
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2003 №1

Economics and information technologies
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Mechanization and power engineering
Belarusian scientists

UpEconomics and information technologies

Full textIlyina Z.
Food security: criteria and parameters of assessment
Achieving the food security is about solving two issues: first is to arrange for the healthy level of food supply; second is to ensure the dependence on import and protection of national producers. The most important goals of food safety are accessibility of the main products to the population and accessible prices. There are various ways of ensuring the food safety, but the main is to ensure the stability of the production on the basis of the stable development of the agriculture.

Full textSaiganov A.
Industrial and technical servicing as an economic category and the integral part of AIС
There have been developed a complete scientific conception of industrial and technical servicing as an economic category and as a component of agriculture, which is adequate to the new economic conditions and which may be the initial basis for solving specific problems using common theoretical and methodological approach.

Full textBrechko Ya., Sumonov M., Melenko O.
Economic performance of the AIC of Belarus in 2002
The article analyses the status of the arable farming, plant breeding and food processing as well as the financial situation and solvency at the different types of farms and processing enterprises. The results of the foreign economic activities are also reflected in the article. The article provides the conclusions and proposals on intensifying the agricultural production and improving the economic relations.

Full textKarpenko E.
Investigating the adopting capability of the agricultural machine building
Оп the basis of the Belarusian plants of agricultural machine building the article provides theoretical justification and empiric proof of the hypothesis of the interrelation between the volume of the plant's potential and the degree of adopting capacity. The author provides its own view of the nature of the adapting capacity as well as the method of its assessment by the way of assessing the degrees of the flexibility and development of the plant. The statistical indicators of the regressive dependence between the volume of the adapting capacity on one side and development «$ flexibility levels of the Belarusian machine building plants on another have been worked out.

UpArable Farming and Plant Growing

Full textGrib S.
Results and actual directions of the triticale breeding in Belarus
The article provides the analysis of the triticale breeding in Belarus, including the list of the variety's pedigree, commercial yield levels. The article also describes the directions and the methods of breeding, with accent on remote crossings, applying cycled selections method in the breeding process. The priority directions of the future breeding have been outlined.

Full textLapa V., Bosak V., Smeyanovich O.
The influence of fertilizers on the crop yield of oat on sod podzolic light loamy soil
While cultivating oats (variety Asilak) on high-cultivated sod-podzolic light loamy soil with the high contents of the mobile forms of phosphorous and potassium, it should be recognized that the optimal system of fertilization is N60P35K60 under pre-sowing cultivation, which has ensured the grain yield of 4,09 t/ha. Additional application of nitrogen fertilizer in this option has raised the grain yield by 1,59 t/ha, of complete mineral fertilizer - by 1,83 t/ha, while the payback of 1 kg of N and 1 kg of NPK was 26,5 and 11,8 kilos of grain respectively.

Full textNikonchik P.
The role of crop rotation and rational structure of sown areas in improving the agricultural productivity and soil fertility reproduction
Оn the basis of the long-term research it has been shown that increasing the level of soil cultivation, applying optimal doses of fertilizers, pest control means and other means of intensification does not reduce the importance of rational crop rotation for increasing the yield of crops. In these conditions the phytosanitary role of crop rotation us a mean of weed and disease control us well as и mean of biological improvement of sod-podzolic soils, especially from the point of view of enriching the soil with organic matter, increases.

Full textGorbyleva A., Vorobyev V., Sedukova G.
The role of the organo-mineral colloids in the fertility of sod-podzolic soil
The group composition of organic-mineral colloids sized less than 0,01 in light acid sod-podzolic light loamy soil is studied in the article. The influence of mineral fertilizers and different dozes of dolomite flour on the content of organo-mineral particles of the 1st and the 2nd Jgroups (according to Tulin) as well as their correlation have been determined. The relations between the humus condition of the soil and the content of organic-mineral particles are demonstrated.

