





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2020 №4

Agriculture and Plant Cultivaton
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus

Full textGusakov V. G.
Factors and methods of effective management. P. 4 (final). Product quality and transition to standards and regulations
There is an active search for ways and mechanisms to upgrade the agrarian economy in the Republic of Belarus and increase its efficiency in conditions of stiffen market situation, but no efficient mechanisms have yet been found. In this regard, we've carried out systematic research and prepared a research papers that answer many questions regarding raising the agricultural economy and market challenges. We believe that it can become the basis for accepting specific recommendations. The fourth part of the paper (final) dwells on the role, functions and significance of such fundamental factors of efficient agriculture management as product quality and transition to standards and regulations.


Full textKusainova A. B., Baigot M. S., Glotova I. S.
Food security in the Eurasian Economic Union
Currently, the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are faced with the task of reaching sustainable development of agricultural production in order to provide the population with food in full. To solve this problem, priority areas and mechanisms for ensuring food security have been determined in each of the member countries of the Union, assessment and monitoring systems based on a set of criteria and indicators are functioning. However, due to its complex nature, the problem of ensuring food security needs to be addressed not only in the national context through implementation of country programs, but also within the EAEU. The paper contains description of the major regulatory documents of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, determining strategic goals, criteria and mechanisms for ensuring food security, as well as regulating the issues of monitoring it at the national level. Analysis of ensuring food security in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2016-2018 is provided according to the criteria of sufficiency of production and average per capita consumption of food products, based on the standards established at the national level. Proposals are formulated for the development of interstate cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the framework of Eurasian Economic Union’s coordinated agricultural policy with the purpose of sustainable food supply. The results presented in the paper can be used for research and practical support of the activities of state administration bodies of the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU member countries, for development of the latest national program documents in the field of food security, as well as for preparation of other strategic documents in the field of social and economic development and AIC.

Full textPilipuk A. V.
Conditions and factors of efficient integration of AIC of Belarus into the global food trading system
On the background of intensive development of world trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs, Belarus is increasingly entering the system of international division of labor, occupying a fairly significant place in the world ranking of the leading countries. In turn, it stimulates the domestic agricultural industry to develop in the dynamic rhythm of the world market and constantly adapt to evolution of the international trading system. Participation of the republic in regional integration communities, such as the Eurasian Economic Union and the Union State of Belarus and Russia, is one of the areas for achieving sustainable development of AIC. In this regard, the issues of studying the conditions and factors of efficient integration of AIC into the global food trade system acquire particular relevance. The paper highlights the major conditions for functioning of the global food system over the shorter and longer term. It has been substantiated that sustainability of integration of Belarus into the global food market was determined by the following factors: stability of international competitiveness of Belarusian foodstuff, export specialization in products of animal origin, significant part of trade with the Russian Federation, favorable conditions for development of agricultural business, etc. Advantages of large-scale production and the role of large integrated agricultural holdings in formation of Belarusian transnational corporations of agrarian profile have been reflected, the main forms of efficient interaction in AIC have been considered.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivaton

Full textVolkov D. V., Daurov D. L., Daurova A. K., Abai Zh. S., Zhapar K. K., Zhambakin K. Zh., Shamekova M. Kh.
Obtaining potato microtubers in a liquid nutrient medium
Obtaining virus-free potato seed material in Kazakhstan is mainly carried out using the method of isolation of apical meristems with the subsequent production of test-tube plants from them on an agar nutrient medium and the further formation of minitubers in greenhouse. Obtaining microtubers from meristem plants in production of potato seed material in vitro is not carried out, although this method is one of the most successful methods for increasing the potato material in vitro. Based on the above issue, we’ve set a goal to optimize the MS liquid nutrient medium for obtaining potato microtubers in vitro from meristem plants with the prospect of introducing this procedure into the process of obtaining seed material at seed farms. The paper presents new data applicable at the initial stages of potato seed production, for production of the first tuberous generation of healthy material, in particular, for replication of plants in vitro and production of microtubers. The results are presented on analysis of morphometric data of plant development in vitro obtained at cultivation of single-bud potato cuttings on ten variants of the Murashige-Skuga liquid medium with various combinations of sucrose concentrations (20 and 30 g/l), kinetin (0,2 and 4 mg/l), gibberellic acid (0, 0,5 and 1 mg/l) in 220 ml glass vessels. The perfect liquid nutrient medium for obtaining developed potato plants in vitro for further production of microtubers has been defined. Efficiency of liquid nutrient medium for obtaining potato microtubers has been determined when growing plants in vitro USING media with various combinations of concentrations of sucrose (60 and 90 g/l), kinetin (0 and 2 mg/l) and 6-benzylaminopurine (0 and 5 mg/l). The results of the study can form the basis for cultivation of plants in a bioreactor with the purpose of mass production of virus-free potato microtubers. Acknowledgments. The research has been carried out within the framework of grant funding from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, project AP05131947 “Use of a bioreactor for highly efficient production of virus-free potato planting material”.

