
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2005 №1

Economics and Informatics
Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering, Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products
Scientists of Belarus

UpEconomics and Informatics

Full textGusakov V.G.
Macro-economic factors of effectiveness and stable development of agriculture
Complex of macro-economic measures aimed at enhancing of effectiveness and prospects of agro-industrial production has been formulated. Goals and principles of agricultural policy in new conditions of management have been determined, measures of state regulation and control of ARC have been discovered, directions of expedient central support of credit systems of agro-industrial production and agro-industrial insurance have been considered. State guarantees of realization of agro-cultural production, order of sale and purchase interventions and deposit operations on foodstuffs line and conditions of compensations of losses of agro-cultural commodity producers because of price non-parity of agro-cultural and industrial production have been determined. It has been proposed measures on anti-monopolistic regulation of food market and on enhancing of effectiveness of regulation of foreign policy action in sphere of APC.

Full textGanush G.I.
Modern traditions and priorities in vegetable growing of Belarus
It has been given analysis of modern trends in vegetable growing of the Republic of Belarus. Priority directions of increasing of effectiveness of vegetable production have been chosen. Measures on enhancing of the level of scientific maintenance of the branch have been determined.

Full textShpak A.P., Klyshnikova I.N.
State and perspectives of investment activity in baking industry
Situation in baking industry of the Republic ask gradual rising of the rate of investment activity of subjects. Territorial and reproduction structure of the branch investments must correlate to rise and level of using of productive capacities, consumption of enterprises with modern high-technologic apparatus. Then investment structure on their financing sources depend on own potential and loans. It is important to use possibility to enhance profitability of own capital and expand directions of investment.

Full textSaiganov A.S., Drozdov P.A.
Perspective directions of improving of development of lizing correlation in APC
Scientific determination of lizing has been formulated in conformity with modern level of APC development. Analysis of practice and of the main problems of development of lizing in agriculture of Belarus has been presented. Mechanism of improvement of lizing correlations in APC including optimization of acting lizing scheme of purchase of agricultural domestic technics has been elaborated. It has been considered main directions of commerce lizing development in APC that taking into account reorientation of budget use from direct financing of agro-lizing onto stimulation of activity of commerce companies with the aid of state guarantees, compensation of part of their payments on bank credits, insurance of commerce risks. It has been elaborated organization-economic model of creation and functioning of state lizing operators in APC system including sequence of their creation, variants of lizing fund formation and mechanism of inter-payments between partners. Role of foodstuff agro-industrial organizations in improving of APC structure and their distinction features from acting now have been determined. Organization forms of food sub-complexes have been given; advantages and main principles and methods of forming of agro-industrial organizations of market type have been stated. Composition of region food formations have been proved, their organization-legal forms have been proposed.

Full textKrupich A.I., Chukhol’skii P.G.
Foodstuff agro-industrial formations, sequence of their forming and organization-legal forms
Role of foodstuff agro-industrial organizations in improving of APC structure and their distinction features from acting now have been determined. Organization forms of food sub-complexes have been given; advantages and main principles and methods of forming of agro-industrial organizations of market type have been stated. Composition of region food formations have been proved, their organization-legal forms have been proposed.

Full textGotskii G.G., Usik A.V.
Influence of frame conditions of management onto owner right
Frame conditions of management are mechanism that is a base of construction of aims and strategy by owner at realization of his right onto property object. The mechanism is a key for dissolving of agriculture problems. It consists of two main elements: taxes (cash grants) and limitations (possibilities). Taxes and cash grants influence onto cost of consumer goods and through price onto demand and suggestion level respectively. State has powerful financial instruments onto producer. At correct use these «instruments» it can mobilize all potential of private property, give freedom to ideas and employer initiatives.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textShlapunov V.N., Sholtanyuk V.V.
Biological effectiveness of herbicides primextra gold and milagro in fight against weeds in crops of parent forms of maize
Investigations on solid-podzol sandy-loam soil of Gomel district have shown that it should be applied primexta gold at a phase of 2—3 leaves of crop (4—6 days after ascent) in a doze of 3 1/ga for protection from the annual weeds in seed-growing sowings of maize lines and hybrids.

