
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2009 №2

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textGusakov V.G.
Condition and directions of strengthening the food safety of Belarus
The article focuses on the estimation of the level of food support of Belarus in comparison with the world indexes. The efficient volumes of production of the main kinds of agricultural products in the country are indicated. Also, the principal points of the food safety concept which are supposed to be the basis for formation of a long-term strategy of a stable development of the national agroindustrial complex are stated.

Full textPilipuk A.V.
Methodical proposals for development and realization of the strategy of development of agroindustrial complex branches (by the example of the enterprises of the dairy industry of Belarus)
The scientific and practical tasks underlying problems of development of the state strategy of development of an agrarian complex have many aspects. The analysis of possible approaches to the long-term planning feasible for the decision of strategic tasks in the agrarian sphere of Belarus is gaining in importance in the given context. It is obviously possible to apply the methodology based on the theories of life cycles of economic systems to the formation of the coordinated strategy of development of processing branches of agroindustrial complex of Belarus. For these purposes the quantitative technique is developed and the proposals for its realization by the example of the dairy industry enterprises are formulated.

Full textZapolskiy M.I.
Features and tendencies of development of cooperation in the conditions of market economy formation
The all-round account of a set of features and tendencies of development of cooperation-integration relations in the conditions of market formation is a priority problem associated with organizing and functioning large agroindustrial structures. In this situation, the influence of new tendencies is ambiguous in character: some promote a favorable course of uniting processes (presence of factors of manufacture: lands, labor, capital and administrative structures), others limit their development (adverse investment climate, price disparity, imperfection of legislative base), the thirds act differently (natural-climatic, ecological, social). We believe that depending on particular circumstances, the same tendencies can both stimulate and hold back the uniting processes.

Full textPiskunova T.G., Skoropanov S.A., Kulinkovich L.I.
Agroindustrial cluster formation in grain-production subcomplex of the Republic of Belarus
Analytical evaluation of functioning and management experience of integrated forming in grain-production subcomplex of the Joint-Stock Company “Central Company of Vitebsk Grain-Processing Economic Group Vitebsk Region Grain-Production” (CJSC “Vitebsk Region Grain-Production”) is given. Basic drawbacks in the management system of the economic group and grain-production subcomplex of the country are revealed as a whole. The necessity of creating the agroindustrial cluster in grain-production subcomplex of the Republic of Belarus is proved, the model of its management system is offered, the cluster’s staff and its head organization are substantiated, cluster creation stages and principal directions of its activity are suggested.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textLapa V.V., Lomonos M.M.
Intensity of productive processes of millet plants depending on the mineral nutrition conditions
The application of mineral fertilizers in doze N90P40K90 has ensured formation of a sheet surface in a phase tasseling of panicle – 57.19 thousand m2/hа and photosynthetic potential – 1.04 million m2/ha per day at final productivity of grain 42.3 c/hа. The maximum high level of consumption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at all phases of growth and development of plants of millet is established in the variant with application of N90+30P40K90.

Full textMikhailouskaya N.A.
The influece of biofertilizer Kaliplant on the grain crop yield on albeluvisol loamy sand soil with different supply of potassium
The effect of biofertilizer Kaliplant (K-mobilizing bacteria) on grain crop yields (winter rye, spring wheat and winter triticale) was tested in field experiment on Albeluvisol loamy sand soil characterized by different levels of K-supply. Application of biofertilizer resulted in the increase of grain yields. Most effectiveness of Kaliplant was observed on soils characterized by a relative deficit of mobile potassium. Introduction of K-mobilizing bacteria was found to increase the use of different forms (water soluble, exchangeable and non-exchangeable) of soil potassium by grain crops.

Full textErmolovich A.N.
The efficiency of influence of liquid microfertilirers “MicroSil” and “MicroStim” on the productivity increase and quality of flax fibres
The research results of the influence of new liquid microfertilizers “MicroSil” and “MicroStim” on the basis of chelate forms microelements and regulators on the productivity quality and of flaxfibres. The positive experimental data of influence of different forms of the preparations on the productivity of increase general and long fibres, on the increase of numbers of long fibres are reaived.

Full textAnokhina T.A. Kadyrov R.M., Bardiyan T.G.
Ploughing of buckwheat straw as an element of biological arable farming
The results of the comparative analysis of the ploughing of buckwheat straw with the more commonly used method of ploughing of stubble residues of this crop are presented. It has been established that the ploughing of buckwheat straw increases the yield of barley and spring wheat up to 8.1 c/ha of grain without mineral fertilizing and up to 7.1 c/ha against the background of N90P80K100 when the profitability of grain production has been increased by 17–25%. Additional application of mineral nitrogen for acceleration of decomposition of buckwheat straw is not necessary.

Full textTsybulko N.N., Kiseleva D.V.
Influence of the levels of application of nitric and potash fertilizers on 137Cs accumulation in plants and the efficiency of grain crops
In researche on sod-podsolic sandy soil with the pollution density of 137Cs 500–660 kВk/m2 it is established that the application of potash fertilizers in a dose of 90 kg/ha leads to the receipt reduction of 137Cs in plants of barley and winter rye. Higher levels of potash food (К120 and К150) did not promote a further essential decrease in 137Cs accumulation. Nitric fertilizers led to the migration strengthening of 137Cs in the “soil-plant” system. Its more intensive receipt in plants was observed at fractional application of nitric fertilizers. A negative influence of increasing doses of nitrogen decreased against raised (К120) and high (К150) levels of application of potash fertilizers.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheiko I.P., Khochenkov A.A., Khodosovsky D.N.
Efficiency of new recipes of compound feeds for test-control growing of pigs
For the test-control growing of pigs it is advisable to use as a grain base of compound feeds the first class quality fodder barley and the first class quality fodder wheat as well as the sunflower meal, the soybean meal and the fish meal – as protein resources. When making compound feeds for the test-control growing of pigs additional requirements are needed to guaranty their quality (fat content, irreplaceable amino acids content, acid number). The test-control growing of Big White pigs was conducted. The average daily gain for the state pig breeding farm “Nosovichi” was 700–864 gram, with a feed conversion of 3.03–3.64 feed units per kilogram and for the state pig breeding farm “Timonovo” it was 700–753 gram, with a feed conversion of 3.41–3.7 feed units per kilogram.

