National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
Annual General Meeting of the Academy
of Agrarian Sciences
Antonyuk V.
Introduction of agrarian science
achievements into production is most important
factor of efficient development of agro-industrial
Grib S.
State and prospects of improving
utilization of research elaborations in farming and
plant growing
Sheiko I.
Ways of further development of animal
breeding on basis of increasing its efficiency and
Dashkov N.
Problems and efficient methods of
introducing new research elaborations into
production in agriculture mechanization field
Shakolo I.
Agro-industrial complex of Republic of
Belarus and scientific progress
Mirochitsky F.
What to begin with?
Gusakov V.
Introduction of economic
investigations into production and their efficiency
Skoropanov S.
To increase role of
plenipotentiaries of science in utilizing its
achievements in all possible way
Economics and information technologies
Gotsky G.
Actual aspects of national agriculture
The article is devoted to the problem of national agriculture
The identification of problems of a transformation process
is possible by developing the corresponding prerequisites:
generally recognized aims and means of transformation,
monitoring of measurable and controllable features of
proceeding process, of the mechanism of a joint search of the
ways of solving transition problems. All this requires the proper
system viewpoint and designing the system basis of the
transformation process, a more determined viewpoint over an
object, a subject and an entity of the transformation and the
methods of overcoming conflicts and providing the necessary
culture of the transformation process as well Agrarian markets,
classification, monitoring and regulating rank first.
Shapiro S.
Administrative vertical line of AIC in
new conditions of managing
System crisis availability presupposes enforcing the
administrative forms of managing and control, which results in
enhancing the role of state organs, realizing these functions.
However, such a formula of actions should be of a transient
character, as the state forms of managing are mostly
contradictory to the general task of economic liberalization.
The article deals with the state-organs structure in vertical
line of managing AIC, including the Minagroprod, regional
committees on agriculture and provisions and district agrarian
administrations. The functions of managing each administrative
structure applying to new economic situation, emerged in the
Republic, have been substantiated. The recommended new
organizing structure of the Minagroprod of the Republic of
Belarus consists of seven departments, each of them will fulfill
definite functional obligations.
Konstantinov S.
From income distribution by
labour to functional one
The article deals with the changing of contents of
"distribution according to labor" principle, beginning from
K. Marx, V.I. Lenin to nowadays. Originally in the former USSR
the above - mentioned principle was accepted as distribution
according expenditure of labor, but in 80s - according to labor
results. Transition to market economy presupposes the changing
of profit distribution methods. The essence of functional profit
distribution is given in the article in correlation with the theory
of maximum productivity of distribution, the author of which
was G.B. Clark. The share of profit itself, imposed on each factor
is defined with the help of Cobb-Douglas' function. According
to 1996 data, the share of profit, imposed (with the help of the
above mentioned function) on the production factors of Belarus
agricultural enterprises will be as follows: 56% from the profit
received is imposed on labor, 23% - on the land, 9% on the
capital, 12% - on the managerial-organization factor.
Gusakov V., Valuev V., Svyatogor A.,
Stepanenko G.
Economic factors and ways of
increasing efficiency of using fodders
Problems of an effective use of fodder resources in the stall
period of a livestock upkeep are given in this work. Ways of the
liquidation of keeping factors for further increasing of the high-quality
fodder production, increasing of the effectiveness due to
shortening of materiall-cash and labour expenditures, an
inadmision of the livestock productivity recession are shown.
Reccommendations about reinforcement of the labour motivation
for increasing of milk, beef, pork production, economy of fodders
to taking into account it's normative use, are given.
Gursky V.
Problems of forming marketing system
in AIC of Republic Belarus
The problems of building an integral system of marketing in
agriculture, available in the Republic, are considered; the
potential for supplying agrarian establishments with marketing
information is investigated. It has been marked that the closest
link to the production in the structure of managing AIC is a
district link and, that is why, the marketing organization is
expedient to begin namely with it
The structure-functional pattern of organizing marketing
of AIC of a district has been adduced, and it has been concluded,
that in the process of forming the marketing system in agriculture
the efforts of the producers and the state should be combined.
