National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
Economics and information technologies
Brechko Ya., Sumonov M.
The last year of the
century: some results of the economic
development of the agro-industrial sector
The article provides the main results of the agro-industrial complex of Belarus in 2000; the comparisons of the main products of plant breeding branch; the analysis of the trends of growing cereals, potatoes, meat, milk gross products and the trends of commercial profitability for the past decade. The article demonstrates the reasons of the stagnation in agro-industrial complex and proposes the solutions.
Zhudro M.
Perspectives of restructuring agroindustrial
The article provides the assessment of the modern practice of
restructuring agro-industrial complex in Belarus and points out
main positive and negative trends. The author justifies speeding up
restructuring and formulates its instruments.
Mesnik N., Mesnik D.
Formation of tariffs for the
services rendered by agro-services enterprises
The article provides the methods of assessing costs when
calculating the tariffsfor the mechanization services in agriculture.
Price formation is seen from the two alternative approaches towards
pricing — cost and value based. The article explains when and how
the calculation method of equalizing tariffs is used.
Osipenko A., Stribuk P.
Systematization of the
Chernobyl affected enterprises and the choice of the
forms of their economic development
The procedure of systematization of agricultural enterprises with
usage of a multifactor expert-statistical analysis is offered. By results
of classification 181 enterprises on contaminated terrain of the Gomel
and Brest ranges main directions of their specialization and
cooperation within the framework of agrarian financial and industrial
bunches are given.
Svyatogor A., Gorbatovsky A., Roschin A.
regulation is the most important economic
condition for efficient intensification of animal
At present the agricultural sector of Belarus may come out of the
crisis, implement intensification of the production, ensure the increase
of the output and strengthen economy only using own resources with
simultaneous governmental support. The article demonstrates the
necessity for improving the incentives provided by the state for
increasing the efficiency of the development of animal breeding sector.
Filiptsov A.
The concept of comparable advantages
and the practice of governmental regulation of the
agrarian sector
In Belarus, in the conditions of huge deficit of resources and large-scale governmental interference into the economy the choice of strategic elements of regulations has paramount importance. One of the most important prerequisites for international competitiveness is the comparable advantages of certain types of produce. Generally comparable advantages can be formulated as the relation of alternative production costs inside the country to the world price for this particular produce. Alternative production costs is the result of the best alternative options of resource utilization used in the production of a specific product. In the conditions of the competitive market the alternative costs are expressed by me balanced price for the product. The article proposes the method of calculating alternative production costs of agricultural produce in the conditions of me market with imperfect competition. Utilizing me concept of comparable advantages allows specifying branches (types of produce) effective from the global point of view.
Shebeko K.
Food wholesale markets
The author used institutional theory and its instruments to justify efficient market infrastructure, the formation of which would be reasonable to ground on regional principle, systematic approach and integration of the entities of different levels. At the same time the prerequisites for reducing transactions costs must be created as well the system of arbitrage aimed at balanced up keep of different markets. Such system creates the prerequisites for optimizing physical distribution of food, efficient use of the existing distribution system, rational investment process, competitive environment and lower asymmetry of information in this sector. The article provides the data on forming the structural system of food markets and the characteristics of main participant
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Bogdevich I., Shmigelskaya L., Efimova L.,
Putvatin Yu.
The volumes of accumulation of
137Cs and 90Sr per specie and variety of
agricultural plants
The accumulation of radionuclides in various species and varieties of agricultural plants on the same conditions of soil contaminated by radionuclides and agrochemical exponents can differ hundred times. The differences in accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr are less - up to 3-4 times. The article grades the basic plants cultivated on contaminated soils per volume of 137Cs and 90Sr as well as per crop yield.
It is possible to recommend selecting the species and varieties of agricultural plants having minimal capabilities of accumulation as a simple economically justified way of reducing the contamination of agricultural produce in general.
Shofman L.
Some aspects of the interrelation
between the density of cenosis and the
productivity of mixed perennial fodder crops
Not pretending to a comprehensive analysis of the diversity of
the productivity process ofmixed crops, grown without strict placing
in rows, it is possible to forecast with the sufficient degree of
correcmess the dry matter content depending on the amount of plants
per square unit, using the methods of linear programming and
statistical biometry for such forecasts.
Tsyganov A., Persikova T., Kakshintsev A.,
Filipek T., Labuda S.
Mineral and amino acid
composition of the blue lupine grain
The article summarizes the data of the two-year experiments on mineral and amino acid composition of the blue lupine grain variety "Helena ", grown in the northeast of Belarus. It also demonstrates variability of the mineral nutrition elements; variability of protein and its amino acids. The article establishes correlation between the elements in the weight and molecular form; correlation between mineral elements and amino acids; as well as between elements and amino acids. Biological value of protein corresponding to 76,8 % was established.
Shimansky L., Shlapunov V., Nadtochaev N.
Creation of corn inbred lines in Belarus
The seven years of breeding research at Belarus Research
Institute for Arable Farming and Fodders have resulted in the creation
of a number of corn lines having important economic properties.
Studying the lines and their test-crosses in a wide ecological network
allowed to select genotypes with high adaptive potential. The
experimental hybrids of grain and silage created on their basis have
the productivity not less than standards.
Bosak V.
The impact of the long-term application
of fertilizers on the nutrient balance of grain crop
rotations and their dynamics on sody-podzolic
light loamy soils
The average annual application of nitrogen fertilizers N62-90 on the background of 16 t/ha of manure and P60K104 on sody-podzolic light loamy soils ensures the productivity of the grain crop rotations (potatoes - barley - oats-pea mixture - winter wheat) at the level of 7,6-8,0 t/ha per unit with maximum agronomic, energetic and economic efficiency. It also ensures good balance of nitrogen and positive balance of phosphorous and potassium.
