
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2000 №1

Economics and information technologies
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Mechanization and Power

Full textAntonyuk A., Severnev M., Pastukhova Z.
Increasing of the efficiency of the scientific-research works
It has been considered principal proposals of introduction of the complete scientific-research and experimental-constructive works, the requirements to completion of works are determines, the nominations and form of the complete researches are stated and also terms and order of their presentation for making a decision about applying in production are grounded.

UpEconomics and information technologies

Full textMoroz Y.
The strategy of the stable progressive development of Agro-Industrial Complex: its essence, analysis of the results, conclusions, prospects
Economic situation in Agro-Industrial Complex (AIC) of Belarus has been analyzed. It has been proposed some urgent decisions aimed at subsequent successful development of AIC.

Full textKagan A.
Perspectives of reforming of agricultural enterprises in Belarus
The paper deals with the problems and perspectives of reforming agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.

Full textLeshchilovskiy P., Kazachok A.
The place and the role of consumer societiesin infra-structure of village
In this article it bas been given an evaluation of the role and the significance of consumer societies in infrastructure of village. It has been shown that this type of activity has an important place in production of food-stuffs and raw materials for industry. An efficiency of consumer society enterprises is considered also as the ways of their subsequent development.

Full textMarkuscnko M.
Market of agrarian labour: the main quantity and quality parameters
This article is dedicated to research of the market of agrarian labour and to the essence of correlations which form above-mentioned market. By means of systematization of the factors defined the market of agrarian labour (factors of the market state and keeping its balance; expenses for reproduction of labour force; factors of infrastructure and efficiency of labour market) and by analyzing the main ones of them it has been given a complex estimation of the state and development of basic parameters of forming and use of agriculture labour potential.

Full textEfremenko N.
The factors of forming of management paradigm of agrarian enterprises
The article contains a short analysis of the progress of management systems of agrarian enterprises for last 30 years. A monitoring is based on consideration of such fundamental notions of management as goals, an enterprise philosophy, functions and structure. Coming from that the factors affected on the forming of management paradigm in the Republic of Belarus, are classified on external (out-system) and internal (in-system) ones. It has been considered the principal conditions for subsequent development of management system of agrarian enterprises towards system's concord with management of market economy countries.

Full textGusakov V., Mieleshchenia A.
Problems of reforming process activation on enterprises of process industry
Modern condition of reforming of the processing industry's enterprises is considered. Defects of used model of reforming are reflected and possible ways of the decision of existing problems are offered. A role of the share market in activization of attraction of the investments for modernization and reconstruction of production is considered.

UpArable Farming and Plant Growing

Full textPersikova T.
The efficiency of mineral and biological nitrogen in grain-grass-intertilled crop rotation
According to the obtained data the possible input of organic matter and symbiotic nitrogen of the legume crops to the soil fertility as well as the role of the former for the yield capacity of the following crops have been calculated. The yield increase of the early potato due to the common nitrogen of the clover organic matter on the medium cultured soils amounted to 104 cwt/ha, including that of the symbiotic one 69 cwt/ha, spring wheat 7,6 cwt/ha and 5,4 cwt/ha respectively. After the clover the potato yield without nitrogen fertilizer application amounted to 24,8cwt/ha and that of spring wheat after lupin 2,4 cwt/ha.

Full textKartashevich V.
Standard model of managing of phytosanitary situation of agrocoenosis
The two-level model of phytosanitary situation of agrocoenosises management is considered. It is made of hydro-meteorological data, an ecological normalization of pesticides, species composition of noxious objects, knowledge base on protective measures. The complex of algorithms for inside the farm and regional levels of management is considered. The information model for republican level of management is indicated.

Full textKarbanovich T.
Analysis of heredity of the yield character of cucumber hybrid F1
Phenotypic variation, the character of inheritance of yield and the display of hereditary effect of cucumber's hybrid F1 have been studied. Four hybrids F1 with stable display of super-dominating according to the trait of yield have been signed out.

Full textKhaibullin A.
Viscosity of agro-chemicals working solutions
Phenomenon of viscosity as a physical parameter of solution is described. Its influence on the practical agro-chemicals use is considered. Amounts of viscosity of working solutions, both mixes, and their components are determined: herbicides-lentipur, arelon, lintur, adjuvant-glical, synthetic universal detergents (SUD), KAN, insecticide karate. Conclusions are made and practical recommendations for practical application are given.

Full textMatsukevich V.V., Filippenko V.S., Verenich A.F.
Economic and ecology basis of rational correlation of the natural and anthropogen landscapes on Byelorussian Polessie
It has been considered the changes of anthropogen and natural character of landscape of Brest Region for 20 years period. The items of increase of anthropogen landscape, including that by land-improvement. The raise dynamic of reclaimed arable land is studied. It has been determined a rational combination of anthropogen and natural landscapes for Byelorussian Polessie Region with use of factors of biological productivity of vegetable and animal world and cost evaluation. It has been stated an influence of melioration on increase of values of anthropogen landscape.

Full textSevernev M., Severneva E.
Is our planet threatened with hotbed effect
In the article a consumption level of hydrocarbon fuel is given, it has been determined pollution by carbon acid gas as a principal factor affected on hot-bed effect. On the base of analysis of the technogen exhausts in comparison with the natural ones it has been proved that the technogen exhausts can not exert essential influence on hot-bed effect because they are not more than 1,9% as compared with natural ones relatively 1 М3 of land air.

