





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2010 №2

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textGusakov V. G., Svyatogor A. P.
Reserves of raising the pig-breeding sector
In the article the system analysis of the reserves of a possible growth of productivity and effectiveness of the pig-breeding sector are shown, the methods of improving its organization and competitive recovery under new conditions are presented.

Full textShyshko V. I.
Dairy products warket of the Republic of Belarus: improvement of marketing activity
The article deals with the factors which influence functioning dairy products market under present conditions. The analysis of the marketing channels of dairy products sales is done, the basic types of sales outlets to be used most of all are identified. Referring to the tendencies of the development of dairy products market new ways to increase the efficiency of marketing activity of dairy enterprises are suggested.

Full textSaiganov A. S.
Organizational and economic aspects in creating agroservice groups on the cooperative basis for implementation of mechanized works (services)
By the example of the agricultural organizations of Logoysk district of Minsk oblast the creation of three groups of agroservice units on the cooperative basis representing new organizational forms of agricultural technology to provide mechanized works (services) is substantiated. For each of them agricultural organization-founders and the amount of the most labor-intensive work to be carried out are identified on the basis of the availability of agricultural lands belonging to cooperatives; the optimal technological need for technical resources as well as the total amount of the authorized capital in the course of creating the structures like these ones are determined, the method of payment not only with agricultural parent organizations, but also with other consumers for rendered services is suggested.

Full textZapolskiy M. I.
Experience on the development of agricultural production of Venezuela on the basis of coorepative forms of management
The present period of the development of Venezuela is characterized by serious social and economic changes in agriculture. However, climatic factors constrain the industrial development of agroindustrial production. The government of the country draws a special attention to preservation and development of an irrigation agriculture system. For this purpose large investment projects with the participation of foreign experts are implemented. The researches show that nowadays the development of rural areas is connected with the creation of the public sector of production on the basis of cooperative forms of management which corresponds to the state policy pursued by the government.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textTsytron G. S., Shul’gina S. V., Azaronak T. N., Matychenkova O. V., Gorbacheva E. V.
Comparative characteristics of humus content of natural sod-podzolic, agrosod-podzolic soils and hortics anthrosols of sandy granulometric composition
The article presents the research results of the qualitative composition transformation of humus in the process of soil cultivation. The validity to identify natural sod-podzolic, agrosod-podzolic soils and hortic anthrosols at the level of individual types in the new classification of Belarus is shown.

Full textMikhailovskaya N. A., Tchernysh A. F., Kasyanchyk S. A.
Effect of the bacterial fertilizer Kaliplant on the yield and quality of spring wheat grown on eroded soils
Prospects and economic substantiation of the bacterial fertilizer Kaliplant (K-mobilizing bacteria) application for spring wheat growing are established in the field experiment conducted in accordance with the geomorphologic profile of Luvisol sandy loam soil on loess loam. Introduction of the bacterial fertilizer Kaliplant resulted in the increase of spring wheat productivity at all slope elements – by 7.0–9.1 c/ha f.u. The most significant positive effect is observed when spring wheat is grown on severely eroded soil, that indicates antistressful properties of the Kaliplant. The bacterial fertilizer has a good influence on biological value of spring wheat protein owing to the increase of critical and irreplaceable amino acids content including lysine. The most significant improvements of protein biological values are observed when spring wheat is grown on moderately eroded and not eroded soils.

Full textShlapunov V. N., Karpei O. N.
Peculiarities of forming the yield of bird’s trefoil (Lotus cornicutus L.) at different methods and terms of sowing
The results of 3-year researches of the cultivation of bird’s trefoil on sandy loam soils prove that in the first year of life of bird’s trefoil undersowings are more efficient in comparison with coverless sowings. Summer (July) sowings of this plant are not mowed down because of low yield but in the second and third years of life they are not inferior to spring sowings in respect of productivity.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheyko R. I.
Correlation of fattening and meat qualities of different pig breeds depending on the selection aim
The effect of aimed selection in several generations on improvement of meat and fattening qualities of different pig breeds is described in the article. It is determined that meat qualities of carcasses can be estimated with high reliability (P ≤ 0.01; P ≤ 0.001) concerning meat content in separate cuts, mostly in the rear tierce of half-carcass.

Full textMalashko V. V., Khomutinnik E. I.
Morphometrical and ultrastructural analysis of skeletal muscles enlargement of chicken-broiler cross “Cobb-500” in postnatal ontogenesis
The article deals with the description of the dynamics of postnatal hystogenesis of somatic muscles chicken broiler of cross “Cobb-500” applying morphometrical and ultrastuctural methods. The differences in the indices of muscles growth in respect of age periods and also in the enlargement of a chicken chest and leg muscles are identified.

