
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2006 №1

Economics and Informatics
Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering, Processing and Storage of Agriculrural Production
Scientists of Belarus

UpEconomics and Informatics

Full textGusakov V.G., Starovoitova N.A.
New forms of payment organization and labour stimulation of heads of agriculture organizations
The recommendations establish new order and determine sizes of salary scale of heads of agriculture organizations depending on real results of productionfinancial activity of farms and work collectives such as sizes of sources of supplying with payment and workers stimulation, enhancing of sale proceeds per worker, payback of production costs, developing of production volumes and production realization as main source of formation of own funds of agriculture. Recommendations are correspond to modern properties of payment and labour stimulation and aim at maximal mobilization of working potential of workers. They intend for wide using at agricultural enterprising of all types and forms.

Full textFreidin M.Z., Dulevich L.I., Grinchuk V.S.
Comparative analysis of the demography situation in the Republic of Belarus
Demography situation in the republic of Belarus has been analyzed. Problems of curtailment of the rural population have been discovered. Proposals of enhancing of life level at villagts have been done.

Full textRastorgouev P.V.
Perfection of the mechanism of the safety monitoring of agricultural production
Creation of the effective mechanism of food safety maintenance is one of the basic state problems. The proposals on perfection of mechanism of the safety monitoring of agricultural production and raw materials in the Republic of Belarus have been discovered. They will allow create the conditions to improve the quality and safety of agricultural production and to increase its competitiveness both on the domestic and the world agricultural market.

Full textZapolsky M.I.
The value of alternative versions of the integration agroindustrial formations on a base of hierarchies analysis method
Methodical approaches of creation of decisive rules of founding out the most suitable version at creation and functioning of integration agroindustrial formations on a base of formalized apparatus of hierarchies’ analysis method relating to methods of strategic planning and allowing create ranked system of priorities of relating comparison of macroparameters of analyzing variants.

Full textVorobiev I.P., Kashtelyan T.V., Shikut E.M.
Organizingeconomy bases of enhancing of effectiveness of forestry
Ways of enhancing of the economy effectiveness of function of forestry of Belarus have been proved. Essence of proposed measures is in creation of equal economic conditions for forestry work. The fact determines necessity of economic zoning and organization of deep processing of wood raw materials, wood being ready for realization to consumers and delivery its abroad as the products of processing, improving of priceforming system and application of other measures.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textNikonchik P.I.
Complex influence of different types of crop rotations and fertilizers systems into tillage productivity
Evaluation of different types of crop rotation productivity: grassarable, ploughing, grassploughing, graingrassploughing, graingrass, grainploughing, grain at different fertilizers systems: mineral, manuremineral with straw and unlettered manure has been given. Effectiveness of straw ploughing in a specialized grain rotation at mineral system of fertilizers and manure mineral one with unlettered manure and also in combination with stubby crops for feed and grain fertilizer has been shown.

Full textMeerovskii A.S., Pisetskii G.A., Trybis V.P.
Quantitative estimation of perennial of grasses species associations at drained peaty soils
Questions of acceptability and possibility of application of geobotanic methods and ideas of precision agriculture in the meadow cultivation have been discussed. The parameters of distribution of plant species and their pair associations in application to meadow cultivation at old drained arable soils of Polesie have been discovered.

Full textZabara Yu.M., Ivanuk V.G.
Effect of herbicides on black rot resistance of white cabbage
Data of investigations of herbicides effect on vascular bacteriosis of black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel, 1895; Dowson, 1939)) resistance of white cabbage have been shown. In a year of epiphytoty development of illness herbicides introducing favored increasing of degree of infection. In other years at the moderate or depressive visualization of the illness enhanced its spread only. Plants resistance against pathogen became lower after combine application of herbicides in 66% cases, at using them after planting (43%) and at herbicides introducing before planting (33%).

Full textRupasova Zh.A., Ignatenko V.A., Rudakovskaya R.N., Varavina N.P., Vasilevskaya T.I., Ruban N.N., Yakovlev A. P.
Influence of mineral supplements on element composition of berries of highbush blueberry at properties of Byelarusian Polesye
The results of 4years researches of elementary composition of berries of 3 sorts of highbush blueberry of different ripeness in a field experiment having 8variant scheme of N60P60K60 introducing in organic and mineral mixture at Byelorussian Polesie have been given. Introducing of mineral fertilizers was shown to promote enhancing of main nutrient elements content in the majority of experiments variants at the most expressing effect at separate addition of each of them. Presence of synergism between N and P at their separate application and antagonism between P and K at addition of these elements together with N has been stated. Mineral supplements essentially inhibited entering of Ca, Mg and microelements into generative organs of earlyripe blueberry mainly, but they stimulated accumulation of Fe and Mn in them in moderate ripe sort and that of Cu in lateripe sort.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheyko I.P.
Main problems and ways of dependent of cattlebreeding of Belarus
Analysis of dependence of effectiveness of cattlebreeding on a fоrage level of cattle feeding has been given. Main factors influencing onto fodder quality has been shown and some ways to achieve production indexes in the cattlebreeding according to the State Program for the 2005—2010 have been determined.

