. We concluded about the importance of the intensity of competitive counteraction on the part of both single-branch competitors and users as factors of the resulting level of the competitive ability of the enterprises under study.

Full textKovel P.V.
Economic essence of the time factor in the analysis and in the managerial judgements
A multiperspective economic analysis of the time factor and its influence on the dynamics of the production efficiency while connecting it with the inertia and economic stability of the production are revealed. Indices and methods of time factor assessment in the dynamics of expenses and prices are grounded. The questions of cost indices reduction to one year in the retrospective analysis and project elaboration are considered.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textSmeyan N.I., Tsytron G.S., Matychenkov D.V., Azarenok T.N.
New classification of the soils of Belarus
The analysis of the classification of the position of soils, the experimental data are obtained during studies, and the generalization of the results on large-scale soil map-making have enabled one to specify the underlying principles of creating a new classification of the soils of Belarus, to make more exact its structure, to develop a nomenclature and a system of a type-diagnostic horizons, to establish diagnostic features of soils to be determined in field experiments. The new classification of the soils of Belarus in a systemized form reflects a really existing variety of the soils of the Republic on a modern level of knowledge and concepts of their system-classification taxonomy with regard to natural and economic specific features of a region.

Full textSachok R.I., Kamyshenka H.A.
Statistical analysis of productivity lines heterogeneity of agricultural crops of Belarus
Based on the data for 1960–2003, the analysis of productivity fluctuations of seven basic agricultural cultures of Belarus is made. The statistical materials on the productivity at a level of administrative areas and Belarus as a whole were used. As research toolkit of statistical heterogeneity of temporary productivity lines the special program complex on splitting the multidimensional statistical lines on homogeneous pieces was used. The high degree of synchronism of variability of productivity on administrative areas is revealed. The carried out analysis of the spatial-temporary variability of productivity allows one to reveal and to estimate the factors influencing all complex of agricultural crops, which as a whole promotes the development of strategy and technologies aimed at minimizing losses.

Full textBosak V.N.
Biological value of winter crops depending on a diet
Introducing the fertilizers into the sod-podzol light loamy soil promoted the increase in the content of critical and irreplaceable amino acids in the grain of winter seed crops. The seed winter rye was the most balanced amino acid composition and the biological value of the protein. In amino acid content the rye protein corresponded to the recommended standards of the Committee on Food Stuffs of the United Nations Organization and the World Health Organization.

Full textShlapunov V.N., Lukashevich T.N., Nadtochaeva I.A.
Peculiarities of winter rape crop formation at spring sowing
The results of long-standing investigations of the peculiarities of winter rape crop formation at spring sowing are presented in the article. It is found that the productivity of winter rape for 2–3 hay cutting achieves 594–898 c/ha of green mass, 65–107 c/ha of dry matter depending on the terms of the first hay cutting, a height of plant cutting, and favorable conditions. Regulating the harvesting terms of the first hay cutting of rape, it is possible to provide the regular reception of green feed for animals from the end of June to the end of October.

Full textBogdevich I.M., Mishuk O.L.
Efficiency of magnesium and sulfur-containing fertilizers under spring rape seed on the podzoluvisol loam soil with different magnesium content
The studies of the efficiency of magnesium and sulfur-containing fertilizers in model field experiment with four different levels of exchange magnesium content in the soil are described in this article. A high seed yield response and an oil yield response to Mg and S-fertilizer in the MgO content 128–250 mg kg–1 of the soil is fonnd. A further increase in the magnesium content in the soil up to 337 mg kg–1 was excessive and was followed by a significant reduction of the rape seed yield.

Full textSukhovitskaya L.A., Veremeichik L.A., Safronova H.V., Karalenak N.V., Lantcevich A.A.
Changes in the quantity and quality of microorganisms in mineral substrates used for growing tomatoes
Substantial differences in the colonization of substrates applied for growing tomatoes by the low-volume hydroponics technique with bacterial microflora and mycelial fungi were revealed. It was found that ammonifying, mineral N-digesting and oligonitrophilic species prevailed in the respective microbial cenoses. Examined bacterial and mycelial microflora developed most intensely on clay-ceramsite substrates: total biogenecity reached 10.7 bln CFU/g abs dry mass, the mineralization factor was equall to 4.82 which by the microbiological parameters motivated the benefits of applуing this substrate in vegetable cultivation.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheyko I.P., Khotchenkov A.A., Khodosovsky D.N., Sheyko R.I.
Improving of the pig productivity by selecting-technological methods in trade farms
A developed zootechnic classification of dividing pigs into 3 constitutional types by their body conformation: leptosome, transitional, oerisome has been ontlined. It is established that young replacement pigs of transitional type are more preferable by their productivity than those of oerisome and leptosome types.

