





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2024 №2

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering


Full textKireyenka N. V.
Рrospects for expanding the export of agricultural food products of the Republic of Belarus to the markets of Asian countries
In the context of economic challenges and sanctions restrictions, multi-vector foreign trade and development of new segments of the world market remain a priority task of the state foreign economic policy of the Republic of Belarus. Asian countries, characterized by a large population, growing demand for these products against the background of an insufficient level of self-sufficiency, diverse taste preferences of consumers, as well as an increase in their purchasing power, are considered as one of the directions for the geographic expansion of exports of agri-food products. Under conditions of the unstable general economic and agrarian situation on the continent, Vietnam, Iran, China, and Singapore are our country’s key trading partners among Asian countries. This requires a comprehensive study to determine the further interaction of these countries with the Republic of Belarus. Scientific results are presented, including the justification of customs-and-tariff and non-tariff conditions for access to the markets of Vietnam, Iran, China, and Singapore, as well as a developed set of effective ways for promoting Belarusian agri-food products on the territory of these states. In addition, a forecast of export supplies of domestic products was carried out, taking into account the specifics of trade policy and trade and economic cooperation between the Republic of Belarus as a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Asian countries under study. Practical implementation of the results obtained will allow Belarusian exporters to create competitive advantages based on the application of preferential terms of trade, increasing the efficiency of financial and non-financial instruments, expanding organizations’ access to support mechanisms, development of agricultural commodity distribution network, introduction of information, communication and digital tools for sales and marketing policies.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textMikhailouskaya N. A.
Gliphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in the environment and their microbial transformation
Analysis of domestic and international literature indicates that the global use of glyphosate (GP), due to its effectiveness, low price and creation of herbicide-resistant agricultural crop varieties, resulted in nearly universal presence of the rest quantities of the herbicide and its main metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid (АМPA) in the environment: air, soil, water and crop products. Scientific information on glyphosate influence on the environment and living organisms is presented in this paper. The necessity is substantiated for periodic remediation for reducing the negative consequences of the repeated application of herbicide and detoxification of its residual quantities with the use of destructor-bacteria, capable of decomposing glyphosate and AMPA to ecologically safe compounds. The ways for glyphosate microbial transformation are reviewed. Ecologically safe detoxification assumes the use of bacterial destructors, which are destroying the phosphonic bond in glyphosate molecule. Although the bacteria of different genera are showing capacity for GP biodegradation, commercial products for the safe detoxification of glyphosate have not yet been developed due to the high level of strain specificity associated with the different ways of GF catabolism. The most perspective is the search for GP and AMPA destructors among rhizosphere bacteria, intended for application as inoculants. Complexity of the problem of GP and AMPA detoxification as well as the high level of strain specificity of bacterial destructors significantly restrain development of commercial preparations for GP and AMPA detoxification.

Full textAkimov M. Yu., Zhbanova Y. V., Mironov A. M., Khromov N. V.
Nutrient composition of berries of varieties and elite forms of gooseberry of I. V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center selection
The current global trend of popularizing a healthy lifestyle and increased interest in healthy foods largely determines increased consumption of berries. Expansion of the chemical composition database of large and small fruit crops is considered highly important for calculation of rational norms of food consumption that meet modern requirements of healthy nutrition. The paper presents data on nutrient composition and antioxidant value of berries among promising varieties and elite gooseberry seedlings in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region (Michurinsk). The studies were carried out in 2017–2022 in the laboratory of biochemistry and food technology department of berry crops of “I. V. Michurin FSC”. Berries of the following varieties were the objects for the research: Aristocrat, Galatea, Kazachok, Konstantsia, Orfey, Serenada, Sfyncs, Chernomor; as well as elite gooseberry seedlings 03-6-137, 14-2-40, being promising for industrial horticulture. The best genotypes were determined: for sugar content (above 11.0 %) – Kazachok, Chernomor; for vitamin C content (over 40.0 mg/100 g) – Kazachok, Chernomor; for anthocyanins content (above 100.0 mg/100 g) – Chernomor. High total antioxidant activity was observed in Aristocrat (69.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid), Chernomor (51.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid), elite seedling 03-6-137 (54.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid). Kazachok and Chernomor varieties were identified on the basis of a complex of biochemical traits. Berries of high-vitamin varieties are recommended for dietary nutrition and for development of new functional products.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textEkhorutomwen Otamere Teddyson
Intensification of reproduction of a highly productive dairy cattle herd
The research work was carried out in a breeding facility for dairy cattle breeding with a milk yield per cow of 10,564 kg and a reproduction level of 96.6 %. Semen of Holstein bulls was used for reproduction. At dry-off pregnant cows were immunized against a range of bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. After birth, the calves were injected with vitamin E and selenium, dectomax and gradually immunized against common infections. Data on 922 heifers were included in the analysis, including 192 obtained through inseminating cows with sexed semen. Heifers were inseminated at 13–15 months of age. Fertility rate after the first insemination was 67.4 %, calving at the age of (710 ± 2) days. Early calving and balanced feeding ensured high milk yields in full lactation and standard period – on average 9401 and 8854 kg of milk with the fat mass fraction of 4.32 %, protein of 3.38 % and the number of somatic cells of 73 thousand/ml. After calving, the first insemination was carried out on average in 82.6 days, the efficiency was 61.8 %, the insemination index was 1.60, the service period averaged to 107.5 days. When using sexed semen, the fertility rate after the 1st insemination was the same – 67.7 %. The age at calving in animals of the Vis Ideal line was 20 days more compared to their peers of the R. Sovereign line (722 versus 702 days, P < 0.05). Milk yield in full lactation and its standard period were higher in animals of the R. Sovereign line – 9304 and 8890 kg versus 8753 and 8461 kg, which indicates the positive effect of early calving on animal productivity. Early calving of heifers is a necessary condition for a highly productive herd. The results of the research are recommended to be used not only at dairy farms of the Republic of Belarus, but also in other countries with developing dairy cattle breeding.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textAzarenko V. V., Zheshko A. A.
Results of development of a software application for calculating the performance indicators of machines for fertilizers application
It has been determined that the volume of global production and consumption of mineral fertilizers continues to grow, while their production resources are limited, which requires improving both technical means for fertilizers application and solving organizational issues of arable farming chemicalization, which ultimately will allow for high-quality distribution of fertilizers over the field surface within optimal agrotechnical terms. The tasks can be solved by increasing the accuracy of tools for calculating the basic performance indicators of machines for fertilizers application, which became possible due to development of electronic cartographic services and specialized tools for assembling machine and tractor units. The reserve for increasing the performance of arable farming chemicalization machines is also the determination of their rational design parameters depending on specific production conditions, such as the length of the run, contour of the fields, specifics of the organization of fertilizer application, the distance from the fertilizer warehouse to the work site and local logistics. In this regard, an analytical dependence is proposed to determine the functional relationship of performance with the main design parameters of the fertilizer spreader, which is an additional criterion for choosing a rational combination of machine and tractor units for fertilization, taking into account specific production conditions. An algorithm has been developed that is implemented in a software application for calculating the performance indicators of machines for fertilizers application.