Full textPestis P. V.
Infuence of the silo prepared with sapropelic fodder additive on the effciency of cows and indicators of digestion of diet nutrients
The article presents the results on the use of preservatives from local raw materials while preparing cereal-bean silo. It’s stated that the use of sapropelic fodder additive (SFA) in the course of siloing enables to reduce solid losses by 7.9–9.6%, crude protein – by 12.6–15.0%, sugar – by 45–55%, carotin – by 22.3–23.6%. Including silo with SFA in a diet of cows allows raising dairy efficiency, digestion of diet nutrients, improving assimilability of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

Full textGolushko V. M., Roshin V. A., Linkevich S. A.
Modern norms of energy and amino acid nutrition of breeding boars
Perfect concentration norms of basic nutrients in mixed feeds for breeding boars are determined as a result of the researches. 1 kg of mixed feed should contain not less than 12.4 MJ of metabolizable energy, 180 g of crude protein, 9.2 g of lysine, as well as 7.6 g of digestible lysine, 6.4 g of methionine with cystine, 7.6 g of threonine, 1.8 g of tryptophan, 6.2 g of valine, 5.3 g of isoleucine at lysine/metabolizable energy ration of 0.74 g/MJ and digestible lysine/metabolizable energy ratio – 0.61 g/MJ. Feeding breeding boars with mixed feeds that are balanced in accordance with new norms promotes the increase in the quality and quantity of sperm products obtained from them: ejaculate volume on the average at 13.2 or 4.5% (P < 0.05), sperm dozes quantity – at 0.56 or 4.0% (P < 0.05). The use of feed preparations of lysine, threonine and methionine amino acids while balancing feed for breeding boars instead of traditional protein sources (cakes and fish flour) promotes a more efficient management of the branch.

Full textKapansky A. A.
Infuence of multienzyme composition “Fekord-2004С” on slaughter qualities of pigs
The paper demonstrates the findings on the assessment of the efficiency of application of fodder enzyme additive “Fekord-2004С” for feeding young pigs to be fattened. It is determined that enzyme additive “Fekord-2004C” in terms of 0.13 kg per 1 ton of mixed feeds is recommended to be added to the composition of mixed feeds.

Full textDadashko V. V., Romashko A. K., Zinkevich L. V.
Productive qualities of hens with the use of hulless barley variety in mixed fodders
The chemical composition and the nutritional value of hulless barley Duplet are studied. It’s stated that including hulless barley in the diet of layers up to 50% has a positive influence on hens’ viability and on commercial qualities of eggs, enables to reach 79.7% of intensity of egg productivity when fodder is conversed (1.52 kg of fodder per 10 eggs), to reduce the cost of mixed fodder by 1.8–6.0% and the expenses on eggs manufacture – by 2.5–9.8%.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textEfimenko A. G.
Specifcity of the motor transport services market in the agroindustrial complex
The research and assessment of the motor transport services market in the agroindustrial complex include the analysis of its structure and segments, specificity, directions and dynamics of its development, the level of monopolization or development of competitiveness as well as quantitative and qualitative parameters. The organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the motor transport services market in the agroindustrial complex is studied in terms of its legitimacy, efficiency and safety. The mechanism controlling the market situation includes a free admission of operators to the market combined with the requirements on the parameters of admission of specialized organizations (firms) to the operators of motor transport business. The solution to the above-mentioned problems under the conditions of the market economy development is directed to stabilize functioning of motor transport, to increase the amount of cargo transportation, to achieve a higher level of motor transport servicing of agroindustrial production.

Full textGorin G. S., Zakharov A. V., Vashchula A. V.
Infuence of small mutual movements of a tractor and a semi-mounted trailed agricultural tool on traction and general dynamics of their interaction
The analysis of the results of experimental researches of semimounted arable units shows that when tractors «Belarus 2522/3022» are ballasted with front mounted cargoes slipping and specific consumption of fuel are reduced insignificantly, what is proved by the classical theory. When a tractor is aggregated with a trailed disk harrow, on the contrary, the removal of front mounted cargoes promotes a 3-fold growth due to superfluous communications in the connection. Suggested are circuits and equations of the balance of a semimounted plough and a trailed disk tool in the unit with a wheel tractor in the longitudinal-vertical plane. The calculations explaining the above mentioned effects are presented.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textChernyavskaya L. A., Vetrov V. S., Kovalenko I. A., Stupak O. O., Kamenskaya T. N.
Features of the production technology of granulated dry food for dogs
The article describes the structure of dry granulated food for dogs feeding and the technology of its production developed at the RUE “Institute of Meat and Milk Industry”. The results of physical and chemical, microbiological researches and researches on feeding laboratory animals and dogs are presented.

UpScientists of Belarus

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Pavel Prokof,evith Rogovoy (To the 115th Anniversary of Birthday)

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Tatyana Aleksandrovna Romanova (To the Jubilee)

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