National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
Economics and Information Technologies
Gusakov V.
The ways and forms of the
development of agricultural cooperation
The cooperation is one of the most effective and promising
organization forms of agricultural enterprises. The types and
the forms of cooperative enterprises can be various. This article
deals with the main ways of reforming the traditional collective
farms and state farms into the flexible self-governing structures
with market features. The development sequence of cooperative
enterprises and their associations is defined. The constructive
conclusions on the perspectives of the forming and the
functioning of cooperative enterprises in agriculture of Belarus
are drawn.
Kovel P.
Specification in the system of measures
for the efficiency rise of the work of agricultural
The article deals with theoretical and practical issues of the
agricultural enterprises specialization, as well as with the sources
and components of this organizational-economic effect. It brings
into light the methodical issues of specialization definition and
the many-sided contents of the effect and exposes determined by
the effect methods of generalization of production increase,
economy of expenses and of the economic advantages of branch
distribution in enterprises compared with each other. 160
enterprises have been examined with the help of economic-statistical
methods to analyse the effect of the specialization on
the production efficiency. The basic principle of the study is that
enterprises should combine specialization with the corresponding
measures aimed at successful rational branch structures economic
advantages implementation.
Krylovich T., Krestovskiy V.
State guidance in
the agricultural business system
In the article it has been considered the scopes of
enterprising activities and the features of their support. The
suggestions on the perfection of the economic enterprisment
surroundings are given.
Yakovchik N.
Economic estimation of the
production technology of animal produce
This article deals with methodical approaches to the definition of generalized index of technological processes power consumption by means of mathematical simulation of technological systems. Direct imputs, indirect imputs, working energy imputs, labourers' energy and also investment index make up in total full imputs per unit of production. On the basis of the above-mentioned rated indices it is possible to show energy-saving directions in cattle-breeding.
Lovkis Z., Valko V.
Integration of education,
science and production
The scientific research results made by higher educational
establishments of Agricultural Ministry during 3 last years have
been shown. The number and qualitative membership of
scientific personal, the volume of scientific research in every
higher educational establishment are listed. The questions of
integration of academic and University sciences in agrarian-industrial
complexes of Belarus are under consideration.
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Vostrukhin N., Gulyaka M., Vostrukhina N.,
Simacheva A., Usovich G.
The role of croprotation,
the basic soil-cultivation and fertilizers'
systems in the preservation and rise of the fertility
of turf-podzol soil
On the basis of long-term research made in the stationary
fields on turf-podzol soils in the center part of Belarus it has
been established a positive agronomic effect on soil fertility and
productivity of cereals by means of application of the cereals
right interchange, the combined system of the basic land
cultivation and optimum level of manures and fertilizers in croprotation.
Lazarevich S.
The correlation analysis of the
parameters of photosystem II and morphological-anatomic indications of wheat species
Parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence of 23 wheat varieties
grown in a hot-house with regulated climate were studied, as
well as morphological and anatomy research was carried out.
The obtained data are used for coorelation analysis of the
parameters of the photo system II as well as for evaluation of
their relation with morphological and anatomy characteristics
of the plants. In the given research essencial coorelation of a
relative amount of reaction centres (Fv/Fm) with the width of a
flag leaf and stem diametre in the upper interknots as well as
with the development of the guiding bunches were defined.
The obtained data can be used for explanation of the ways
of wheat evolution as well as for making up selection
Soroka S., Skuriat A., Soroka L., Kivachitskaya M.
Efficiency of the herbicide zirol in winter grain
Based on the research done in 1991, 1993 and 1994 it is
shown that in winter wheat, rye and winter triticale for the
control of annual dicotyledonous weeds including the ones
resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X one can use successfully at early
spring tillering stage the herbicide Zirol, 47,5% a.s. at the
rate of 2,0 l/ha.
Vildflush I., Zyganov A., Ryabtsev P.
estimation of the mobile phosphorus content levels
and application of phosphorus-containing
fertilizers new forms in durf-podzol soil
In durf-podzol tight-loamy soil with increasing of PH and
mobile phosphorus and potassium content levels the mobility of
lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) is reduced but the cadmium content is
grown. However, the soil content of the mobile forms of copper,
zinc, lead and cadmium in all the studied fertility backgrounds
and high phosphate content soil didn't exceed maximum
allowable concentration.