Full textSoroka S. V.
Protection of grain crops with herbicide Secator Plus, MD
The natural and climatic conditions of Belarus are favorable for development of over 300 species of weeds. Currently, perennial, wintering, winter and spring weeds dominate among grain crops. When grain crops are infested with both annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds, herbicides containing several active substances are efficient. One of such promising herbicides is the new herbicide Secator Plus, MD (2.4 acid, 433 g/l + iodosulfuron, 62.5 g/l + amidosulfuron, 25 g/l + mefenpyr /antidote/, 62.5 g/l). This herbicide used at the rate of 0.3-0.5 l/ha for winter grain crops provided high biological efficiency against the dominant annual and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds (80–100% loss): Chenopodium album L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Galeopsis tetrahit L., Tripleurospermum inodorum Sch.-Bip., Galium aparine L., Sonchus arvensis L., etc. In the studied crops, reliable increases in preserved grain yield were obtained. Economic benefit: the net income in winter wheat crops amounted to 60.0-90.0 dollars/ha, winter triticale - 35.5-43.7 dollars/ha, and spring wheat 159.9-212.3 dollars/ha. Based on the research results, the herbicide Secator Plus, MD is registered in the State Register of Plant Protection Products (pesticides) and fertilizers permitted for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The research results are of interest in the field of herbology, since they reveal the mechanisms of interaction of various active substances in herbicide, show possibilities of its widespread use in agriculture.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textKazarovets N. V., Sheyko I. P., Pavlova T. V.
Evolution of breeding process for reproduction of domestic producing bulls in the Republic of Belarus
The leading element in breeding programs for breeding and improving the breeds of dairy cattle in highly developed countries is reproduction of high-quality producing bulls. The paper presents the results of producing bulls breeding when creating Belarusian black-and-white breed of dairy cattle, techniques and methods of obtaining improving bulls when improving the Holsteinized dairy cattle of the republic at the present stage. It is shown that historically evolution of the breeding process of reproduction of domestic black-and-white bulls is based on imported breeding material from different countries (bulls, semen, heifers). Analysis of solution to the problem of using imported animals is presented. Periods of creating a breeding base for reproduction of imported material have been determined, methodological approaches and possibilities of breeding domestic producing bulls in the republic have been specified. Efficiency of breeding business for introduction of modern methods and techniques for assessing and reproduction of high quality breeding animals has been revealed. The periods of breeding process for reproduction of domestic producing bulls have been chronologically distinguished, including three stages: the first - 1930-1990, the second - 1990-2000, the third - 2000 to the present. Substantiation of these time stages is based on the results of breeding activities carried out by scientists and breeders of the republic, and the social and economic conditions of those periods. Analysis of the created breeding base for reproduction of imported material has been carried out, including both breeding stock of breeding plants for parental forms breeding, as well as state breeding enterprises for rearing, evaluating and using the producing bulls. Normative legal documents developed by specialists of state services, scientists of the Belarusian Research Institute for Animal Breeding for the scheduled formation of the breeding base of dairy cattle in the republic have been indicated. The research results will make it possible to develop a concept for reproduction of highly valuable domestic improving bulls in terms of breeding for formation of Belarusian Holstein dairy cattle meeting modern production technology requirements in the context of intensification of the industry based on increase in the role of genetic factors. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of agrarian business development for 2016–2020, subprogram “Breeding Business Development in Livestock Breeding”.

