
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2016 №3

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultiral Production
Scientists of Belarus

Full text
From the editorial


Full textКazakevich P. P.
Achievements and objectives of modern agricultural science
In the Republic of Belarus there are five research and practical centers conducting research in the field of agriculture. They are the Research and Practical Center for Arable Farming, the Research and Practical Center for Potato Growing, Fruit and Vegetable Growing, the Research and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry, the Research and Practical Center for Agriculture Mechanization, the Research and Practical Center for Foodstuffs. The centers were established in 2006. The innovations of these research and practical centers have mostly ensured the progress in the agro-industrial complex of the country. Over the last ten years labour productivity in the countryside has increased by more than 23 times. The return of the government funding in 2011–2015 for the National Program “Agro-industrial complex–2020” has exceeded 200 times. The most important aim of the Belarusian agricultural science for further 5 years is scientific support for the increase of the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products. The objectives on the achievement of this aim are indicated in the National Program “Agro-industrial complex”. More than 60 % of the products to be developed within the Program will ensure import substitution, and 40 % of them will have the potential for export. It’s expected that for 5 years the output of domestically produced substitutes according to the developments of the scientists will be 38 trillion roubles and products for export – 20 trillion roubles (before denomination).

Full textWu Xing-Hong, Dai Yong-Gang, Teng Zhan-Wei, Sun Lei
A win-win cooperation of agricultural research between China and Belarus
China is currently experiencing a transition period for its agriculture development. Innovation in science and technology will play a crucial role in achieving the modernization of agriculture in China. Over the last decades, agriculture in China has primarily been of extensive style with an undiversified conformation. There has been a poorish correlation among the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the three-industry, resulting in a less developed agro-processing industry and shortened industry chain. Jilin province is a typical ecotype area of agriculture in northeast China and an epitome of the northern agriculture. Belarus has well developed machinery, food and potato industries. These are ideal complements to the agricultural economics in northeast China. Thus, induction of talents and the advanced technologies in food processing industries from Belarus would be a wise choice to overcome the shortage in agro-products processing industries, so as to promote the coordinated development of the three-industry in China. Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) has a prestige history of some 100 years. Scientists there have contributed greatly to both national and regional agriculture with their remarkable achievements in cereal breeding, pomology, edible fungus, vegetables, and animal husbandry. Together with the broad market potential for farm products processing industry in China, these have provided Belarus with a great opportunity of collaboration with China. This article overviews the agriculture and agricultural related science and technology in Jilin. Further, a comparative analysis was conducted aiming at clarification of the advantages in agricultural sciences between Jilin and Belarus. Finally, the feasibility and future perspectives of the collaboration between the two parties are also discussed.

Full textGusakov E. V.
Concept of creation and operation of clusters in the agro-industrial complex
The paper deals with the concept of creation and operation of clusters in the agro-industrial complex. Presented is a scientifically substantiated algorithm of cluster formation involving a certain sequence of stages and procedures. Developed are organizational and economic bases of creation of production and sales clusters (for real economic management conditions) which include the stages of creation, basic measures of stage implementation and specific features of these measures.

Full textKireyenka N. V.
Integrated exchange commodity market of agricultural products of the Eurasian Economic Union: principles, mechanisms and directions of formation
The paper studies and summarizes the main provisions of the state regulations of commodity exchanges in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Substantiated are the modern trends of stock trading development in Belarus as a promising channel of promotion of agricultural products. Analyzed are the main provisions of the draft recommendations of the Eurasian Economic Commission for the development of exchange trade in agricultural products on the territory of the integrated associations. A set of measures to promote the integrated exchange commodity market of agricultural products of the Eurasian Economic Union is proposed.

Full textGorbatovski А. V., Harbatouskaya A. N.
Efficient development of beef cattle breeding in the Pripyat Polessye area: factors and conditions
The paper presents the comparative evaluation of the efficiency of the development of beef cattle breeding industry in terms of productivity in agricultural organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the main trends of the productive use of resources. The analysis of the return on investment at beef production allows identifying the basic directions of the efficiency increase of the industry. The levels of intensity and performance of the beef cattle breeding and its prospects for the development in the Pripyat Polessye area are determined.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textPrivalov F. I., Urban E. P.
Achievements and problems of high yield crops breeding in the Republic of Belarus
The article analyzes the modern state, main results, priorities and problems of breeding of cereal, legume and fodder crops in the Republic of Belarus. The characteristics of the new varieties and hybrids of crops included in the National List and proposals for varieties optimization are presented.

Full textZaitseva О. I., Sakovich V. I., Bushtevich V. N., Grib S. I., Lemesh V. А.
Molecular and genetic analysis of allelic composition of plant breeding valuable genes of triticale remote hybrids
It’s established that 65 separate plants of remote hybrids of spring triticale with wheat of four crossings of generation F4–F5 have allelic composition of genes of grain proteins(Glu-1), dwarfing genes (Rht) and genes controlling vernalization reaction. It’s determined that genes Dx5 and Dy10 of locus Glu-D1 of wheat are transferred to remote hybrids of triticale. Identified are 11 lines of crossing Uzor ç Rostan which are characterized by the optimal composition of all the studied plant breeding valuable genes: Glu-А1b Glu-B1b Glu-D1d on locus Glu-1, Vrn-A1a Vrn-Blа on locus Vrn-1 and Rht-B1b on locus Rht.