Full textAutko A.A., Rupasova Zh.A., Ignatenko V.A., Rudakovskaya R.N., Dolbik N.N.
Influence of weather conditions onto accumulation of polysaccharides and phenol compounds in green-house tomatos at growing at various types of substrates
Results of comparative estimation of biochemical composition of green-house tomatoes grown at contrast weather seasons 2003 and 2004 in Brest in mineral wool, claydite, peat-claydite mixture, flax sheave, coconut chips and in a water crop have been presented. It has been shown that moderate temperature background of the second season together with less intensive lighting because of big quantity of overcast days promoted to activation of accumulation of big part of compounds under investigation in the obtained production. Unequal value of positive changing in biochemical composition of tomatoes in same variants of tests testify about correlated role of substrate type in the answer reaction of cultivated plants with changing of temperature-lighting regime. Results of ecological variety examination of tomato in GSI have been considered. It has been established that ecological-geographical test allows to reveal specific character of genotype-environment relations in each environment and to identify ecological backgrounds for carrying out of the state test studying stabilization of productivity. On a base of the analysis of environment parameters the most informative environments on predictability have been shown and that will allow reducing volume of tests of varieties in State variety test up to a minimum. It has been chosen Mogilev GSU, Minsk GS and Brest GS at averaging factors of predictability for an establishment of suitability of test points of tomato culture.

Full textKil'chevskii A.V., Skorina V.V.
Estimation of environment as background for selection of vegetable culture of tomato in GSI
Results of ecological variety examination of tomato in GSI have been considered. It has been established that ecological-geographical test allows to reveal specific character of genotype-environment relations in each environment and to identify ecological backgrounds of carrying out of the state test studying stabilization of productivity. On the base of the analysis of environment parameters the most informative environments on predictability have been shown and that will allow reducing volume of tests of varieties in state variety test up to a minimum. It has been chosen Mogilev GSU, Minsk GS and Brest GS at averaging factors of predictability for an establishment of test points of tomato culture

Full textVeremeichik L.A., Popov A.V., Oshmyana E.A.
Dynamics of fruitage of tomatoes growing in mineral manufactured substrates
Results of studying of an influence of various types of mineral substrates to dynamics of fruitage of tomatoes growing in greenhouse conditions have been presented.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheiko I.P., Loban N.A., Vasiluk O.Ya.
Development of methods of molecular gene diagnostics and their application in pig-breeding of Belarus
Number of gene-candidates has been revealed. Their polymorphous variants influence onto development of signs of pig production. Datum on frequency of occurrance of alleles and gene-types of genes: receptor (Ryr 1), oestrogen receptor (ESR), receptor E. Coli (ECR F 18) and bound proteins of fat acids (H-FABP) in different pedigrees of pigs of Belarus. Correlation between polymorphous variants of these genes with economy-effective signs of the pigs: protection to stress, prolificacy, temps of growing and quality of meat.

Full textKarput I.M., Babina M.P., Nikoladze M.G., Babina T.V.
Diagnostics and precaution of age and acquired immune deficits
Regularities of formation of the systematic and local protection, mechanisms of development of the immune pathology and ways of precaution of immune insufficiency in calves, pigs and chickens have been investigated.

Full textYatucevich A.I. Abramov S.S., Zasinets S.V.
Influence of ferroglyukin-75 and interferr-100 onto natural resistant of calves diseased of dyspepsia and abomazoenterite having syndrome of the cryptic iron deficit anemia
Level of natural resistant of calves diseased of dyspepsia and abomazoenterite having syndrome of the cryptic iron deficit anemia and influence of ferroglyiikin-75 and interferr-100 onto these factors has been discovered. Main factors of iron exchange and the level of natural resistant of healthy animals and diseased of dyspepsia and abomazoenterite have been investigated. It has been stated that iron concentration in a blood serum and degree of saturation of transfirrine by iron reduced greatly for diseased animals, total and unsaturated iron-connected possibility of a blood serum increased, and level of cell and humoral protection of organism reduced. It has been stated that as removal of iron-deficit state as normalization of the level of natural stability of organism take place.