Full textPrytychenko A. N., Lysenko A. P., Kuchvalski M. V., Krasnikova E. L.
Allergic activity and specificity of tuberculin preparations with 30-50% of weakly secreted mycobacterial antigens of tuberculosis
Bovine tuberculosis remains a global problem. An intracutaneous test with tuberculin is the main method for determining the status of herds, which poses special requirements for the activity and specificity. The basis of cotemporal tuberculins are antigens of tuberculosis mycobacteria easily secreted to the liquid synthetic medium during growth, but a range of antigens with a low secretion index are in composition of tuberculins in small quantities. The purpose of the research is to obtain weakly secreted antigens from a production waste – autoclaved bacterial mass of production strain of tuberculosis mycobacteria (MTB) using ultrasound and nonionic detergent, to study the diagnostic properties of tuberculosis with 30-50% of such antigens. It has been determined that autoclaved bacterial mass of industrial MBT strain, which is a waste of tuberculin production, can be an additional source of tuberculoproteins, which are low-secreting (LS) MBT antigens, which in an equivalent dose are about 30% more active compared to standard tuberculin based on easily secreted antigens and is not inferior in terms of species specificity. Whereas, up to 50% of purified LS of tuberculoproteins from the bacterial mass can be included in tuberculin composition. The obtained preparation is not reactogenic, in an equivalent dose it does not differ in terms of activity from the international standard for PPD of tuberculin, but surpasses it in terms of species specificity. It has been shown that in herds with an undetermined tuberculosis status, 2.2 times more cows respond to tuberculins with 30-50% of purified LS tuberculoproteins compared to standard preparations based on easily secreted antigens of tuberculosis mycobacterium. Profound studies of reacting cows using methods for detecting the genome of tuberculosis mycobacterium and bacteriological markers of tuberculosis infection have confirmed the presence of latent tuberculosis infection in cow body. The inclusion of up to 50% of tuberculoproteins from the bacterial mass in tuberculin increases the diagnostic properties of the target product and significantly reduces its price cost. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the Research and Technical Program “Agropromkompleks – sustainable development” for 2019-2020.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textKazakevich P. P., Yurin A. N.
Intensive gardening: mechanization of cut branches windrowing
The most promising technology for utilization of fruit branches is grinding in the aisles of the garden using a special unit. However, the existing technical means provide for double run of the unit, since the width of the grinders is less than the row spacing width. This reduces labor performance up to 2 times and increases the cost of technological operation. A rational solution to this problem is windrowing of the cut branches and crushing within one run by one unit (machine complex). At the same time, in case the branch grinders have been studied well enough and their parameters are justified, the rational parameters of the branch windrowing unit have not been substantiated until now. Therefore, study of the functioning and substantiation of the parameters of windrowing unit of fruit tree branches is an urgent problem in fruit growing. Analysis of technologies and technical means for this operation showed that the most rational was the technology of utilization of cut products using windrowing and crushing method directly in the garden row, mulching the soil surface with sawdust. Such machines are not manufactured in the republic. To substantiate the parameters of the windrowing unit for branches of fruit trees, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to substantiate its operational width. The diameter of position of the brush assembly brushes, the rational number of brushes on the operating body in quantity, speed of its rotation and dynamic coefficient have been determined. The graphical analysis of the process of moving branches by the brush unit made it possible to determine the rational length and rigidity of the elastic fingers of the brush. The obtained parameters and operating modes of the branch windrowing unite were used for development of a complex for harvesting branches of fruit trees KUV- 1.8, which provides for windrowing and grinding of cut and swath branches of garden trees and bushes with chips scattering on the surface in one run along the row. The prototype of KUV-1.8 branch harvesting complex has successfully passed the commissioning tests and extensive operational test. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the State Research and Technical Program “Agropromkompleks” for 2011–2015, subprogram “Mechanization of basic crops production”.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textMeliaschenya A. V., Saveleva T. A., Kaltovich I. V.
Food and biological value of meat paste with emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials after technological preparation
Currently, animal proteins have a special role in the meat processing industry for meat products. A promising source of additional food protein production is natural collagen-containing raw materials, which can be used as part of protein-fat emulsions. The paper presents the results of research on nutritional and biological value of meat paste using new types of emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials, which have undergone technological treatment with bacteria p. Lactobacillus. To compare the data obtained, the studied samples of paste were compared with paste produces using emulsions from collagen-containing raw materials with no treatment, as well as subjected to hydrolysis. The results of determining indicators characterizing the nutritional and biological value of the developed paste are presented: content of protein, fat, nonessential and essential acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Development of a new method for preparing collagen-containing raw materials to be used in meat products will allow excluding vegetable protein from composition, as well as improving nutritional and biological value of the product. Collagen-containing raw materials used in meat paste will contribute to increase in use of biologically valuable secondary raw materials in meat-processing industry, as well as to expand of the range of high-quality food products of high nutritional and biological value for all age groups of population. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agro-industrial Production for 2016–2020”, subprogram 3 “Food security”.

UpScientists of Belarus

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Ivan Antonovich Golub (To the 70th birthday)

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Belarusian State Agricultural Academy – 180th Anniversary

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Belarusian Agricultural Library n.a. S. I. Lupinovich of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus – 60 years

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