Full textNalobova V.
Immunology features of collection and breeding material of cucumbers
The article provides the results of the assessment of the samples of cucumber species from the point of view of the disease resistance in natural and artificial background. The samples of cucumber species resistant to scab, powdery mildew, downy mildew and brown spot are proposed.

Full textLoban N., Zhukova P.
The methods of applying growth regulators in potato growing
The article provides the results of the research on the influence of the growth regulators on the yield of different varieties of potatoes, the percentage of seed tubers, starch content and disease vulnerability. Application of “gebbersib”, “oksamin”, “deksramin-H” and “phospinol” (ACA) has been very efficient.

Full textKochurko V.
Energetic efficiency of some elements of the technology of cultivating winter triticale
The article provides the results of the research on the energetic efficiency of some elements of the technology of cultivating winter triticale. It has been determined that the doses of nitrogen fertilizers largely influence on the yield of winter triticale. Application of bio-humus as one of the main fertilizers has been justified.

Full textVolkova E., Chizhik A., Kopytovskih A.
About spatial distribution of the river run-off
The article considers the aspects of spatial distribution of the river run-off in Belarus. The basins of the main Belarusian rivers have been chosen as the territory for analysis. The analysis was made on the basis of mathematical methods. The preliminary findings were: a) the water volume of the specific river has the trend to fluctuate according to the fluctuation of common territorial water volume; h) the annual drain of the basis analyzed is formed occasionally, without any regularity; c) the basin of the river Pripyat is more unstable from the point of view of changing water characteristics than other rivers; the Neman river basis on the contrary has more stable volume of annual drain than other Belarusian rivers.

UpAnimal Breeding and Veterinary

Full textGiris D., Pozyvailo O.
The influence of copper on physiological status of animals, accumulation in organism and excretion with milk, feces, and urine at various levels of daily ration’s consumption
On the basis of the scientific experiment the article provides the materials of the justification of the parameters of biological influence and toxicity of copper in the ration of dairy cows as well as biochemical criteria of controlling the sufficiency of the copper in the cows' rations and organisms.

Full textDadashko V., Kuznetsova T.
The chicken fodder with different grain content
The article analyses the modern status of the technique for milk cooling, operated on Belarusian dairy farms. Special attention is given to energy aspect of the initial cooling process. The author describes the method of reducing energy consumption by means of using seasonal units OMS-12 and OMS-0.5. The article theoretically justifies the opportunity of prolonging the period of operating the OMS type units if they are used together with the compressor-condensates coolers.

Full textEliseikin D.
The aspects of laser stimulation of the reproductive property of the boars
There have been developed a biotechnological method of stimulating the reproductive function of boars, allowing to increase the quality of the sperm by 45-50mln/ml of sperm cells concentration, by J.1-1.5 points of sperm motility and by 1.2 points of survival rate on the basis of 72 hours.

Full textDIubakovsky V.
The prophylaxis and therapy of the horses nematodose s in Belarus
The article examines the problem of controlling the parasitological diseases of horses in the country, providing the data on the efficiency and methods of applying locally made anthelmintics.

Full textKirpaneva E.
The efficiency of the Belarus made anthelmintics for associative nematodoses of calves
The associative nematodoses of calves is widely spread in different areas of Belarus. The article considers the performance of the locally made drugs: timtetrazoli 20% and albendatim 10%.

UpMechanization and power engineering

Full textDashkov V., Litovsky A., Zuikevich D.
The assessment of the opportunities of increasing the efficiency of seasonally effective milk coolers
The article analyses the modem status of the technique for milk cooling, operated on Belarusian dairy farms. Special attention is given to energy aspect of the initial cooling process. The author describes the method of reducing energy consumption by means of using seasonal units OMS-I2 and OMS-0,5. The article theoretically justifies the opportunity of prolonging the period of operating the OMS type units if they are used together with the compressor-condensates coolers.

UpBelarusian scientists

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К 50-летию со дня рождения вице-президента НАН Беларуси Гусакова В.Г.

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К 65-летию со дня рождения члена-корреспонденга ААН РБ Якубовского М.В.

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