
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2013 №3

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus

Full textSheyko I.P.
Journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series" – the most important element in the industrialization of animal husbandry of Belarus


Full textGusakov V.G.
Factors and mechanisms of stable economic development of agriculture
On the basis of the complete economic analysis the suggestions of radical improvement of the national agro-industrial complex development have been made. The basic factors and mechanisms include intensification and concentration of production, specialization and location, cooperation and integration, investments in the production development, government control, entrepreneurship and personnel, labour motivation, labour productivity, quality of products, use of norms and regulations in production.

Full textKonstantinov N.S.
Taking into account the risk factors while calculating monetary value of farm lands
The paper deals with the main approaches to determination of the capitalization coefficient while calculating monetary value of farm lands. The advantages and disadvantages are also analysed. The approach to determination of the capitalization coefficient based on the regression method and probability theory is suggested. The results of calculation of the parameters of the model according to the data of agricultural organizations of Belarus for 2005–2011 are stated.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textGrib S.I.
Scientific cooperation in spring wheat breeding for the conditions of Belarus and Nonblack Soil Zone of Russia
On the basis of international scientific cooperation and agreement between the Research and Practical Center for Arable Farming and Vladimir Research Institute of Agriculture new varieties of spring wheat adapted to the conditions of Belarus and Nonblack Soil Zone of Russia have been created. The research shows that spring wheat breeding with the use of principles of adequacy of the conditions of breeding to the area of cultivation and also diversity is characterized by good results and mutually beneficial for both parties. The spring wheat variety Sudarynya, heavy productive and valuable in respect of grain quality, as well as the new variety Slavyanka have been developed for the Central, North-West, Volga-Vyatka regions of Russia. The variety Sudarynya is included into the State Register of Protected Breeding Developments of Belarus and Russia. The variety Slavyanka was sent for State Testing in Belarus and Russia in 2013.

Full textRupasova Zh.A., Titok V.V., Garanovich I.M., Shpitalnaya T.V., Vasilevskaya T.I., Varavina N.P., Krinitskaya N.B.
Interspecies differences in the degree of dependence of biochemical composition of fruit of minor crops on abiotic factors under the conditions of Belarus
Interspecies differences in the degree of dependence on seasonal hydrothermal conditions of the parametres of accumulation of a number of organic acids, carbohydrates and bioflavonoides in fruit of Lonicera edulis Turcz. ex Freyn, Chaenomeles maulei (Mast.) C. K. Schneid), Rosa rugosa L., Sorbus aucuparia L., Viburnum opulus L. are identified. It is shown that according to long-term observations the biochemical composition of fruit of Rosa rugosa L. and Lonicera edulis Turcz. ex Freyn has the greatest stability, of Chaenomeles maulei Mast. C. K. Schneid – the lowest stability and of Sorbus aucuparia L. and Viburnum opulus L. – the intermediate one.

Full textAndrushkevich T.M., Matveyev V.A.
Inheritance of the trait "ush height" in gooseberry hybrid breed
The hybrid fund of 574 plants of gooseberry from 20 combinations of convergent crossings of American and European cultivars and hybrids is studied. Five hybrid groups of various species have been analysed according to the trait "bush height". Combinations of crossings together with the genetic basis of the three species Gr. robusta, Gr. succirubra, Gr. reclinata and Gr. succirubra, Gr. hirtella, Gr. reclinata are characterized by the highest output of hybrids suitable for mechanical harvesting. The basic types of the inheritance of the trait "bush height" are negative domination and depression of tall-growth trait what witnesses about recessivity of this trait.

Full textKrasnoberskaya O.G., Sokolov G.A., Sosnovskaya E.N., Nazarov V.N.
Changes of agrochemical properties of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil and crops productivity under the influence of sapropel of pribylovichi lake
The paper presents the results of the experiments on studying the influence of sapropel of Pribylovichi lake on agrochemical properties of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of Lelchitsy region of Homel oblast and the yield of crops. It is shown that application of organic-lime sapropel in doses of 30 and 60 t/ha and organic-siliceous one in doses of 60 and 80 t/ha increases the content of mineral forms of nitrogen in soil, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in comparison with control variant (basic technology) and reduces its pH value, that allows increasing the yield of crops up to the level of 14–24% depending on the crop to be cultivated and on the dose of sapropel application.