Full textPopkov A.A.
Reserves of maintains of forage base for cattlebreeding
Main directions of improving of forage base for cattle have been proposed. Directions of improving of botanic structure of grass at meadows and at tillage have been argued. Questions of stirage technology of forage and grass seedgrowing have been discovered. Economic basis for measures of improving of forage base at cattlebreeding has been done.

Full textSimonenko E.P., Tsai V.P.
Improvement of corn silage storage and its influence into digestibility forage and productive capacities of steers
Results of the studying of preserved corn silage storage with use of concervantenricher have been presented, and its nutritious ness has been defined. Including of this silage into steer ration gives possibility of increasing of nutrient digestibility, daily gain and decreasing of feed expenses at 1 kg of gain.

Full textRadtchikov V.F., Gurin V.N., Rakova M.P.
Use of phosphoruscontained additions in the ration of meet calves
One of methods of inoreasing of effectiveness of ferage use is addition to ration of nutuent and mineral substances as forage additions fecause of new compositions have been elaborated. Supplementation of silagehay concentrated diets with phosphorus additions was established to increase daily gain by 5-8% lower forage costs by 3.3-3.6% and selfcost of production by 4-10% as well as increase economic effectiveness by 5-14%.

Full textGuminskaya E.Yu.
Accumulation and survival of bull spermatozoids in the uterus of cows in dependence on sperm diluent and insemination time during hunting
Survival rate and accumulation of spermatozoids in the uterus of cows and heifers and their fertility after insemination with sperm diluted with CLYG (citratelactoseyolkglycerin)(test) and LYG (lactoseyolkglycerin)(control) extenders have been investigated. More spermatozoids accumulated at the uterine horns(1,7±0,2 до 4,8±0,7 million, in the control from 1,0±0,3 tо 2,4±0,3 million) and survival rate of bull spermatozoids were much longer(33,3-88,8%, in the control 37,5-40,0%) when CLYG extender was used. Insemination of cows at the end of hunting irrespective of diluent and ways of sperm diluting promoted accumulation of grater number of spermatozoids in the uterus than at the beginning of hunt. Fertility rate of cows and heifers in the testing group was higher at 14.6% on average than in the control group.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering, Processing and Storage of Agriculrural Production

Full textKartashevich А.N., Shadul R.
Integrated control systems for automobile and tractormachinery operation in Poland
The methodological aspects of designing of information control systems for automobile and tractor machinery operation, used modern information systems and their architecture have been considered. It has been noted that independent type of organizational infrastructure of information technology is used at all transport enterprises in Poland that causes potential benefit losses while their using and does not cause more serious changes in the positions of the enterprises on the foreign markets.

Full textPodskrebko M.D.
Theoretical basis and ways of determination of arable aggregates production
Qualitative indexes of ploughing are not taking into account as a rule at estimation of arable aggregates production. For comparison of arable aggregates of different construction of working and the ways of power delivery from motor to working parts of plough worked at the fields having different soil state, different depth it is needed production of aggregates under comparison lead to identical (standard) properties by setting «conventional standard hectare» for unit of manufacture. Theoretical basis and conclusion of general formula for determination of arable aggregates production depending on treatment depth, soil state, quality of technology process of ploughing have been discovered. The way allows really estimate arable aggregates production fulfilled the same technology process but had different plough construction at comparative testing.

Full textGerasimovich L.S., Korko V.S.
Humidity as an informationtechnology factor of the cereals producing and processing
The analysis and the scheme of information system and operative influences in technology processes of cereal storage and processing in a dependence of humidity have been done on a base of system approach. The scientific problem of complex account of informationtechnology parameter of humidity together with other determinative factors has been formulated at elaboration of electrophysical methods for cereals production improvment and technological processes management. SADT (structured analysis and design technique) methodology has been proposed as a base of methodology of elaboration of processes system models. Model of technology process of forage treatment by electric current including a humidity control has been considered.

Full textIvashchanko N.I., Kastritsa N.V., Lilishentseva A.N., Aleksandrovskaya E.S.
Estimation on conformity of a concentrated fruit juices to criteria of autothenticity
Results of definition of D-glucose, D-fructose, L-malic and citric acids and potassium contents in the samples of concentrated apple juice have been presented. Conformity of qualitative indexes of concentrated products to standards was shown do not to be enoughfor their recognition as made from natural raw materials.

UpScientists of Belarus

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Igor Stanislavovich Nagorskii (To the 75th Anniversary)

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Institute of plant protection (To the 35th Anniversory)

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