Full textSidarenka R.P., Korneev A.V.
Exchange of calcium and phosphorus in brood sows with the introduction of L-carnitine into their diet
We have examined the level of calcium and phosphorus exchange in the organism of brood sows when L-carnitine has been introduced into their diet in a doze of 50 mg/kg. Sows of the experimental group have a better digestion of calcium and phosphorus and reserve them in the body. In the blood serum of sows the concentration of total calcium has been increased and supported the optimum relation between given macrocells. The calcium deposition in the body of sows of the experimental group has been grown by 34.4%, and phosphorus – by 44.5%. The reservation of calcium and phosphorus in the body of sows during gestation promotes the best provision of pigs with macrocells in the milk composition. Introducing L-carnitine into the diet of sows during the last third of pregnancy promotes the multiple pregnancy and piglet birth weight, and increases the growth rate and safety of pigs during lactation.

Full textLupolova T.A., Petcu V.S.
Genetic polymorphism of lactoproteins and the influence of locus ?Lg on the milk production indices of sheep of karakul breed
The scientific research has shown that the milk of the animals under discussion has polymorphism of the following milk proteins: ?S1Cn, ?Cn, kCn, ?Lg. In the locus ?S1Cn there are three alleles which are most typical of the type ?S1CnВ –0.9354. In the locus ?Cn there are two alleles which have been discovered in the type ?CnА with a frequency of 0.5988. The loci of the genes kCn and ?Lg are characterized by two alleles which are most often found in the type kCnА (0.7581) and ?LgА (0.6776). The population considered was at the stage of genetic equilibrium. Thus, the ascertained polymorphism can be widely used as a biochemical test to evaluate the state of the breed gene pool and also for predicting the productive qualities of these animals.

Full textBudevich A.I., Sapsalyov S.A.
Effectiveness of use of progestagen intravaginal devices in superovulatory treatment of cows
The use of intravaginal progesterone-releasing devices in superovulatory treatment of cows allows one to get high results on embryo production per donor, viability and pregnancy rates after transfer of embryos in cattle.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textDymar O.V.
The comparative analysis of the systems of milk refrigerating regarding their effectireness
It is shown that the basic source of increase of a gain of a dairy-commodity farm for the present moment is the improvement of milk quality. The analysis of the basic problems of organization of processes of milking and sanitary processing of the milking equipment is given. Results on the analyzed existing schemes of refrigerating of milk on farms are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of systems of capacitor refrigerating are shown. Possible schemes of refrigerating of milk in a stream are described. The basic technical characteristics of the developed equipment are presented and the advantages of its use are described. The economic substantiation of expediency of use of the scheme of preliminary refrigerating is given when the existing equipment is updated for the purpose of decreasing a running cost and improving of the milk quality.

Full textKazakevich P. P., Dashkov N. N., Chebotare V. P., Mihaylovski E. I., Kniazev A. A.
Preliminary clearing and ventilation of grain are technological fundamentals of harvesting loss reduction
The reasons for supply of grain with a raised moisture content and weediness are observed in the article, the physiological processes occurring in fresh grain are presented, the necessity of its preliminary clearing and ventilation is proved.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textSharshunov V. A., Vasilenko Z. V., Tsed E. A.
Use of new grains is the most important reserve of increasing the production efficiency of high quality alcohol
The analysis of the technological parameters of different kinds of grain raw materials processed at alcohol plants of the Republic of Belarus is given in the article. The efficiency of using new grain cultures of Belarusian selection such as bare-grained oats and wheat in alcohol production is shown. They allow providing not only a higher alcohol yield, but also its high quality indices that in turn will contribute to the increase in the alcohol production efficiency as a whole.

Full textUrsul O.N., Pochitskaya I.M., Roslik V.L.
Study of age dependences of cognac products using the spectrophotometric and chromatographic data
The price of cognac products runs high with increasing the maturation time. As a result, poor goods without correspon- ding maturation time enter tu the market. The article considers different factors that influence the quality of end product and explain the identification complexity and the necessity to use complex methods of analysis of this-category alcohol-containing drinks. Age dependences of cognac products on the maturation time are evaluated from the spectrophotometric and chromatographic data. The analysis was conducted on the French and Armenian cognacs of different maturation time. Since the examined dependences show a positive correlation between component concentrations and the maturation time, more important components are phenol and furane components which are extracted from oak wood and exhibit the fact and period of contact. So, vanillin and syringaldehydes much contribute to the formation of the peak at 280 nm in the cognac, which correlates with the increase in the concentrations of these components and in the peak ranges.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Sergey Nesterovich Ivanov (To the 100th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Nikolai Vladimirovich Kazarovets (To the 60th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Vyacheslav Alekseevich Sharshunov (To the 60th Anniversary of Birthday)

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