Full textBakach N. G., Zhilich E. L., Rogalskaya Yu. N.
Experimental studies of a remote device for biometric identification of the pre-mastitis state of the udder of dairy cows
Analysis of development of dairy cattle breeding in the Republic of Belarus is presented. The problems of reducing milk productivity and the period of economic use of dairy cows as a result of mastitis disease are noted. The importance of timely detection of sick animals, as well as treatment of the inflammatory process of the udder in the early stages is noted. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of a mock-up sample of a biometric identification device for the pre-mastitis state of udder of dairy cows are presented. In the course of experimental studies, a significant influence of ambient temperature on the thermal imaging picture was revealed, based on which the values of the radiation coefficient for cows were determined. The final adjustment of the previously established temperature ranges was made when determining one or another form of mastitis, namely, within 32.0−36.3 ℃ – the range of normal temperatures, 36.4−37.7 ℃ – “Subclinical mastitis”, 37.8−39.0 ℃ – “Clinical mastitis”. The most significant factors and optimization parameter have been determined. The percentage of the useful area of the studied object is selected as the optimization parameter. Based on the processing of experimental data, a mathematical model is obtained, described by a regression equation in the form of a polynomial of the second degree. The rational parameters of the device for biometric identification of the pre-mastitis state of the udder of dairy cows were obtained, namely: the angle of inclination of the thermal imaging module αо – 2,7o, the focal length to the object l – 794 mm, installation height of the thermal imaging module h – 495 mm. Also, based on the conducted research, priority areas and opportunities for development of the domestic agro-industrial complex through creation of integrated systems for monitoring the physiological state of animals within the framework of development of digital automated technologies of a “smart” farm have been identified.


Full textNikulina O. K.
Using electrodialysis to increase the efficiency of sugar enterprises
The paper shows the efficiency of electromembrane treatment of semi-products of sugar production in order to increase the yield of sugar by reducing its losses in molasses. Based on the analysis of changes in the studied parameters of semi-products of sugar production during the electrodialysis process, scientific data were obtained on the effect of electromembrane treatment on the chemical composition and technological quality of purified semi-products of sugar production, as well as on decrease in calcium salts content in them. The purpose of the research is to create a highly efficient method for production of white sugar, allowing to increase the yield of sugar from raw materials and reduce the amount of excipients by means of electrodialysis with its subsequent practical implementation at industry enterprises. Under production conditions, it was found that electromembrane treatment of one batch (7 t) of purified juice allows to additionally obtain up to 35 kg of sugar, a batch of syrup – up to 130 kg, and soft sugar effluent of II crystallization – up to 255 kg. Electromembrane treatment of molasses makes it possible to: reduce the mass fraction of calcium salts to dry matters by 39 % of their initial content; increase molasses purity by 8.5 %; reduce the molasses-forming coefficient by 21 % by reducing the content of potassium and sodium. In this case, the estimated amount of additional sugar obtained from it will make 5.1 % by weight or 392.7 kg of sugar from one batch of processed molasses. The research will allow to develop scientific and technological aspects of purification of semi-products of sugar production using electromembrane treatment.

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