National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
To the 85th Anniversary of the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
Lapa V. V., Kasjanchik S. А.
Development of the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
Tsytron G. S., Shulgina S. V., Azarenok T. N., Matychenkova O. V., Kalyuk V. A., Shibut L. I., Matychenkov
D. V.
Spatial-time transformation of organogenic soils of agricultural lands of Belarus
The paper demonstrates the results of systematization and generalization of the materials appropriate to the completion
of soil-cartographic works on the drained and adjacent lands of agricultural organizations of the republic. Presented is the
new information about the existence of peat and degropeat soils ranged at the species level of classification as a part of agricultural
lands, and conducted is the analysis of spatial-time transformation of the component composition of drained organic
soils between two rounds of the soil survey (1986–1998 and 2005–2015).
Seraya T. M., Kirdun T. M., Bogatyrova E. N., Biryukova O. M., Belyavskaya Yu. A.
The influence of fertilization
systems on the productivity of crop rotation and agrochemical indicators of soddy-podzolic sandy loam soil
The influence of by products ploughing and mineral fertilizer doses on the crop rotation productivity and agrochemical
indicators of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is studied. It’s established that autumn application of a compensatory dose of
nitrogen to the straw didn’t ensure the increased productivity of crop rotation. It’s shown that application of correct doses of
phosphorus and potassium fertilizers taking into account the phosphorus and potassium from a straw predecessor didn’t bring
about the reduction of the productivity of crop rotation in comparison with the application of full doses of fertilizers and allowed
saving P60 and K360.
Pirahouskaya H. V.
Potassium uptake with precipitation, concentration in soil solutions and migration from arable
sod-podzolic soils of Belarus (Оn the data of lysimetric researches in 1981–2012)
The article deals with the results of long term experiments determining migration and balance of nutrition elements in
the system: precipitation-soil-fertilizer-plant. Studied is potassium uptake with precipitation on soil surface, its losses when it
is leached from sod-podzolic soils of different granulometric composition (from soil layer 1,0–1,5 m) during long agricultural
use (1981–2012): different seasons of the year and decades (1981–1990, 1991–2000 and 2001–2010), and years with different
degree of soil moisturization.
Bogdevitch I. M., Putyatin Yu. V., Tavrykina O. M., Lomonos O. L.
Diagnostic of the crop magnesium nutrition
on podzoluvisol loamy soils
The results of long-term field experiments on specially prepared 4 levels of exchangeable magnesium content in
Podzoluvisol loamy soils in a wide range of Mg 46–263 mg · kg–1 are presented. The parameters of soil and plant diagnostics
of magnesium supply of corn, spring rapeseed and barley have been developed. The obtained data enable to choose the appropriate
fields for particular crops and to identify the necessity for foliar spray of plants with 4 % solution of MgSO4 · 7H2О
according to the analyses of soils and plants at early stages of their development.
Gusakov V. G.
The main problems of the progressive development of agro-industrial complex
The article deals with the basic issues of the progressive stable development of the national agro-industrial complex
(pricing mechanism improvement, optimization of credit interest rates, increase of output and sales volume and others). The
proposals on the solution to these issues are stated.
Skakun A. S.
Current situation and transforming processes in the agriculture of Belarus
The paper considers the main destructive and stabilizing factors, and estimation of production and economic conditions
applied to functioning of branches of agriculture is given. The author reveals the effectiveness of reforming of organizational
and legal structure concerning business entities in rural areas, the main directions of innovation and investment activities affecting
the efficiency of agricultural organizations and agricultural enterprises are identified as well.
Rastorgouev P. V.
Conceptual bases for forming institutional environment of quality management system in agriculture
The priorities for improving the institutional environment of an effective application of quality management system tools
in agriculture are presented in the article, the essence and content of structural elements of the conceptual bases for its formation
and development under current conditions are described. The model of the systematic approach implementation to the
quality management of agricultural products, as well as the system of assessment indicators of the efficiency of its functioning
are developed.
