
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2011 №2

Agriculture and plant cultivation
Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
Mechanization and power engineering
Processing and storage of agricultural production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textGusakov V.G.
The strategy of a stable development of rural areas
The paper states the obligatory conditions of a strategic development of rural areas, analyzes properly the current state and tendencies of the development, formulates the strategy and policy in the sphere of a stable development of rural areas. Mainly, the principles of stability of agroindustrial complex, true indicators of the state and dynamics of strategic stability of the agrarian sector, control indicators of the competitiveness of a farm system including the system of measures on balanced functioning of rural areas are identified.

Full textSkakun A.S.
The main directions of the innovative development of agricultural organizations
Under the present conditions further liberalization of agrarian economy, structural reformation in the country, adaptive state support by means of improving price, fiscal and monetary policy are necessary for innovative development of agricultural organizations of the republic. In this connection the main aim of further development of rural areas should be the increase of efficiency and competitiveness of production, the growth of labour productivity on the basis of modernization and significant technological renewal of the branches. Innovative direction of the increase of efficiency of agroindustrial production enables to ensure a well-balanced and stable development of agriculture, to optimize the system of finance and credit relations in the agrarian sector, to increase greatly profitability of agricultural organizations.

Full textPilipuk A.V., Baranova M.I.
Innovative production structure at dairy industry enterprises (theory and methodolody)
The article considers the theoretical and methodological approaches to evaluation of the production structure in the dairy industry that allow to determine the optimal criteria and to develop long-term parameters of the innovative component of the assortment policy at three levels: milk-processing enterprise, integration union and the branch as a whole. The developments are based on the directions for constructing an innovative production structure taking into account a complex use of milk resources, production efficiency and market demand correspondence.

Full textPochtovaya I.G.
Methodological proposals on introducing HACCP system into a dairy branch
The paper states methodological proposals on organizing production on the basis of the principles of HAССP system on the example of a dairy branch that have been worked out in accordance with the specificity of production process and the nature of dangerous factors. The dangerous factors at each stage of production and critical control points are identified as well as the parameters to be controlled that correct the actions, also the proposals for working out the HAССP plan are made.

Full textKorbut L.V.
Organizational-economic and social-psychological factors of farms development
The article analyzes organizational-economic and social-psychological factors influencing the creation and efficiency of farms functioning in Belarus. The classification of farms in accordance with the basic grouping attributes is presented. The social and psychological portrait of a Belarusian farmer is described.

UpAgriculture and plant cultivation

Full textSоroka S.V., Tsyganov A.R., Yakimovich E.A., Sоroka L.I., Kоrpanov R.V., Kаbzar N.V.
Tendencies of weedy coenosises change in winter grain crops
The dynamics of weed change is shown for the period of 1939–2009. It is stated that at present in Belarus with rather active economic activity directed to weed infestation decrease in a group of dominant species in winter cereals remained the 54 ones resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X weed plant species – Elytrigia repens, Tripleurospermum inodora, Poligonum spp., Galeopsis spp., Viola spp., Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Artemisia spp., Taraxacum spp., Melandrium album, Poligonum spp., Stellaria media, Myosotis аrvensis, Spergula sativa, Poa annua, Apera spica-venti, Galium aparine, Artemisia vulgare etc., for the perspective coming the increase of windfallen rape, Avena fatua, Papaver rhoeas, Echinochloa crusgalli infestation is forecasted.

Full textPrivalov F.I., Bruy I.G., Beljavskaja L.I., Shoulga N.V.
Efficiency of new forms of potassium fertilizers at cereal crops cultivation
The article presents the results of a field experiment with new forms of potassium fertilizers containing micro additives. It’s established that potassium fertilizers with micro additives (manganese, zinc, copper) have a positive influence on the growth and development of plants that increases the yield of spring and winter cereal crops.

