
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2023 №1

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products
Scientists of Belarus


Full textSemenov S. R., Semenov N. S.
Economic and legal potential of the agricultural industry of the Kyrgyz Republic in conditions of the society’s digital development
This paper dwells on economic and legal potential of the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic in conditions of the society’s digital development, and also provides recommendations for the development of the agricultural sector in the field of information relations. The growth of the digital economic space in the world practice was most accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the main directions of economic development of many countries began to depend on the digitalization of certain sectors of the economy and the society. Methods of economic and legal analysis of the agricultural sector were used during the study, including analysis of the development of information and communication technologies, communications and the Internet in the current period of the country’s development. This study showed that state-and-private interaction and partnership should be closer and aimed at creating a common information structure of the industry, including one based on the adoption of common legal and economic solutions. Based on the study conducted, it is recommended to strengthen the level of information support for the rural population, create an agricultural information network and an appropriate information infrastructure, which should further strengthen the interaction between the rural population and government authorities, contribute to solution of a number of economic problems in the field of agriculture in the country.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textBogdevitch I. M.
Results and prospects of optimization of agrochemical indicies of arable soils fertility in Belarus
A critical overview of dynamics of agrochemical indices of arable soils fertility over 50-year period is presented. The low-yield sod-podzol and swampy soils of Belarus were relatively poor in available plant nutrients. As a result of the large-scale water engineering, liming and the intensive use of fertilizers over the period of 1965–2020 the productivity of arable land increased from 1.5 to 4.6 tons per hectare in grain equivalent. The significant improvement of soil fertility status was also achieved. Data of soil fertility status are based on the large-scale soil test monitoring conducted by State Agrochemical Service every 4–5 years. The share of strongly and moderately acid soils with pH < 5.0, that are harmful for the main crops, decreased from 66.8 % in 1970 to 4.5% of total area of arable land in 2004. However, the share of acid arable soils increased up to 9.8% in 2020, due to insufficient volume of liming that will be increased in the forthcoming years. The average organic matter (O.M.) content had been strongly increased from 1.77 to 2.28 % during the period of 1970–2000, due to high share of perennial grasses in cropping structure and manure application up to 14–15 t/ha per year. About 1 million ha of drained soils with the high O.M. content was also involved to arable land. The average O.M. content in the last two decades had been in mobile equilibrium of 2.23–2.27 % with a tendency to decline in some districts. The average contents of mobile Phosphorous and Potassium in arable soils increased up to 2.4–3.2 times during the experimental period and they are in the optimal range for cultivated crops. Currently balanced fertilization is the most important, with differentiation of fertilizer rates that would be most suitable to crop requirements and soil tests on each field. Formation and maintenance of optimal soil fertility indices, especially pH and mobile Р2О5 and К2О contents, are strictly controlled as protective measures on the land contaminated with radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr after Chernobyl accident. Measures to improve the efficiency of capital investment at fertility reproduction and use of arable soils are discussed currently.

Full textKolbanova E. V.
Micropropagation of Belarusian cultivars of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica)
For blue honeysuckle cultivars of Belarusian selection (Zinri and Sinyavokaya), a method of micropropagation for the production of high-quality planting material is proposed. Initiation of in vitro culture: in the period of intensive growth of shoots – the first decade of June. Explants were apical points isolated from the apical and axillary buds of green shoots. The nutrient medium was WPM supplemented with 6-BA at a concentration of 1.0 mg/l. Micropropagation stage: MS medium containing double strength iron chelate with 1.5 mg/l of 6-BA. In vitro rhizogenesis: in MS medium the concentration of macro- and microsalts and iron chelate was reduced to half strength, the sucrose concentration was reduced to 20 g/l, IBA – 1.5–2.0 mg/l). Ex vitro adaptation: substrate – perlite. It is possible to reduce the cost of obtaining the planting material by eliminating in vitro rooting stage from micropropagation scheme. Simultaneous direct ex vitro rooting and adaptation of microplants should be carried out on the substrate of Sphagnum L. moss with a surface layer (0.5 cm) of peat. Long-term storage (up to 12 months) at low positive temperatures (+3–4 °C) in refrigerator should be carried out at rooting stage (in MS medium the concentration of macro- and microsalts and iron chelate was reduced to half strength, the sucrose concentration was reduced to 20 g/l, IBA – 1.0 mg/l).

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textChelnokova M. I., Chelnokov A. A., Arzhankova J. V., Skoptsova T. I.
Effect of the photoperiod of red led lighting during incubation on the growth, hematological and physiological parameters of chicken embryos of Lohmann Brown cross
The effect of various photoperiod modes of red LED lighting on eggs under incubation on the growth, development of visceral organs, hematological profile of blood, stress level, metabolism, chicken embryos and results of incubation of egg of Lohmann Brown cross has bee studied. On the 21st day, with a 24-hour light mode, embryos showed an increase in body length and weight, muscle stomach, liver and spleen, and at 18- and 12-hour mode – body weight, muscle stomach, liver and spleen. In the absence of light and 12-hour light mode, embryos showed lymphocytopenia and neutrophilia, and increased stress levels. At the 24- and 18 hours modes, the intensity of respiration and level of basal metabolism in embryos on the 21st day increased compared to developing embryos in the absence of light and with 12-hour light impact. The 24- and 18-hour modes were superior in terms of number of chickens bred compared to control and 12-hour lighting mode. The hatching under prolonged light was significantly higher than in absence of light and under 12-hour illumination by 1.99–2.33 p.p. and 4.99–5.33 %, and hatchability – by 2.16–3.32 p.p. and 3.68–4.84 %. The highest embryonic viability during 19–21 days was detected with round-the–clock lighting, and the highest fetal death was detected with 12-hour lighting. Thus, in the practice of incubation of eggs of the Lohmann Brown cross, it is advisable to use continuous red LED lighting, which contributes to intensive development of chicken embryos and visceral organs (muscle stomach, liver and spleen), stress resistance, optimization of metabolism, increased hatching and hatchability.