Full textGrin M.P., Dashkevich M.A.
Efficiency of use of black and white cattle of different genotype on Holstein breed
It has been established that (15/16) Holstein cows are distinguished by better indices on milk productivity, milk flow rate and the best reproductive ability at high level of feeding (55—65 с F. U. /head/year). They reduce productivity level in greater extend than cattle of other genotypes when the feeding level reduces. Percentage of Holstein breed in crosses did not significantly affect on calving difficulties. It is profitable economically to use Holstein cows.

Full textYepishko T.I.
Characteristics of the allele pool of different populations of Belarussian meaty pigs
Allele funds of different populations of Belarussian meaty pigs have been studied. It has been found that artificial selection on several productive traits had some influence on a formation of blood group polymorphism in swine population. Contrast properties of the allele pool of different population in a breed can be explained by different adaptive capacity of animals-carriers of different genotypes in specific environment, different genetic processes in a herd caused by a level of selection work, by sires used in a herd, unequal relationships between blood group systems, productive and vitality traits and immunogenetic differences of parents.

Full textBombiza N.N., Klimuk G.N., Veselukho P.P., Sarnatskaya R.R., Kalevich A.N.
Conservation of a gene pool of wood horses (konik) at territory of parentage and habitation
Parentage, state and number of wood horses reared in the Western region of Belarus have been shown. The region is specified in conditions similar to parentage of the kind (in summer — gramma of wood and swamp, in stabling period — hay prepared from wood and paludal grasses). 21 stallions and 26 mares are control group of wood horses. At realization of valuations of replicating livestock of wood horses of national park «Belovezhskaya pushcha» and OAS «Kolenkovichi» of Kamenets district of Brest region 35 heads were of first class, 6 heads were of second class and progenitor of the family was of best speciments class. Expenses of forage for wood horses are 0.7 k. ed. That is less at 21%then for a breed of Belarnssian draught horses.

Full textVozmitel L.A.
Degistability and using of corn silage nutrients preserved with the NV-2 preparation
It has been stated that application of NV-2 preservative at corn siloing assists to reducing of losses of dry substances of crude protein and carotene up to 10%, increasing of digestibility of nutrients by 1.3—3.55%, reducing of urea level in a bull-calf blood by 25% and increasing of carotene concentration by 20% in a blood.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering, Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products

Full textSharshunov V.A., Chervyakov A.V., Pontalev O.V., Kozlov S.I.
Choice of expander parameters at treatment of grain mixtures including untraditional forage additions
Results of theoretic and experimental investigations for basing of expander parameters of grain mixtures having Lintraditional forage additions have been shown. Obtained results have been summarized as a method of choice of the most famous parameters of this new and perspective equipment for deep treatment of grains.

Full textKlimenko V.I.
Theoretic basis to technologic process of picking of seed potato
Theoretic investigations about reducing of admixture removal from seed potato at a treatment zone of picking chamber prove earnestly possibility of technologic picking process without washing and drying of seed potato. The fact reduce sharply expenses for treatment of tubers by protective-stimulating remedies. It has been created mathematic model of technologic process of tubers treatment by dispersed pulverizing device by atomized flow of working liquid. Disposition of disk pulverizing device «Shkval» elaborated by author of the article in picking chamber has been scientifically based. The investigations gave possibility to create ecology un-dangerous picking chamber of potato that one has passed the State tests at Western (Belarussian now) MIS in 1990.

Full textLovkis Z.V., Trotskaya T.P., Litvinchuk A.A., Khil’ko E.B.
New ecology pure method of straggle against pests of flour-grinding production
New technology of disinsection of flour-grind ing production facilities by ecology pure and low-power-consuming method of ozonizution has been shown. Its advantages to compare with traditional methods of chemical treatment have been revealed. Essence of new technology is in creation fatal for insects ozone concentration together with simultaneous" disinfection of surfaces of facilities, apparatus and row materials.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Voluznev A. G. (to 100 anniversary)

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