The application of double superphosphate, polyphosphate
of calcium, supercarolinphosphate, sulfoammophosphate in high
doses (300 mg P205/kg of soil) haven't led to heavy metal's
pollution of soil. Polyammophosphate and polyphosphate of
calcium in comparison with phosphorus fertilizers containing
phosphorus in orthoform furthered a little increasing of zinc
and lead mobility in soil.
Khodyankova S., Kukresh S., Anfimova Z.
Comparative estimation of the fertilizers
application methods for fiber flax in rotation
depending on the fertility level of durf-podzol
light-loamy soil
The article sums up the data of many years' research (1982-
1991) concerning the nutrition conditions influence upon the
yields and quality of fiber flax in rotation depending on the levels
of soil fertility. Taking info account quantitative and qualitative
yield indicators the rate of the main fertilizer N45P90K120 on the
background of the low fertility and N30P60K90 on the background
of the middle and high level of fertility are considered to be the
most effective for flax.
It has been stated that the local application is an essential
element of the energy sparing systems of fertilization. Their
introduction into agriculture will permit to lower the
requirements of fertilizers more than by 30%, will improve the
energy output by 27-44% per ha in comparison with the
broadcast application.
Veidemann H., Spaar D., Blotskaya J.
dangerous strain of Y-virus for potato in Europe
The information on spread in Europe a dangerous potato
disease caused by a strain of Y- virus (PVYntn) is presented. A
comparative evaluation of characteristics of this strain with the
other strains of Y-virus groups and also with other viruses
causing necrotization of potato tubers is given. The ways of
spread of a new strain, a range of host plants, the possible
methods of its diagnostics are shown. It is determined that the
potato varieties of the German assortment react to the infection
by PVYntn in a different way. Its manifestation on potato herbage
and tubers is stipulated by the variety resistance to PVY and
weather conditions.
Buga S., Shalapenok E., Meleshko J., Kaminsky V.
The structure and peculiarities of curculionid
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and aphid
(Homoptera: Aphidinea) complexes of flooded
plantations of American cranberry
Species composition of curculionid and aphid complexes on flooded plantations of American cranberry have been investigated under the conditions of Byelorussian Polessie. 19 Curculionidae species and 30 Aphidinea species have been registered. The life cycles of the majority of these phytophagous insects is connected with weeds. The weeds existance and their spatial distribution on plantations determine species composition and structure of these complexes. Only two species, weevil Otiorrhynchus ovatus L. and black aphid Aphis vaccinii Born., are the real pests for the crop.
Bosak V., Stahr K., Zarei M.
Effect of
anthropogenic-brought sulphuric and acetic acids
on the weathering processes of granite
The results of model experiments about influence
anthropogenic brought sulphuric and acetic acids on the
weathering processes of granite are given. Anthropogenic soil
aci-dification has considerable effects on the weathering of, and
neomineral formation from, rock-forming minerals. The
increase in acidity enhances leaching of acidic cations (Al, Fe,
Mn) as well as basic cations (Ca, K, Na, Mg) from granite. This
leads to a decline in neomineral formation. On the other hand,
the decrease in acidity results in a considerable decrease in acidic
cations (Al, Fe, Mn) and Si. Compared to acetic acid, sulfuric
acid had greater effects on the weathering processes of granite.
Various minerals have various stability in relation to weathering
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Stoliarov G.
The organization arrangements of the
feeds production on the radioactive pollution lands
The scientific basis of animal breeding on the agricultural
lands polluted with the radiation are under consideration, the
system of measures to provide animal breeding production
according to republic standard levels (RSL-96) are present, the
feed base organization is regarded, financial needs calculation
to purchase and carry in additional quantity of fertilizers and
also to carry out cultural technical measures are shown in this
Pesotskij N.
Dependence of the cow stability to
mastitis on the udder characteristics
Relationships between the resistance to mastitis and udder traits were studied in a trial on Black and white cows. It was found that the rate of milk flow and the udder shape had the greatest significance (7.0 and 6.0 %, respectively). This factor must be taken into account when forming technological groups.
Bukas L., Kholod V.
Comparative characteristic of
the cow colostrum chemical composition of the
different calvings
Chemical composition of cows colostrum depends on the number of calvings. The principal serum compounds increase from calving to calving. It's very important related to immunoglobulins of different classes and tripsin inhibitor, because they provide the passive immunity in new-born animals. The concentrations of albumin, inorganic phosphorus, vitamin C increase to the fifth calving. The level of gamma-Glytamyl transpeptidase in colostrum serum also increases from calving to calving. The concentration of the components under investigation reaches its maximum for cows of fifth calving. The level of the principal compounds in the first calving cows colostrum is much less compared to older cows. Using of colostrum with the high level of immunoglobulins, tripsin inhibitor, albumin, vitamin C and others, leads to strained passive colostrum immunity formation, which secures the safety rate in new-born animals.