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Kukresh L.
Grain field strategy
The tendencies emerging in the grain growing of the
Republic, have been analyzed. The degradation of the
phytosanitary medium in farming due to imperfection of
cultivated areas, donunating cereals in argophytocenoses, the
imbalance of the regulations of soil cultivation have been marked
The measures on importing the former system of farming,
providing the basis of the system of farming, high productivity
of grain plants and other agricultural plants, have been proposed.
Prischepa I.
Methods of choosing and applying
tank mixtures of chemization agents (on example
of winter rye protection)
On an example of winter rye protection against noxious
organisms and lodging the sequence of stages of a complex
evaluation of application of means of chemization in the
technologies of grain crops cultivation is shown. Study of
interaction of means of chemization in mixtures at the stage of
selection and primary test, type definition of compatibility
(ecological, natural and chemical), biological and toxicological
evaluation allows to give ecology-toxicological conclusion on
each concrete mixture. Based on the obtained data the assortment
and rates of pesticides, application is updated, the adjustment of
doses of fertilizers is carried out.
Ivanyuk V., Brukish D.
Role of fungicides and
their multiple application on potato field in
prophylaxis of epiphytic phytophthora
In the article the results of study of influence of potato
fungicide treatments on biological peculiarities of late blight
agent - fungus Phytophthora infestans M.de By are presented.
Bulavin L., Khokhomova D., Simchenkov G.,
Palko T., Khankevich V., Belanovskaya M.
Estimate of phytosanitary effect of oil-bearing
radish on following grain sowings
It has been found out due to the investigation, that
cultivating oil-bearing radish after hay cutting positively
affected the weedy sowings and the productivity of the following
winter grain cultures.The phytosanitary role of the oil-bearing radish was marked
on the background of the conventional terrace ploughing as well
as on the background of chiseling soil. The increase of winter
rye productivity from the previous cultivation of oil-bearing
radish mounted to 1,5-1,9 (the first year after action), and the
increase of winter wheat productivity mounted to 1,0-1,8 c/h
(the third year after action).
The productivity of the barly, sown after double sowing of
oil-bearing radish for green mass, was approximately the same
as by cultivating it after lupin for grain.
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Yakovchik N.
Energetic aspects of raising
production efficiency of fodders on basis of
intensive technologies
In the turned out economic situation the important problem
for Belarus is lowering of fuel-rnergy resources on all species of
produced agricultural products, it is reguired taking of the energy
saving policy finally which predetermines the direction of the
effective use of the fuel and the electric power, the optimization
of the structure and there volumes of using.
On factual materials it is examinated measures directed on
the optimiration of fodder resources, there effective use with
helping of small energy capacious technologies of the fodder
cultivation, laying in and the preparation. The technological
production model of fodders is presented. The
expenditures'structure of the combined energy according to
elements on different variants of processing of the green fodder
mass including the electric power, costs of flammable -
lubricating material, expendifures of people and thinging
labours, working means is given in this research.
Tanana L.
Functional activity of remontant heifers
ovaries and suprarenal glands in reproductive
maturation period
This work is devoted to study the formation of the harmonious
status of the replacement heifers in the sexual maturation period,
which are defined by the endocrine glands state. The secretes of
endocrine glands are determined by the intensity of a organism
sexual and physiological pubovty.
Samsonovich V., Solodkov A., Gusakov V.
of tyreodin in stress development prophylaxis with
piglets under weaning
The aim of the given investigation was to study the hormonie
status of a thyroid gland with piglets after early weaning and to
try to correct it by adding thyreoidin into nutritional ration.