UpAnimal Breeding and Veterinary

Full textGrin M., Nemets V.
The role of pair mating in the improvement of Black&White cattle
The effect of different variants of inbreeding and outbreeding on productive and reproductive performance of Black and White cows was studied. It was found that in good conditions of feeding and management ensuring 4,700-5,000 leg of milk in the 1st lactation and 5,600-6,000 kg in the 3rd and subsequent lactation higher milk yield and better reproductive qualities had those cows which had been received under moderate inbreeding on top sires.

Full textSheyko I., Michaylov I., Tananya L., Klimov N.
Reproductive capacities of sows of different genotypes of various duration of pregnancy
It has been shown the reproductive capacities of sows different genotypes of various duration of pregnancy on pedigree farm «Zadnyeprovskiy». It has been listed the investigation results of the study of correlations of the reproductive capacities of sows with the duration of their pregnancy.

Full textRusinovich A.
Methods of limination of bovine leukosis on farms with intensity of BLV infection in cows over 30%
Results of general serological examination of cattle in 1990 on leukosis revealed 19,6% of cows infected by bovine leukosis virus (BLV) in 97,8% of collective and State farms of Belarus and on 652 farms there were over 30% of the infected animals. Epizootic nature of prevalence BLV infection and peculiarities of cattle farming caused the necessity of the development of effective methods of infection's elimination. On the farms where there were over 30% of virus carrier animals it has been applied the method of sanitation by separation of the unwell herd into a serologically positive and a serologically negative groups. The obtained results have shown a sufficiently high efficiency of this method. So on 2 tested farms during 4 years the number of virus carrier cows decrease respectively to 4,4 and 2,4 times. The forecasted calculations show that a complete sanitation of the all herd would be achieved in 5 and 5,5 years. On the farms with the same epizootic situation but without unwell herd separation the sanitation period would be prolonged for 1,50-2 years with additive production and economic expenses.

Full textKovaliov N., Usienia M.
Eritrocitus diagnosticum for determination of antiparvovirus enteritis in RNGA
The erythrocytal antigen test in modification of Savnenko on the base of metod of J.Jandl and R.Simmons and regional strain of parvovirus enteritis KMIEV-14 with stabilised erytracytes of cattle and conygate substance СrСl3, was developed. This test allow to denect anti parvovirus antibodies in ill and immunised animals during 1,5-2 houres.

Full textKirdun S.
Epizootology of helminthiases and protozoases of fur animals in fur farms of the Republic of Belarus
Research results of epizootic situation in fur farms of the Republic of Belarus concerning helminthiases and protozoases of fur animals (mink, polar foxes and foxes) under keeping in cages. It has been found that all the animals of farms in consideration are infested by helminthes, protozoa and their in different degrees depending on age, sex, season, fur colour.

Full textDubina I., Subbotin A.
Taenia pisiformis of epizootology and its larva Cysticercus pisiformis
It has been stated the results of studies of distribution of Taenia pisiformis among dogs and cats, Cystercosis pisiformis among rabbits and bares and other rodents in the nothern part of Belarus, peculiarities of biology of development of Taenia pisiformis, their eggs and their larvae (Cystecercus pisiformis) in the environment, and also the pathogenic influence of Taenia and Cysticercus on animal organisms. It has been determined that the invasion extensiveness by taenia of dogs constituted 38,3%, cats — 9%, 39,1% of rabbits and 22,5% of hares were affected by cysticercossis. The duration of taenia prepatent period at dogs varies 51-55 days and depends on the dog's age, ration composition and conditions of their keeping. Cysticercus become invasionable to the 35-37-th day. Cysticercosis has the acute and chronic forms. The eggs of Taenia pisiformis posses a high stability to the influence of environmental factors.

Full textKhodosovskiy D., Khochenkov A., Solyanik V., Bezmen V.
Metabolic Energy (ME) of feed wheat for poultry
The article is about the problem of metabolic energy (ME) evaluation in wheat for poultry. A new approach to ME evaluation is suggested. The multiple regression equation with multiple coefficient of determination - 0,65 includes such exponents as humidity, objectionable admixtures in grain and wheat plumpness.

UpMechanization and Power

Full textIvanov V.
Resources saving in repair manufacture
It has been given the methodical approach to reducing of consumption of industrial resources such as spare parts, materials, thermal and electrical energy by repair manufacture. The measures directed on the complete use of residual durability of the repair fund's details are the most urgent. Under stock-taking and rate setting of the thermal and electric energy it has been determined the technique necessary quantity of energy for production processing with analyzing of its lost part owing to an imperfection of processing, equipment, organization. It has been grounded the measures which allow to reduce the spare parts and materials up to 20% and 15% relatively.

Full textStepuk L.
Elaboration and realization of the program of priority of agricultural machinebuilding as an indispensable condition of the stable development of agriculture nowadays
It has been proposed a scientific based program of the priority of agricultural machine-building. Its realization will allow to create the premises for the technical supply of intensive technologies in cattle-breeding and plant raising in the conditions of financial, material and energy resources deficit. It has been grounded a structure of the program in consideration.

Full textSharshunov V., Kuzmitskiy A., Dremuk V., Lazarev L.
Intra-volume applying of the conservation liquids by mixer-leveler into the trench silage-storehouse
It has been proposed a new technology of intra-volume applying of the conservation liquids by mixer-leveler into the trench silage-storehouse during laying-in of silage and hay. The equipment is given and the results of testing time of new technology have been analyzed.

Full textSharshunov V., Kuzmitskiy A., Dremuk V., Lazarev L.
Intra-volume applying of the conservation liquids by mixer-leveler into the trench silage-storehouse
It has been proposed a new technology of intra-volume applying of the conservation liquids by mixer-leveler into the trench silage-storehouse during laying-in of silage and hay. The equipment is given and the results of testing time of new technology have been analyzed.

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