On soils with the high content of mobile forms of phosphorous and potassium it is advisable to apply mineral phosphorous and potassium fertilizers on the basis of 100% intensity of their balance.
Atrashkova A.
Influence of pesticides on the
micro flora of sody-podzolic soil
The effect of the intensive chemical oat protection on the main groups of soil microorganisms was studied in the field experiment. It was determined that the production doses of pesticides (vitavax 200FF, 34% w.s.c. 2,5 kg/t regent 300 EC, 70 ml/ha pardner, 22,5% c.e., 1,01 l/ha, granit, 20% c.e. 1,01 l/ha) increased the number of cellulose-destroying, nitrifying, ammonifying bacteria and microorganisms, using mineral forms of nitrogen. Temporal inhibition of azotobacter, fungi and aclinomycetes was observed. By the end of the vegetation period the number of studied groups of microorganisms have restored to the control level.
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Medvedev G., Anikevich L.
The properties of
milk extender with different composition used for
dilution of the bull's sperm
The article provides the results of the research on physical and biological properties of the two components milk extender for dilution of the bull's sperm. The skimmilk with fat content of 0,05-0,08%, homogenized cream, glycerin and polygene are the basic components of the first option of the extender, another option requires adding fructose solution, glycerin and polygene. The osmotic pressure of the extenders was 290±1 and 284±I mOsms; pH 6,66±0,01 and 6,61 ±0,01 respectively. When diluting and freezing the bull's sperm in granules or pellets milk extender ensured the viability 30-40% of spermatozoa as well as preservation of their structure and biological properties. The percentage of the cells with damaged acrosoma (among mobile) did not exceed 7-8. Insemination of heifers and cows with such sperm yielded higher results offertilization (77,5% on average). The insemination with the sperm diluted with lactosa-egg-glycerine extender had 62,1%.
Pochebut O., Vasilyuk Ya., Dadashko V.
comparison of the efficiency of ferment additives
in the rations of meat chickens
The research demonstrated that the multy-enzyme ferments
compound "Fecord-M" produced in the Republic of Belarus
allows using wheat instead of maize in the diet of meat chickens.
It is not inferior in its efficiency to the world-known compound
"Hostazym X" made by German "Hoechst".
Rusinovich A.
The impact of the territory
contamination on the epizootic process of cattle
The article deals with specifying the influence of natural, geographic and ecological conditions on the epizootic process of cattle infection. The tests were conducted in northern districts (Rossony, Verhnedvinsk, Vitebsk) with no territorial contamination and in the two contaminated southern farms in Vetkovsk and Narovlya districts, having 15-40 curie/sq.km. The results on the intensity of cattle infections, clinic-morphological and immunological properties of the infection proved that the epizootic process of cattle infection in Chernobyl affected areas differ from "clean" districts.
Babina M.
Protective factors of eggs and
hatchability of chickens depending on the period
of laying
The article provides information on the regularities of the
formation of the embryos immune status and hatchability of meat
chickens depending on the content of protective factors in eggs and
on the periods of laying eggs.
Kamenskaya T.
Sanitary-biological and physical-chemical
characteristics of the meet and sub
products depending on the form of the hemophilic
polyserositis disease
The article provides the results of the research of meat and sub
products of pigs having acute and chronic forms of the hemophilic
polyserositis. It has been stated that the organoleplical, physical,
chemical and biological properties are reduced. The micro flora of
the disease, causing toxicosis and toxic infections has been specified.
Moskaleva N.
The diagnosis of anaerobic
enterotoximia, caused by enterotoxigene cultures
Cl.perfringens type A, by reaction of counter
immune electroosmophoresis
The article provides the data on developing the optimal conditions for the counter immune electroosmophoresis to diagnose anaerobic enterotoximia of calves. The research established that the counter immune electroosmophoresis is a specific, highly sensitive express test for the diagnosis of anaerobic enterotoximia of Cl. perfringens type A and it also has 26% higher sensitivity than the neutralization test, which was proved on the tests with white mice.
Gribanov V.
Productive and hematological
parameters of young steers depending on the
magnesium content in rations with distillers
Two scientific and commercial experiments were conducted in the collective farm "Urechsky" (Luban district, Minsk region), specializing in beef production. The experiments studied the influence of higher levels of magnesium in steers rations, containing 30% and 56% distillers grain, on physiological state and growth rates. It has been stated that increasing the magnesium content of the standard norms by 23% and 32% had a beneficial effect on digestibility and nutrients absorption, increased the growth rate by 9,0% and 7,0% as well as reduced feedstuff costs by 8,8% and 7,4%.
Poloz S.
The peculiarities of the pathogeny of
associative helminthiasis of fur animals
The results of our studies demonstrate the peculiarities of the
pathogeny of associative helminttiiasis of fur animals; the impact of
izambenum, panakurum and combined application of panakurum
and thymalinum on the organism of polar fox; as well as the efficiency
of some anthelmintic and immunostimulators at a mixed invasion.
Mechanization and power engineering, proccessing and storage of agrarian produce
Sharshunov V., Bortnik S., Kostukevich S.,
Melnik S., Kurilovich K.
The choice of the
optimal technology of adding fluid additives to the
The article provides the classification of fluid additives with
provisions for the forms and methods of their utilization in producing
the feedstuff. It also suggests classification and analysis of the
equipment, used for adding fluid components at different stages of
the technological process.