Thus in the blood of the swines of various age groups there
was unequal quantity of hormons. The greates quantity of
thyrocsine and threeiodtyronin is contained in the blood of the
suckling piglets of the age of 17-18 days, and the least one in
the blod of piglets after early weaning, applied at swine
cimplexes (at the age of 35—40 days). Adding thyreoidin into
the fodder of piglets in the dose of 10 mg/kg of the alive pody
normalizes the content of thyreoid hormons. This dose of the
preparation can by recommended for using with the purpose
of limiting the effect of weaning on the changing of hormonal
status of the thyroid gland of piglets.
Yastrebov A.
Specific prophylaxis of piglets' viral
Results of research on testing of the protective effect of an
immunoglobulines preparation agains the transmissive
gastroenteritis virus of pigs under experiment conditions, results
of a production testing of two associated vaccines agains viral gastroenterics and colibacterios of pigs in swine husbandries,
not well with these diseases, are given. Single and two-fold oral
noculation of 10.0 cm3 and 5.0 cm3 of the immunoglobulinus
preparation against TGE virus made to newborn pigs on the
first day after the birth is found to protect 40-77.8% of
animals from TGE and to decrease mortalite of animals up to
Associated vaccines against transmissible gastroenteritis and
rotavirus disease, against transmissible gastroenteritis, rotavirus
disease and colibacteriosis of pigs two-fold intramuscularli
injected to pregnant sows protect 86.2-93.5% of pigs from viral
gastroenterites and colibacteriosis.
Karput I., Kovzov V.
Thyroid and immune status
correction with calves suffering from enzootic
It has been found out that the breakdown of the functions of
the thyroid gland takes place with the calves suffering from the
enzootic goiter, and immunedeficit states arise, which is displayed
in the process of developing the disease by reducing the content
of thyroid hormones by phagocyte activity of neutrophyles,
bactericidal activity and the level of immunoglobulines in the
serum of the blood The iodcontaining preparation "destrumin",
by applying it to sick calves in the dose of 6 ml per one animal
makes it possible to stabilaze the function of the thyroid gland
and renders a good therapeutic effect under the first three stages
of a goiter. Double, with the interval of 7 days, intramuscular
injection of lypopolysaccharide in the dose of 0.1 ml/kg of a live
body, on the background of applying the iodcontaining
preparation, stimulates cellular and humoral immunity, thus
conducting prophylaxis of the immunodeficit state under the
enzootic goiter with the calves.
Mechanisation, automation and energy
Klochkov A., Duben I.
Stability of agrotechnics
factors and Yield
The basic operations on crop production are characterized
by essential instability of parameters of quality. Heterogeneity
of a subsoil density are marked on width of plough width and
distribution of lumps in the top layer. The non-uniform
characteristics of ground influence depth of seed closing
up and further development of plants. The depth of seeding is
closely connected with the crop production, its non-uniformity
and condition of a production year. However the plants have
certain inertia in the reaction to variability of the agrotechnic
factors and such of them, as clodding of the top layer before
sowing, number of pre-sowing
tillage, non-uniformity
of height
of plants have not rendered statistically significant influences to
a crop. By the moment of ripening of lupin plants the dynamic
hardness of the top layer of ground has already appeared not
connected with the characteristics of individual efficiency of
Piunovsky I.
Scientific foundations of mechanized
processes intensification in making fodders from
On the basis of biological feature of growth and development
of grassy plants on an integrated curve the accumulation of a
crop of green weight on a phase of vegetation is considered to
which there corresponds the certain technology of preparation
of forages. The model of technological process of grass harvest
optimisation is developed with the purpose of optimum term
definition, depending on expenses on purchase and keeping of
engineering wiep taking into account the cost of losses from
shortage of a crop. Is considered the conception of the
mechanized technologies of preparation of forages and grass es
chois, which basis composes the intensification of processes by
the reduction of terms realisation of technological operation,
acceleration moisturere-tuming of oblique plants and creation
of conditions, wchich are slowing down ferments function of
crates, including early morning mowing down, flattening,
processing of a grass by chemical reagents, tossing the hay,
entering chemical preservatives in increased humidity hay and
silo from dried grass es.