Full textLikhatsevich A.P., Avramenko N.M., Tkach V.V.
Alteration of low-powered peat soil properties in the course of long-term agricultural use
The evaluation of organic soil properties changing in the course of long-term agricultural use is made according to the data of a long-term field experiment founded in 1960 by the member of the Academy of Sciences S. G. Skoropanov and carried out by Polessye experimental station of ameliorative agriculture and meadow cultivation (Luninetsky district, Brest oblast). The results of 50-year research show that drained low-powered peat soil can be referred to peat soil on the indicator "organic substance content" (more than 50% of soil weight) only when the peat layer depth is more than 30 sm and when this soil is used for permanent grasses, or the depth is not less than 40 sm and this soil is used in arable crop rotation, that approximately corresponds to a root-inhabited layer of these crops. It is shown, that with 65–70% of ash content in organic soil the amounts of organic and mineral elements are equal. This fact can be considered a proof that 70% of organic soil ash content is a line dividing peaty-mineral soils with morphological characteristics of peat and postpeat soils without these characteristics.

UpAnimal husbandry and veterinary medicine

Full textMostovoy D.E.
Evaluation and selection of herd bulls of the black-white breed on sperm
The possibility of selection of herd bulls on the indicators of sperm within an early period of use is studied. Population and genetic parameters of sperm of bulls for the first 4–6 months of use are identified. The average ejaculate volume is 3.98 ml, sperm concentration is 1.25 milliard/ml, the number of sperms in an ejaculate is 4.87 milliard, variability of characteristics is 23.5; 32.3 and 30.8%. Heritability (h2) of a number of sperms in an ejaculate is 0.12. The index method of evaluation and selection of herd bulls on sperm within an early period of use is developed. Its reliability is proved by a high correlation coefficient (rs = 0.85) between the indicators of a sperm index for the first 4–6 months and for the whole period of use.

Full textKlimov N.N., Tanana L.A., Vasilets T.M.
Productive longevity and productivity of dairy cows of the Belarusian black-white breed with a different rate of intensity of industrial use
The results of comparative evaluation of cows with a different rate of intensity of industrial use (RIIU) on the indicator of productive longevity and indicators of dairy efficiency show that the cows with RIIU from 0.67 to 0.89 have the longest period of use and the highest indicators of milk productivity, however the cows with RIIU more than 0.89 have a higher yield level for one day of lactation. Thus, the hypothesis that the longer is the lactation period the higher is the level of working life is partially proved, i. e. the cows with the lowest RIIU demonstrate the lowest indicators of working life.

Full textDokuchayeva S.I.
Development of technological regimes of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) breeding in the ponds of Belarus
The article deals with the information on fish and biological norms of European catfish breeding in the ponds of the Republic of Belarus including the norms of brood stock breeding, the norms of reproduction and larvae rearing, the norms of seeding and catfish rearing, wintering of catfish of different age in the ponds.

Full textLemish A.P., Amosova L.A., Andrusevitch A.S.
Study of the antigen structure of a salmonellosis activator of cattle and pigs
The paper deals with the data on studying the immunological relationship of antigenes of an activator of salmonellosis of cattle and pigs. Identifying activators of salmonellosis of general species is of great value in the development of high immunogenic, areactogenic, specific vaccinal biological products.

UpMechanization and power engineering

Full textGrishchouk V.M.
Scientific and technological bases for hydrotransportation of fruit berry raw materials
On the basis of the conducted analysis the methodology of mathematical substantiation of the parameters of the equipment for hydrotransportation of fruit-berry raw materials in closed pipelines is developed, calculation for the device to carry out this process is made, and a design scheme is proposed.

Full textGrudanov V.Ya., Torhan A.B., Brench A.A., Pozdnyakov V.M.
Research of the basic characteristics of a forming mechanism for pasta manufacturing
The principles for geometrical parameters definition of perforated matrix of pasta presses. On the basis of «gold» proportion laws the new matrix construction has been offered. This construction allows to receive the identical passing ability of each conventional unit and to raise the forming quality and press productivity.

UpProcessing and storage of agricultural production

Full textLitvyak V.V., Roshchina E.V., Lisovskaya D.P., Goncharuk S.Ch.
Comparative evaluation of starch properies and their influence on the quality of bakery products
The article presents the comparative evaluation of starch content in flour, grain-size composition and forms of grains in flour and starch to be included in the recipe of bakery products. The content of amylose, the degree of viscosity of fresh and aging starch paste and absorption spectra of iodine complex of starch polysaccharides are identified. The interrelation between the indicators is established.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Igor Stanislavovich Nagorsky (To the 80th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Aleksey Stepanovich Skakun (To the 65th Anniversary of Birthday)

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