Yakubovskiy M.
Efficiency of using of dectomax
and valbasen for the neat cattle parasitosis
In the article it has given the full discription of the most effective medical supplies dectomax and valbasen made by Pfeiser Co.. It has been found that dectomax has a high efficiency for thelasios, stronglylatosis and hypodermatosis, valbasen are used for fascioliasis and nematodosis. The application of dectomax and valbasen for the animals' parasitosis ensures the economic efficiency.
Sitko V.
Influence of the liquid enzyme feed
addition "Record-Ya" on the slaughter qualities, biochemical
compound and broilers meat properties
The purpose of the present investigation was to study the
effects of different doses of liquid enzyme composition produced
in Belarus on carcass yield, development of heart, liver, glandular
and muscle stomachs. It was studed biochemical composition
(dry matter, protein, fat, minerals and aminoacid contents in
breast and thigh muscles) and biological value of meat.
Bober U.
The prevention measures for hyperuricemia
of pullets by lithium carbonate application
Possibilities of application of lithium carbonate for prevention of hyperuricemia and consequently uratic diathesis of pullets have been considered. It was found out that the application of this drug for chicken, against a background of spontaneous hyperuricemia, caused by the lack of nutrition, has led to the considerable decrease of iric level in the blood serum and to the increase of alcaline reserve of plasma. In addition, the concentration of albumin and Ig M has increased under the influence of lithium carbonate, the contents of postalbumin, haptoglobin and Ig A have decreased. Additional investigations on the estimation of the residual quantities of lithium in the tossues of pullets and eggs showed the absence of lithium during the first twenty four hours after taking the last portion. In comparison of the new and the basic methods on the basis of application of sodium hydrocarbonate was carried out on production and economic indices and it was shown that they possessed the identical preventive effect, but the application of lithium carbonate was profitable economically due to the lower cost of preventive dose.
Processing of Agricultural Produces
Grudanov V., Samoshkina S., Belokhvostov G.,
Pavlov M.
Raising reliability of the cutting gear of
the meat mince machines
Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations about the raising reliability of the meat-choppers and meathashers cutter bar have been generalized. Different locational variants of cylindrical holes in cutting grates have been investigated. The mathematic model of punched cutting grate has been developed. The new design procedure for determination geometric parameters of machines working parts for grinding food has been offered with using of the golden proportions laws and Fibonacci numbers characteristics.
Rukshan L., Danilova L., Malinovski A.
technological properties of barley grown in Belarus
Technological property of barley grown in several locations Mogilev region of Belarus was explored from the results of the research 1992-1996. Estimation of quality of barley was defined for standard physics-chemical indicess of grain, flour and bread. The attempt application doing of new indices just vitreousness, falling number, hardness and amylaze activity. The granulation of flour was defined. The terms "hard" and "soft" applied to wheats are known for ages. It was related that when ground or milled soft barley fractures into significantly smaller particles than hard barley which is reflected in the greater "break flour yield" upon milling. The grain quality of barley variability greatly depends on the conditions of planting. As a result grain and flour technological properties are improved when selection crops rational gives the best results. The judgement of region growing is strengthen on influence of all factors in flour extraction, milling and breading properties. This study illustrate that network technology holds great promice for the food, agricultural and biological industry.
Mechanization, Power Engineering and Automation
Stepuk L., Rumiantsev I., Marchenko N.,
Lichman G.
Mechanization strategy of fertilizers
Mathematical evidences concerning the necessity of the differential (compensative) application of all types of fertilizers with consideration of basic feeding elements presence in the soil in each specific plot of the field are given. Main tasks which are to be solved by the creation of a technical system carrying out a process of the differential application of fertilizers are determined.
Ivanov V.
How to organize machinery repairs with
defined responsibility
Purpose of the work is to develop the appropriate pattern for the mode of production which would help stimulate economy of the residual durability of the repair fund and decrease the repairs' price. It is suggested that the repairs' price be established according to its factual volume, and the organization of the repairs with defined responsibility be introduced, providing the belonging of the details' set to be kept are given. While repairing automobile engines the area of the effective application of repairs with defined responsibility is limited by volumes at 4-6,3 thousand items per year. The know-how and the organization of the repairs with defined responsibility are enclosed.