
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2002 №1

General annual meeting
Economics and information technologies
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Animal Breeding and Veterinary

UpGeneral annual meeting

Full textAntonyuk V.
On the main results of the activities of the research institutions of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences in 2001 and in the past decade
Polesye is a large agro-industrial region in Belarus. The specific of it's natural and economic conditions as well as the problem of considerable contamination needs special approach to utilization of production resources. The article is dedicated to problems and methods of increasing efficiency of agriculture in Polesye. The main aspect is the proper application of radiological control, moderate intensification, adaptive systems of farming and animal breeding necessary for preserving environment and ensuring paybacks of financial and labor inputs.

Full textYakubovsky M.
On the scientific - organizational work of the Presidium of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences in 2001

Full text
Resolution "On the main results of the activities of the research institutions of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences in 2001 and in the past decade"

UpEconomics and information technologies

Full textGusakov V.
Main directions of the development of the agrarian complex of Belarus
The article analyses the main concepts of the directions of the development of the agrarian complex of Belarus; formulates the goals and targets of restructuring and improving agrarian production; determines the basis of the agrarian economy and the models of reforming agricultural enterprises; specifies the directions of the development of the economic mechanisms; provides the general understanding of the efficiency of the on-going work on market oriented reforms.

Full textShapiro S.
Some problems of restructuring agrarian economy
The article considers the current situation in the Belarusian agrarian complex and provides the main conceptual approaches to deforming agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the market economy, developing integrating processes between producers and processors as well as other factors aimed at increasing industry's efficiency.

Full textZhudro M.
Economic justification of the efficient fixed agricultural tax
On the basis of the summary of the application of fixed agricultural tax in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine the article considers the efficiency of the tax and justifies the ways of improving the methods of its application to the agricultural enterprises.

Full textKagan A.
Formation of the subjects of the economy in the agrarian sector of Belarus
The article provides the theoretical approaches to the problem of developing organizational and legal forms of the economic subjects in the agrarian sector and their classification under different criteria as well as justifies the main directions of the new system of the economic subjects.

Full textBohonko V.
Modeling allocations required for ensuring the specified volumes of the agrarian produce in the conditions of the functioning melioration systems.
In order to ensure the supplies of the agricultural produce to the population and industry the mathematical models of determining the volumes of the produce and economic indicators have been worked out.

Full textCheplyansky Yu.
Improving the state regulation of utilizing land resources
In the period of the transition status of the Belarusian economy the state policy to the utilized agricultural lands should be coordinated with the theory of stable development. In the period of the transition status of the Belarusian economy the state policy to the utilized agricultural lands should be coordinated with the theory of stable development. To a greater extent this is related to the objective factors and the problems of using the land resources. The article determines the main directions of how the state influences the producers. It also analyses the problems of assessing lands and current problems of the existing policy on the basis of the theories of welfare and external factors.

UpArable Farming and Plant Growing

Full textLapa V., Bosak V., Smeyanovich O.
The impact of fertilization and soil acidity on the productivity of agricultural crops in a crop rotation on sodpodzolic light loamy soils
The impact of soil acidity, organic and mineral fertilization on the yield and quality of the potato-barley-oat-lupine rotation has been studied in a long-term experiment on sod-podzolic light loamy soil It has been established that more sour reaction of soil solution was for potato and lupine, for barley - near to neutral Organic fertilization had positive impact on the yield in the year of application under potato and as aftereffect under barley, oat and lupine. Nitrogen fertilizers had more substantial influence on the productivity and quality of the studied crops, less substantial phosphoric and potassium fertilizers at maximum indexes on variants with full organo-mineral fertilizers.

Full textPadenov K., Scherbakov V.
About regulating the volume of weed component in the agro cenosis of crops
The article deals with some aspects of regulating the volume of weeds in the agricultural crops of Belarus.

Full textLihatsevich A., Leuto I., Rudoi A.
Increasing the efficiency of the agricultural usage of meliorated soils
The article provides the recommendations on increasing the efficiency of the agricultural usage of meliorated soils.

Full textNovikova L., Grib S.
The nature of the inheritance of polymorphism of the spare easily solvable proteins in the hybrids of sekalotriticum
The article provides the results of the studies on the inheritance of the composition of the gliadin F-1 and F-2 rye-triticale hybrids (sekalotriticum).

Full textAgeets V.
Migration of the radionuclides in the soils of Belarus
The article provides the analysis of the migration of the radio nuclides in the soils of Belarus.

UpAnimal Breeding and Veterinary

Full textSheiko I., Epishko T., Fedorenkova L., Chernov O., Malchevskaya A., Epishko A.
Utilization of the typical relationships between the blood groups and precocity features is one of the methods of increasing the selection process in pig breeding
When studying the relationships between blood groups and productive traits of the Belarusian meaty boars and their progeny it has been established that selecting animals with genotype Kb/b-blood groups locus at early stages was helpful in predicting their precocity and growth rate. Selecting boars with Kb/b-genotype will result in having highly precocious progeny.

Full textYakovchik N.
Justifications for the usage of energy resources in fodder production and animal breeding
The article is based on the summary of the theoretical provisions, published by national and foreign scientists working on energy saving as well as the research by the Belarusian Research Institute of Animal breeding, actual materials from the Ministry of Statistics of Belarus, summarized statistics from the Brest region committee on agriculture, norm-creating regulations and personal experience of the author.

Full textRusinovich A.
Epizootic characteristics of the leucosis of cattle
In the period 1989-1992 the leucosis of cattle was registered in 98% of Belarusian farms among all animals of all production groups who reached puberty and had the tendency to spread The data received witnesses that there are peculiarities and regularity in the development of the infectious epizootic process of the leucosis of cattle, which provide for the specific anti leucosis measures in the country.

Full textSoboleva V.
Frequency of some hereditary caused types of fibers of blood, their relation to the indicators of unspecific immune resistance and productivity of animals
As a result of the research it has been established that there are differences in the frequencies of the genes of some protein systems in the cattle blood whey, in particular such as transferring and ceruloplazmin. The relations between different genotypes on polymorphic systems of the blood fibers with parameters of natural resistance have been studied The genotypes of animals with higher parameters of unspecific resistance as well as the relations between the type of proteins with the dairy efficiency have been revealed.

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