Zapolsky M. I.
Methodology for formation of state-private partnership in the agriculture of Belarus
The development of state-private partnership
in the field of agro-industrial manufacture is restricted due to the absence
of special legislation, high degree of the management of
the economy, insufficiently developed private business in the agroindustrial
complex, absence of the modern capital market.
The conditions of a successful development of partnership structures in the agro-industrial complex are proposed, the
model and organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of a state and private partnership structure are developed.
The created methodology enables to fit together economic interests of the participants of a partnership structure (from different
brunches), allows all the participants of a cluster to use innovations up to the maximum, to increase the competitiveness of
a cluster on a definite territory.
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Trofimov А. F., Muzyka A. A., Moskaliov A. A.
Features of formation of microclimate in livestock buildings
depending on design
The indicators of microclimate and comfortable conditions of livestock maintenance in the buildings of different design
during winter, summer and transitional periods of the year are studied. It’s established that metal buildings ensure more
comfortable conditions in comparison with reinforced framing buildings. It’s shown that installation of a skylight in livestock
buildings and use of big horizontal ceiling and recirculating air fans ensure the effective work of an air ventilation system in a
cowshed and create comfortable conditions for the rest of animals.
Kosko I. S.
Fattening and meat traits of a four-breed hybrid of young pigs
Fattening and meat traits of a four breed hybrid of young pigs are studied. It’s established that young pigs of the
(BLW x Y) x (D x P) genotype have better fattening traits, and the animals of the (L x Y) x (D x P) genotype demonstrate the
best meat traits.
Sheyko I. P., Sheyko R. I., Timoshenko T. N.
Belarusian inbreed type of pigs in duroc breed
The article presents the data and characteristics of animals of the inbreed type in the Duroc breed. Genealogical structure
of the inbreed type and number of animals at basic enterprises of the republic are stated. Reproductive traits of sows and fattening
and meat traits of young animals are studied.
Shalak M. V., Pochkina S. N., Marusich A. G., Muravieva M. I.
Influence of the iodine containing preparation
Iodomarin on the reproductive capacity and lactation performance of cows
The influence of the new iodine containing preparation Iodomarin on the reproductive capacity and lactation performance
of cows has been studied. It’s established that the use of 750 mkg of Iodomarin per capita a day improves the reproductive
capacity of cows. It is reflected in the reduction of the labour length, a quicker separation of the placenta after calving, the
reduction of the service time, and the increase of the lactation performance.
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Bakach N. G., Мazhuhin I. Е.
Theoretical analysis of the influence of movement of grassland mower blades
on its performance
The paper demonstrates the results of the theoretical substantiation of the movement of mower blades on its performance.
The analysis of the research of a rotary cut of the green is presented. Obtained is the model of blades behavior at the stage of
rotary acceleration which proves the theoretical description of the process.
Kasperovich D. V., Perednya V. I., Kitun A. V., Romanovich A. A.
Substantiation of the construction of a feeder
with a crusher determining the length of a crusher shear knife
The article proposes the construction of a feeder with a crusher which allows combining feed additives supply together
with crushing. The crushing device and its work are described. The length of the frontal side plane of a shear knife is determined
what enables to have a shear effect with minimum energy cost.
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Moskva V. V., Litvjak V. V., Bendoraitiene J., Lekniute-Kyzike E.
Technology of producing modified starch
of cold swelling with controlled properties for commercial complex
Developed is the technology of producing modified starch of cold swelling with controlled properties allowing to obtain
swelling starch with desired properties (solubility, swelling properties, viscosity) through controlling the degree of polymers
destruction what makes it possible to expand the spheres and methods of starch use.
Igor Stanislavovich Nagorsky (To the 85th Anniversary of Birthday)
Aleksei Stepanovich Skakun (To the 70th Anniversary of Birthday)