Full textBogdevitch I.M., Tarasiuk S.V., Novikova I.I., Dovnar V.A., Karpovich I.N., Tretyakov E.S.
Vertical migration of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils of abandoned land and their availability to plants
The article demonstrates the results of monitoring of 137Cs and 90Sr vertical migration in the profile of different soils that are not used after the Chernobyl accident. The quantitative composition, distribution of radionuclides in the layers of soils with different genesis, texture and moisture regime as well as radionuclide transfer into perennial grass stands are presented. Discussed is the use of the obtained data for prediction of self-purification of upper root-containing soil layers (0–10 cm) and availability of radionuclides to plants.

Full textBogatyrova E.N., Seraya T.M., Biryukova O.M., Mezentsava E.G., Biryukov R.N.
Dynamics of straw mineralization on sod-podzolic soils
The tempos of mineralization of straw of agricultural crops in the first 11 years after conducting field experiments on sod-podzolic soils are studied. It is determined that corn straw is mineralized on average by 83 %, lupine straw – by 75 %, barley straw – by 70 %, rape straw – by 50 %. The maximum speed of straw mineralization is typical of the autumn period: 0,23-0.80 % per day without nitrogen and 0.34–1.00 % per day with nitrogen fertilization. The minimum speed of straw decomposition is typical of winter and early spring – 0.03-0.08 % per day.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textKataeva S.A., Tanana L.A.
Characteristics of the indices of meat productivity of black-and-white bull-calves of different genesis
The indices characterizing the growth and development of black-and-white bulls were studied when the bulls were born, and then at the age of 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 months. The study was carried out in order to improve the breeding abilities of black-and-white bulls of the Belarusian, American, Canadian, Sweden and Hungarian breeding at the enterprise «Plemzavod Ross» of Hrodno region. According to the results meat productivity of bull-calves was assessed. The chemical composition, physical and chemical characteristics of muscular tissue of the animals was studied.

Full textSheyko R.I., Balnikov A.A., Rabtsava S.V.
Comprehensive assessment of productive qualities of purebred and crossbred sows and their posterity
The obtained results on a comprehensive assessment of the reproductive feeding and fatty and meat qualities of the hybrids allow identifying the optimal options of crossing of two and three breeds’ combinations Y×L, BM×Y, Y×D, and (BM×Y)×D, which are proposed for the introduction at industrial complexes. The conducted research indicates that it’s possible to use duroc and landrace boars of the German breeding in different options of crossing to get the hybrids with high feeding, slaughter and meat qualities.

Full textKoziy M.S., Sherman I.M.
Changes in the microstructure of gonads of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 and Hypophtalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes, 1844 as a response to the existing ecological conditions
The results of research of histologic disturbances of some species of fish (Cyprinus carpio and Hypophtalmichthys molitrix) inhabiting the river Dnepr show that the ecosystem of the Azov and Black Sea basin is strongly influenced by different negative factors. It is proved by frequent abnormalities of gonads that witnesses about chronic diseases. This fact allows describing the ecological situation as unfavourable for reproduction of fish resistant to environmental changes. Described is the possibility of the use of the received data to evaluate the ecological situation and solve some general biological and medical problems connected with organs disorder of animals and human beings, technology related pathologies and diseases.

Full textGolushko V.M., Kozinets A.I., Nadarinskaya M.A., Golushko O.G., Kozinets T.G.
Trepel of the deposit "Stalnoye" of Hotimsk region of Mohilev oblast in the feeding of young cattle
The paper deals with the results of research on the influence of different doses of trepel of the deposit "Stalnoye" of Hotimsk region of Mohilev oblast in the concentrates for young stock. It’s determined that the most effective dose of trepel in the concentrates is 2%. The influence of trepel on hematological factors, productivity of young stock and economic efficiency is studied.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textSamsonov V.P.
New methods of intensification of flax production
The information on the state of flax branch and prospects of its development is presented in the article.

Full textSharshunov V.A., Kruglenya V.E., Levkin M.V.
Experimental research of the device with elastic combs for flax deseeding
The article presents the methodology and results of experimental studies on the threshing degree detection of flax tape by means of device with flexible combs, the mathematical model is obtained and three-dimensional cross-sections of the response surface characterizing threshing rate depending on the selected factors and their variation intervals are constructed.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textNezakonova O.B.
Cooking and technological characteristics of the Belorusian potato varieties
The paper deals with the results of assessment of cooking and technological characteristics of potato varieties during the post-harvesting period and 5 months later, and also morphological characteristics of tubers depending on soil growing conditions.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Aleksander Davydovich Dubah (To the 130th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Vladimir Pavlovich Samsonov (To the 85th Anniversary of Birthday

Full text
Gennady Yosifovich Ganush (To the 75th Anniversary of Birthday)

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