Full textAmelchenko S.L., Tanana L.A.
Productivity qualities of the cows of the Belarusian black-motley breed in various variants of breeding selection
The efficiency of cows of the Byelorussian black-motley breed achieved in various variants of breeding selection in ABC «October-Grodno» of the Grodno area is investigated. The data on the efficiency are taken for 3 lactations. Lines of the Bell-Mayak, Starbuk-Klyaitus and Valerian-Blekstar and also crosses of the given lines have been involved in researches.

Full textGorchakov V.A., Dadashko V.V.
Use of the fodder additives KD-K and KD-L for feeding egg hens
As a result of the conducted researches,it is found that feeding with fodder additives based on microbic fibers promoted the rise of the egg hens productivity. The higher parameters of the efficiency were for the hens fed with fodder having 5.0% of KD-K and KD-L. From two tested fodder additives the best parameters for the majority of the studied attributes were established for the hens of the seventh group, receiving 5.0% of the weight mixed fodders of KD-L; this norm is optimum in mixed fodders for the egg hens.

Full textLupоlova T.A., Railean V.S., Maciuc V.
Polymorphism of liquid fractions of egg white
The presence of two alleles (A and B) has been found in free loci in all studied hybrids. Frequencies of occurence of alleles were different, so as in some cases the frequency of A-allele was higher in locus I (Roso SL 2000 and Roso 93 hybrids) and in loci II and III (Albo hybrid). In other cases, on the contrary B-allele was encountered more often in loci II and III (Roso SL 2000 and Roso 93 hybrids) and locus I (Albo hybrid). All examined groups were in conditions of genetic equilibrium. The highest genetic similarity factor (0.99) of two hybrids – Roso SL 2000 and Roso 93 – proves their common origin.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textRodov E.G., Lensky A.V.
Prediction of the indices of resources consumption and production intensification in plant growing
Resources consumption is estimated depending on the level of the production intensifiation. Its regularities are established and methodical approaches to solving the resource-saving problem are outlined. It is shown that the expenses of production resources per each unit growth of crop yield are 0.6 – 0.9 of unit growth. This points to the intensification efficiency as a resource-saving factor and is caused by the fact that many works are being carried out irrespective of the crop yield level.

Full textLisovski V.V.
Up-to-date methods of express measurement of the moisture content of agricultural materials
The article discusses the most frequently used express–methods of measuring the moisture content of agricultural materials. Emphasis is laid on the influence of a number of factors which hamper the measuring precision as well as on the long-term efficiency of these methods from the point of obtaining maximum precision in moisture content measurements. The article also analyzes a possibility of implementing these methods to control and manage various technological processes in agroindustrial complexes.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agriculrural Production

Full textMeliashchenia A.V., Vetrov V.S.
Development of new tendencies of meat and dairy raw materials processing
The modern state and perspectives of development of meat and milk production in the Republic of Belarus have been considered. Recommendations on improving the effeitiveness of meat and dairy raw materials processing have been proposed.

Full textZhakova K.I., Romanov S.L., Stigailo I.N., Moiseenok A.G.
Selenium-containing yeast – product of functional purpose
In Belarus one of microelements, the deficiency of which has been shown most obviously for the last years, is selenium. By the present moment, the basic ways of the metabolism of selenium compounds in organism have been deciphered and the selenium functions have been defined. In the article the results of research on preparing baking yeast enriched with selenium and the possibility of their application for creation of products of functional diet, in particular, bakery products are presented. The influence of selenium on the baking properties of yeast is investigated. The physical, chemical and organoleptical properties of bread made using seleni-um-containing yeast are studied.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Vasilii Mikhailovich Golushko (to the 70th Anniversary)

Full text
Zoya Vasilievna Vasilenko (to the 60th Anniversary)

Full text
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus – 75 years

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