
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


1996 №4

Economics and Information
Land Cultivation and Plant Growing
Livestock production and veterinary medicine
Mechanization of production and energetics

Full textAntonjuk V., Grib S., Severnev M.
То the concetion of the scientific ground of developing of the agroindustrial complex for the nearest perspective.
The main direction of the developing of the scientific and technical progress in crop production, livestock, irrigation, mechanization, economics and processing industry which have to guarantee the dynamic increasing of food production and going agricultue out of the crisis situation have been considered in the article. The ways of supporting of land quality in the terms of deficite of the mineral fertilizers and pesticides have been grounded. The problems of breeding for crops and animals, ecology and resource saving technologies in all branches of production for perspective have been considered as well.

UpEconomics and Information

Full textSkoropanov S.
То formation of the agroeconomical idea in the Republic of Belarus.
The research Institute of Economics and Information of agroindustrial complex successfully works in the Republic of Belarus now. The positive influence of the Voluntary economical society, the educational establishments in Gorki, russian science, "VASHNIL" is underlined. Survey of developing of the agroeconomical idea in the country is presented for the first time. The main problems deciding of which is the right way of progress of the country's agroindustrial complex were formulated.

Full textGoussakov V.
The issues of staЬilization апd increase of agriculture efficiency.
The perspectives of developing of agriculture in higher degree depends on conditions of the economical stabilisation of its functioning at present. It is necessary to elaborate and adopt of the farming mechanism, creating possibility of balanced activity of the economical factors - prices, credits, taxes, e.t.c. The economical factors have to stimulate the effective production and farming activity of the commodity producers and prevent unrational utilization of the resources.

Full textValuev V., Iljina Z.
Intensive technologies are the foundation of increasing of the agricultural production's efficiency in market conditions of farming.
The main organization-economic problems of the intensification of the grain and potato production in the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the resource-saving technologies application and progressive receptions of the production growing, the reduction of the expenses and cost, the increase of competitiveness in the market conditions are opened.

Full textShapiro S.
Improving of the reforming mechanizm in agricultural enterprises.
The main methodological principles of reforming of agricultural enterprises towards to the market type of structures are considered by the article. The main reasons braking reforming process of farms were described. The ways of creating of agroservice and the specific features of the economical relations between producers and processors are shown.

Full textIljchjik V.
Formating of the financial resources of agricultural production.
Because of the crises situation in the country's economy the volume of the financial resources directed to the agricultural developing has being reduced during some last years. It was led to lack of the financial resources to finance production activity, circulated capital and put the agriculture on the verge of catastrophe. The volume of the financial resources directed to the agricultural production's developing during 1990-1995, and the tendency of its structure was reflected by the article. The possibilities of the state budjet and credit system regarding to financing of the agricultural production were shown. The suggestions concerning formation of the optimal structure of the budjet, credit and own resources used for this target were made.

Full textBondarchuk V.
Reforming of the land relations: condition, problems and perspectives.
The main directions of reforming of the land relations and creation of the land market namely forms of property, taxation, rent, mortage, buying - seling, price and state adjustment have been presented by the article. The foreign countries experience regarding to the land market functioning is analysed.

Full textKravtsov M., Кrachkovskij A.
Economical and mathematical models of the optimal placing of the crops and choising of the technologies of its planting.
Optimised economical and mathematical models (both one criterium and multy criteriums) for task of the crops placing and choising of the technologies of its planting were elaborated. The mathematical analysis of such a models have been done. It were suggested the methods of the correction for those which have not any decisions.

Full textZavadzkij V.
Multy functions is the element of the Polish village's transforming.
Information regarding conditions of the Polish agriculture was presented. The author's point of view dedicated to the ways of multy functions developing of the rural areas was reported.

UpLand Cultivation and Plant Growing

Full textNikonchik P., Kozlova A., Nichiporovich G.
Energetical and economic efficiency of feed crops in crop rotation.
In this paper the results of the researches on productivity, energy and economic efficiency of the main feed and cereal crops are given in crop rotations. The calculations on the consumption of gross energy per 1 ha and per unit of the obtained products; on the metabolic energy yield from the harvest, on the level of recoupment of energy consumption are given. The structure of energy consumption is shown for cereal and feed crops. The analysis of economic efficiency of the crops under study is made in money terms when the products are used as animal feed and when they are sold to the state at purchase prices.

Full textBosak V.
Formatting cutting-back of the prolific plants of blueberry.
The long term experiment dedicated to the formatting cutting-back of the prolific plants of blueberry of 4-6 years of age have been performed on Gantsevichi scientific and experimental station of the Central Botany Garden of the Academy of Science. The peculiarities of their reaction to this way of formatting in different edaphic conditions were being studied. The increasing of the vegetative parts was insignificantly stimulated by the cutting-back on sandy soil. However, the size of the fruit has increased and their consumable features have improved under saving of the yield not less than control level. Blueberry prowling on peat soil had the significant increase of the shoots, size of the bushes and yield by 32-50% over control indexes.

Full textTsingalev N.
"The growth and productivity of plum-tree on inclined worked trees".
The results of combinations of "Stakhanovka" plum grafted on 27 inclined worked trees based on alycha's mother tree at young garden that the inclined worked trees exert influence to fruitage and productivity of combinating kinds, regulate growth and developing of trees, the height of which is changed from 2,2 to 3,7 m. It was found out the worked trees restraining the growth of tree, namely: 15,6 OD 2-3, 205-5, BBA-1, BBA 15-11, AP-5, N 15.

UpLivestock production and veterinary medicine

Full textKurak A., Jakovchik N.
About machinery milking of cows.
Higher vacuum milking has negative influence to milk productivity of cows. It was defined that the modern milking equipment is the cause for morpho functional pathology of milk gland. The work's principle of a new milking equipment elaborated by Livestock Research Institute is more suitable for physiology of cows has been considered.

Full textBulitskij N.
Influence of different gonadotrophins to functional activity of ovaries and embryo quality of cattle.
Information regarding influence of gonadotrophins FSH-P (USA), Super FSH (Russia), and FSH-B (Belarus) to functional activity of ovaries and embryo quality of female cattle was presented in the article. An average number of embryo received from donors after processing by FSH-P made up 4.8 units, Super FSH - 8.8, FSH-B 9.5 units that accordingly by 1.98 and 1.1 times less than in the case of FSH-B. However, embryo quality in donor's group processed by Super FSH was by 5.2 (P more 0.05) and 14.4% (P less 0.05) higher than that processed accordingly FSH-P and FSH-B. The number of the embryos of excellent and good quality processed by FSH-P make up 83.7% that by 11.4 and 11.7% (P less 0.05) less tnan processed Super FSH and FSH-B.

UpMechanization of production and energetics

Full textStepuk L., Ioffe V.
Methods of estimation of feed processing equipment's work.
Taking into account that the feed consumption by animals has the probable character in practice the existing demands to unstable dosing of the feed components have been considered. Proceeding from the theory of probabilities and basing on scientific and practical data their insufficient argumentation was shown. It was the reason for making dosing and mixing equipment more complicated and expensive, particularly adoption of the weight dosing that in its turn is the limit factor of application of scientific grounded technologies of making and feeding of the different feed mixture. It is a common knowledge that the feed unit is the general index of nutrition of feed. That is why in order to estimate the quality of feed processing equipment's work it is necessary to define not an actual deflection on mass expenses but deflection on dry substance in feed units and to compare to zootechnical limits in feed units. The formulas of definitions of possible losses of animals productivity depending from unstability of dosing have been presented. It was proved that the volumed dosators are satisfied to requirements to feed processing equipment.

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