Full textLapa V. V., Mikhailovskaya N. А., Каsyanchik S. А., Мezentseva Е. G., Кulesh О. G., Pogirnitskaya Т. V., Barashenko Т. B.
Activities of hydrolytic enzymes in carbon and nitrogen cycles in highly fertile luvisol sandy loam soil under different levels of mineral nutrition
As a result of determination of activities of hydrolytic enzymes of C and N cycles (cellulase, invertase, protease and urease) biochemical parameters of mineralization have been calculated under different levels of crop fertilization on highly fertile Luvisol sandy loam soil. Biochemical parameters of mineralization increase due to the application of FYM (60 t ha–1), its combination with PK-fertilizer (Р20K45 and Р40K90) as well as due to increasing doses of nitrogen (N60 and N60+30 for cereals, N90 and N90+30 for maize) and its combination with microelements (N60+30Cu50+Mn50 for cereals, N90+30Zn100 for maize) are presented. On the basis of the criteria of high and sustainable crop productivity as well as moderate level of mineralization in C and N cycles ecologically reasonable fertilizer treatments which ensure the maintenance of the reached level of fertility have been established.

Full textPavlova I. V., Kupreenko N. P., Zvyagintseva K. V., Ivanovskaya M. V., Lagodich A. V., Glushen S. V.
Polyphormism of loci of cytoplasmic male sterility of the onion (Аllium cepa L.) varieties of Belarusian breeding
Studied are two DNA-markers of mitochondrial gene cob characterizing S- and N-cytoplasm, marker of mitochondrial region orfA501 with S- and T-cytoplasm, and two markers co-segregating with Ms or ms, nuclear genes which control the fertility of phenotypes with S-cytoplasm in the onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties developed in the Institute of Vegetable Growing.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full text Pestis V. K., Tanana L. A., Vertinskaya O. V., Kataeva S. A.
Influence of the Hereford genetic resources at different methods of breeding for receiving high-quality beef
The paper presents the results of the researches on nutrition and biological value of the beef from the bulls of Hereford and black and motley breeds and Hereford x black and motley hybrids at the age of 16 months. The chemical composition, technological properties, amino-and fat and acid balance of the meat are studied. As a result of the researches, established is superiority of the bulls of the hereford breed and hereford x black and motley hybrids according to qualitative characteristics of the meat in comparison with the black and motley breed.

Full textGolushko V. M., Golushko A. V., Piljuk V. N., Sitko A. V.
Protein and amino-acid nutritional value of pig fodder
In pig fodder the algorithm of calculation of the presence of an "ideal" protein is developed on the basis of the data on the norms of the essential amino acids content in complete fodder and their content in basic fodder. The interrelation of the first limiting amino acid with the required norm makes an amount of complete sets of an "ideal" protein in fodder. Fodder ranging with reference to the content of an “ideal” protein and its cost has been conducted.

Full text Sheyko I. P., Pristupa N. V., Sheyko R. I., Yanovich Е. А., Kosko I. S.
Performance traits of pigs of the new plant type “Polessky” in the Landrace breed
Performance traits of quite a large population of the Landrace breed animals are studied, methods for creation of the new plant type “Polessky” with high reproductive performance and an increased growth of energy at a low feed cost and good meat traits of carcasses are presented.

Full textKostousov V. G., Adamovich B. V., Zhukova T. V., Selivonchik I. N.
Assessment of the influence of fish activities on the lake ecosystem and efficiency of fisheries
The cumulative effect of fish activities on the habitat and state of fish fauna of the lake B. Shvakshty is studied. Conducted is the analysis of the influence of the methods of culture-based fishery on the efficiency of fishery. The influence of stocking with herbivorous and carnivorous fishes and structural changes of the ecosystem at all productional levels are studied.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textAzarenko V. V., Misun A. L., Misun L. V., Korbut S. N.
Assessment of occupational safety at fodder crops harvest as an indicator of the reduction of professional risks
The article substantiates the indicator of occupational safety of an operator of mobile agricultural machinery depending on his professional training, injury risk of equipment, and working conditions. Proposed is the range of the levels of occupational safety of forage harvester operators, what contributes to the rational allocation of operators for equipment, and as a result, efficiency increase of the measures on labour protection.

Full textPerednya V. I., Bashkо Yu. A., Bashkо A. Yu.
Effective use of milking equipment for production of competitive milk
The paper deals with the ways of livestock maintenance at dairy farms and the assessment of these ways. It’s shown that it’s necessary to modernize the existing dairy farms as traditional systems of machines and equipment can’t ensure the production of competitive products. Different variants of the efficient use of modern milking equipment are analyzed. The results of the research enable to determine the directions for reducing the cost price of milking operations, and consequently the directions of scientific and technological work on the improvement of milking machines.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultiral Production

Full textVasilenko Z. V., Tsed Е. А., Volkova S. V.
Comparative analysis of the efficiency of using different types of yeast in alcohol production
The paper shows the feasibility and efficiency of using new species and races of yeast in alcohol production and the yeast isolated from bioculture of rice fungus in particular. The yeast under study is characterized by favorable technological properties and high alcohol accumulation as well as low formation of ethanol extraneous admixtures responsible for its quality.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Vasily Mikhailovich Golushko (To the 80th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Zoya Vasilievna Vasilenko (To the Jubilee)

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Grodno State Agrarian University – 65 years

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