Full textMikailov M. M., Chernykh O. Yu., Gunashev Sh. A., Yanikova E. A., Khalikov A. A., Nurlygayanova G. A., Sklyarov O. D., Lemiasheuski V. O.
Study of diagnostic value of the reaction of indirect hemaglutination in comparison with enzyme immune assay and other serological tests at cattle brucellosis
The results of comparative brucellosis diagnostic studies of blood sera from cattle at farms with different epizootic situations, performed in 2021 in the laboratory of the Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute – a branch of the Dagestan Agriculture Science Centre, are presented in the paper. The diagnostic efficiency of the indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) was studied in comparison with enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), agglutination test (RA), complement fixation test (CFR), rose-bengal test (RBP) and immunodiffusion reaction with O-PS antigen (RID with O-PS antigen). The specificity of these serological tests was confirmed by the negative results of studies of 40 samples of blood serum of non-vaccinated against brucellosis animals at a brucellosis-safe farm. The sensitivity of the tested diagnostic tools was determined using 46 blood serum samples from cows immunized with the B. abortus 82 vaccine at a brucellosis-prone farm. According to the results obtained, in particular, according to a significant percentage of animals positively reacting to brucellosis in RID with O-PS antigen and high titers of RNHA, RA and RSK, it can be stated that the infection in the herd proceeds in an acute form. Thus, positive results were obtained in RNGA in the study of 18 (39.1%), ELISA (LLC NPF “Sibbiotest”) – 29 (63 %), in RSK – 18 (39.1 %), in RA – 15 (32.6 %), RBP – 15 (32.6 %) and RID with O-PS antigen – 7 (15.2 %) blood serum samples. The conducted studies have shown that RNHA is one of the most sensitive tests, which makes it possible to detect a high percentage of animals with brucellosis at a brucellosis-prone farm (39.1% of those studied) in the early stages after infection and surpasses the results of most other serological methods. The results of comparative serological studies of blood serum samples of cattle in RNHA, IEA, RSK, RA, RBP and RID with O-PS confirmed the specificity of the tests and the high sensitivity of RNHA with brucellosis erythrocyte antigen.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textPerednya V. I., Bakach N. G., Romanovich A. A., Zhilich E. L., Kuvshinov A. A.
Innovative technology and equipment for preparing whole milk replacer
Technologies and equipment sets for the preparation of whole milk replacer (WMR) for feeding calves of the dairy period are presented in the paper. It is shown that the farms of Russia and Belarus mainly use imported milk replacer. Studies have established that it is more relevant to produce milk replacer in our countries based on local leguminous crops. The grains of these crops contain the necessary components, such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. only in hard-to-digest forms for calves of the dairy period with gastrointestinal not being yet formed. It is shown that the effect of heat and moisture in combination with the use of cavitation treatment of a mixture of leguminous crops can be used to obtain high-quality whole milk replacers. In order to reduce the metal and energy capacities of the milk replacer preparation process, electromagnetic waves were used, which also made it possible to reduce the processing time of the components. Analytical studies made it possible to establish that the cavitation phenomenon occurs in the liquid when the pressure decreases in it to the limit, when the stream ruptures occur. Based on the studies, the parameters of the structural elements of the cavitator-hydrodispergator are established, which ensure the mode of the destruction of grain forces.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Products

Full textLovkis Z. V.
Assessment of quality and safety indicators of drinking and process water
The enormous role of water in the life of all living beings, including humans, is due to the fact that it is a universal solvent for a huge number of chemicals. Water was one of the first compounds to attract the attention of scientists, yet its study is still incomplete. Water is the basis of life and the raw material for a huge number of technologies in all industries. The water used for the technological process in the food industry must comply with hygienic requirements and, in addition to cleaning, reducing turbidity and color, requires correction of the salt composition: removal of salts and molecularly soluble compounds, reduction in the content of calcium and magnesium ions (water softening), removal of individual elements (boron, radon, nitrates, silicates, other elements), introduction of a dosed amount of ions (iodides, fluorides, silver, potassium, calcium, acids and alkalis) to achieve the required pH. Drinking and process water treatment is carried out according to different technologies with the use of special equipment for cleaning, iron removal, disinfection, softening and other types of treatment. The paper presents the results of studies of the quality and safety indicators of drinking water for children in the retail chains of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the results of clinical trials of drinking oxygenated water.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Gusakov Vladimir Grigorievich (To the 70th Anniversary)

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