





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2003 №4

Economics and information technologies
Arabic Farming and Plant Growing
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Mechanization and power engineering
Proccessing and storage of agrarian produce
About the history of the agrarian science of Belarus

Full text
75-years anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of the republic of Belarus

UpEconomics and information technologies

Full textGusakov V.
Possible models of the AIC development: assessments, perspectives, justification
The article considers different scenarios and opportunities of the strategic development of the AIC of Belarus, provides economic assessment and practical justifications.

UpArabic Farming and Plant Growing

Full textKadyrov M.
The strategy of arable farming in the conditions of changing resource supply, forms of economic organizations and climate
In the past years the agrarian science of Belarus made the first steps to move the agriculture to the economically justified arable farming. In such agriculture the plant growing produce is produced not under the principle "at any cost" or "count costs after harvest", hut under specified and justified volumes of inputs. This approach allows for no-loss and profit making farming at the same time ensuring adequate prices. The article considers the foundation of optimizing the agriculture in Belarus

Full textBogdevich I.
Development of the soil and agrochemical science o f Belarus
The soil & agrochemical science of Belarus must ensure the theoretical basis for further improving the qualitative and quantitative register of soils, farming systems, efficient use of fertilizers, developing the theory of mineral feeding, methods of soil protection against degradation. In view of above scientists should focus their efforts on studying genesis, classification and maps of soils, developing ways of improving soil fertility and efficient use of all kinds of fertilizers and chemicals, as well as soil protection against degradation. The problem of optimizing the performance of soils fertility and economically justified farming on the contaminated areas also has to be solved. Special attention should be paid to developing the methods of increasing the quality of agricultural produce based on optimizing the feed of a plant with micro elements. The research of the Institute of Soils and agro chemistry for the perspective was planned under these criteria.

Full textLihatsevich A.
Developing the scientific justification of the agricultural hydro-technical melioration in Belarus
The article provides the main directions and the results of the research works of the Research Institute for Melioration and Meadows in the past decade. It has been proved that the efficiency of melioration depends on the productivity of the meliorated soils, which determines the main directions of the research in the near five years and more. The author deals with a wide range of research, including improvement of the melioration farming and development of the new machinery and technologies for operation and repair of the meliorated systems. The article provides the info about the institute's staff.

Full textBanadysev S.
75 years of the potato science in Belarus
The paper provides the information on the history of the development of the potato science in Belarus since the establishment of the central Potato Experimental Station in 1928 as well as the results of the research on breeding, seed production and growing technologies made by the Potato Research Institute of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences in the past few years.

Full textAutko A.
Development of the scientific vegetable growing in Belarus
Systematic research on vegetable growing in Belarus started in 1925, when the Belarusian Dept. of the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany and New Cultures was created. The main directions of the research done by the state unitary enterprise Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences are creation, introduction and multiplication of the varieties and breeds of vegetables, spices, herbs; development of the efficient technologies and complexes of machinery for vegetable growing.

Full textSamus V.
Scientific priorities of intensifying fruit production
Further improving the production of fruits and berries, improving their quality, extending the range of fresh and processed produce should be based on developing the adaptive intensified farming. The main peculiarity of the adaptive approach is science intensive based on utilizing the fundamental laws of the development of biosphere and mankind. The main directions are creating the new varieties with complex resistance to biotic and abiotic factors; ensuring the genetic stability of the multiplied varieties; developing low costs technologies with maximum utilization of productiveness; developing the scientifically justified methods of increasing the storage properties and quality of the produce.

Full textSoroka S.
The perspectives of applying the integrated systems o f plant protection in Belarus
The article demonstrates that when choosing the strategic ways of increasing the agricultural output in the country and further improving the farming system a пит her of circumstances should he kept in mind. First of all limited resources, pollution of the environment, the increased role of the integrated farming, which includes intensification of the use of natural resources, modern technologies with no long term detriment to the environment. With this approach there is no alternative to the integrated systems of protecting agricultural crops.

Full textKurilovich V.
Agrarian science in Grodno region
The article tells about the history of the regional institute, the main scientific directions and the role of institute in solving the problems of regional agriculture.

UpAnimal Breeding and Veterinary

Full textSheiko I.
The development of the animal science in Belarus
The article specifies different periods of the zoo-technic (animal) science development in Belarus, the main trends in the research of the Institute of Animal breeding of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Full textKonchits V.
The development of the fish science in Belarus
The article provides the date on the history of the fish farming in Belarus, demonstrates the role and the input of the modern scientific developments into national fish sector in the past and now. The authors analyze the strategy of fishing and fish production in the new economic circumstances and for long term perspective.

Full textLysenko A., Vysotsky A.
Science in solving the problems of veterinary
The national Academy of Sciences celebrates 75 anniversary. Almost from the very beginning the Vyshelessky Institute of Experimental Veterinary has been part of the Academy. The article describes the structure of the institute, the main directions of the research, the achievements of the staff, the results of the applied research and the role of the institute in specialists' training.

UpMechanization and power engineering

Full textDashkov V., Nagorsky I., Severnev M.
From the wooden plough to the programmed combine harvester: the establishment and the perspectives of the agro-engineering science of Belarus.
The article considers the historical aspects of the establishment and the development of the Belarusian agro-engineering science, the main results of the research in recent years, perspective directions of creating пен- technical means as well as objective difficulties of solving this matter.

Full textRusan V.
The main directions of developing the energy saving methods and energy supply system in AIC.
Agrarian energy system is the foundation of the economy and the top priority input of the AIС development, which ensures the food security of the country. Timely solving the problems, large scale implementing the approaches of developing the agricultural energy system specified in the article, will contribute to the independence of energy supply, overcoming the energy crisis and reviving national farming, which will be a considerable input in ensuring the national food security.

UpProccessing and storage of agrarian produce

Full textLovkis Z.
Scientific justifications for the food technologies
The article specifies the structure and the main scientific trends of the state unitary enterprise Belarus inn Research Institute of Food Products, the leading national researcher on developing and introducing new food products, advanced technologies and equipment, quality standards for can, potato processing, confectionary, concentrate, oil & butter, brewery, wine, liquor, alcohol, sugar and tobacco sectors. The activities of the institute among other directions include creating the products with the increased biological values for different layers of the population, encompassing fruit and vegetable vitamin enriched cans and fast food dried mixtures; new types of extrusion deserts; new washing machines, extruders etc; creating the technologies of producing natural color additives made of local raw materials, utilization the disinfection based on ozone technologies. The institute is actively solving the problems of food security of the country.

Full textProkopyev N., Vetrov V.
The main aspects of the activities o f the RUP BELNIKTIMMP at present
The article provides the information on the activities of the state unitary enterprise BELNIKTIMMP in a specific period. The main developments of the institute are presented in the article.

UpAbout the history of the agrarian science of Belarus

Full textSharshunov V.
The activities o f the scientific societies and regional committees on developing the agriculture in the pre-revolution Belarus
The activities if different scientific societies (some sources call them partnerships, the predecessors of the modern research institute) played an important role in the development of the agriculture of the Russian Empire. Their aim was assisting the development and increasing the efficiency of agriculture. Large land lords, local authorities (sometime governors themselves) and progressive intellectuals used to be their members. The article analyses the activities of such societies before 1917.


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