
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2015 №1

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textTakun A.P.
Innovations in agriculture:problems of introduction and development prospects
The article analyses the problems of using innovations in the agriculture of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Discussed are the main directions of the enhancement of innovations in the agriculture of the republic including the mechanism of reducing commercial risks with introduction of innovations; creation of a network of consultancy services; monitoring the effectiveness of the innovative development of the branch.

Full textKireyenka N.V.
Distribution network of Belarus on foreign food markets
The paper studies regulatory, legal, organizational, managerial, financial and economic conditions for creating the distribution network in Belarus. Presented is the assessment of the efficiency of agricultural products export referring the goods and geographical structure, direct supplies of agricultural organizations of the country. The problems which hamper the development of the distribution network on overseas food markets, including marketing and logistics infrastructure are substantiated. In order to increase the export we propose the prospective directions to optimize and improve the efficiency of work of the entities of agricultural distribution network on the external segments.

Full textSayganov A.S., Lenski A.V.
Perspective optimization models of improving production efficiency of dairy products based on the growth of its competitiveness
The article presents the retrospective analysis of the efficiency of the plant breeding branch and comparison of the empirical distribution of cost production. The analytical research on the efficiency of functioning of agricultural enterprises is conducted on the basis of nonparametric methods (DEA).

Full textEfimenko A.G., Volkova E.V.
Assess the economic potential of the processing enterprises of aic
The paper substantiates the theoretical approaches to the mechanism of formation of the economic potential of processing enterprises of the agroindustrial complex and its structural elements. The methodology of integral estimation of the economic potential of processing enterprises of the agroindustrial complex is developed. The methodological principals of this estimation are substantiated what allows working out the strategy for their development under competitive conditions.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textBogdevitch I.M., Lomonos O.L.
Plant-available zinc in arable soils and gassland in relation to levels of intensification in districts of Belarus
On the basis of the data of a large agrochemical survey the increasing deficit of mobile Zn in arable soils and grasslands has been determined as a result of unbalanced intensification of arable farming, negative balance of organic matter and soil acidification. Four groups of regions with deferent losses of mobile Zn (62–44–14–0 % of the initial content) for the period 1996–2012 have been identified. It resultes in the increasing demand of agricultural crops for Zn fertilization. The prognosis of mobile Zn content in arable soils in respect of the identified groups of regions for the period to 2020 is presented.

Полный текстPirahouskaya G.V.
Chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in central and souhteast regions of Вelarus
The paper presents the results of the research on the changes of the indices of the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation (acidity, content of sulphate, nitrate, ammonium N, phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, hydro carbonate and water soluble organic substance) in the Central (Minsk, 1981–2012) and South-east ("Podolesye" farm of Homel region, 1991–2000) parts of Belarus. It's established that the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation and its mineralization status change according to the amount of precipitation and seasons of the year.

Полный текстBosak V.M., Skaryna U.U., Minyuk V.M.
Optimization of agrochemical methods of cultivation of green beans
In the researches on sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil the application of mineral fertilizers N30-70P40K90, microelements (boric acid, ammonium molybdate, liquid complex fertilizer) and growth regulators (epin, hydrohumate, mаltamin) increases the yield of green beans by 19.05–21.22 dt/ha and raw protein content by 15.4–16.4%. The optimization of agrochemical methods while cultivating green beans ensures the net income 6,5–89,5 $/ha with the profitability 16–61 %.

Полный текстCherenkov A.V., Palchuk N.S.
The influence of the weather conditions and the fore-crops on the winter resistance of different varieties of winter-annual wheat in the northern Steppe of Ukraine
The article presents the experimental data on the influence of weather conditions and fore-crops on winter resistance of different varieties of winter wheat in northern Steppe of Ukraine. It is noted that when the land was fallow the safety index of all the plants under study was the lowest: 98 % for Zira, 96% for Zamojnist, and 97 % for Rozkishna. It's explained by the optimal ratio of the vegetative mass and economical consumption of organic substances during the winter period. The significant influence of weather conditions and fore-crops on the growth of crops is established.

НаверхAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Полный текстGrin М.P.
Мethodical bases of selection and breeding work with the breed of dairy cattle
The paper deals with the main results of different methods of using Holstein breed to improve the genetic potential of the productivity of animals of the Belarusian black and white breed on breeding farms and at the population level. The best variant of a large-scale selection with the Belarusian breed and possible efficiency of its use are presented. The directions and methods for further improvement of the breed are identified.

Полный текстZubko I.G., Tanana L.A., Petrushko I.S.
Efficiency rearing obtained in crossbreeding cows of black-motley breed with bulls specialized meat breeds
The conducted research shows that the carcasses of Hereford x black and white and Aberdeen Anguss x black and white bulls have a muscular lumber part, back part, a well developed chest part, a better coxofemoral part than the carcasses of black and white bulls. It's established that Hereford x black and white cows surpass the cows of black and white breeds in respect of body weight by 27,7 kg or 5,0 % and Aberdeen Anguss x black and white by 19,3 kg or 3,5 %.

Полный текстPestis V.K., Golubets L.V., Deshko A.S, Kyssa I.S., Popov M.V., Yakubets Yu.A.
The first experience of in vitro cattle embryo production in the system of transvaginal oocyte aspiration (toa)
The results of the first experience of in vitro cattle embryo production in the system of transvaginal oocyte aspiration (TOA) are represented in this article. It's established that the method of transvaginal oocyte aspiration allows getting 2,7 oocytes per session and 3,3 oocytes per operation. The output of oosytes per session is 2,0 in general. The output of oocytes at blastocyst stage is 8,9 % of the number of matured cells and 21,4 % of the number of divided embryos.

Полный текстRadchikov V.F., Ganuschenko O.F., Gurin V.K., Shinkareva S.L., Lyundyshev V.A.
Extruded enrichment based flax seeds and barley grits in calves' diets
Inclusion of 15 % of extruded food concentrate into KR-1 feed for calves contributes to the enhancement of microbiological processes in the rumen. It is reflected in the increase of the concentration of volatile fatty acids by 14.5 %, decrease of pH by 4.7 % and ammonia by 10%. It ensures the increase of digestibility of dry and organic matter by 9,7-65 percentage points, crude protein by 6.8 percentage points, fiber by 4.5 percentage points, fat by 5.2 percentage points, the concentration of total protein in serum by 7,5%, and the decrease of urea content by 16.2 %, allowing to increase the average daily gain of calves by 8%, to reduce the cost of feed by 9% and get more profit by 10 %.

НаверхMechanization and Power Engineering

Полный текстОrda А.N., Shklyarevech V.А., Vorobey А.S.
Regularities of soil deformation under the influence of wheels of agricultural cars
As a result of the analysis of soil deformation S-dependence between resistance and deformation is established. For the description of concave and convex areas of a curve the dependences are proposed. These dependences can be used to substantiate the permissible load on the wheels of agricultural machinery.

Полный текстGorin G.S.
Calculation of energy consumption components under plough tillage
The article states the computational schemes and the results of energy consumption calculation connected with the movements of a plough in soil. Friction losses of plough details with soil and their connection with tribotechnical characteristics of friction surface are established.

НаверхProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Полный текстShadyro O.I., Sosnovskaya A.A., Edimecheva I.P.
Using plant material to protect flaxseed oil from oxidation
The paper studies the resistance to oxidation of flaxseed oil extracts from medicinal and aromatic plant raw materials (sage, St. John's wort, thyme, hips, caraway, ginger, turmeric, clove). It's established that liposoluble biologically active substances of the extracts inhibit the most effectively flaxseed oil oxidation when sage and caraway are used.

НаверхScientists of Belarus

Полный текст
Petr Petrovich Kazakevich (To the 60th Anniversary of Birthday)

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Zinaida Makarovna Ilyina

Полный текст
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (BelAL) – 55 years

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