National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
General meeting of the Academy of
Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of
Antonyuk V.
The problems and ways of ensuring
optimal financing the creative work of the research
Economics and information technologies
Markusenko L.
Utilization of rural labor
resources: criteria and indicators
The question under consideration isfunctioning of agricultural
labor resources. The article formulates the criteria of the assessment
of utilizing labor resources with regard to the state, enterprise and
individual. It also provides the analysis of the criteria parameters
based of actual statistical data.
Osipenko A.
The main directions of the socialeconomic
development of agricultural areas
affected by the Chernobyl disaster
Using the proposals of the Belarusian Research Institute of Agrarian Economy on building agrarian financial and industrial groups and reforming collective and state farms, the article suggests the project of the social-economic development of agricultural areas affected by the Chernobyl disaster. It formulates the value parameters and criteria, points out the indispensable package of problems and specifies social-economic development of various areas and their economic entities.
Roschin D.
The production potential of
agricultural enterprises: structure, volume and
utilization efficiency
The present situation in the supply of agrarian sector with materials, labor and financial resources is characterized by special degree of intensity and instability. The majority of agricultural producers have not enough own means for financing extended reproduction. In this regard it is necessary to consider the question of rational and effective usage of available production potential. The article provides the methodological approaches to defining the structure and methods of assessing the elements of the production potential and offers its the synthetic parameter. The article specifies the degree and the efficiency of the available resources.
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Shlapunov V., Borisenko E., Lukashevich T.,
Vlasik L., Nadtochaeva L.
Efficiency of producing
conserved fodder on the basis of fodder-grain
The article provides the results of the scientific research on the
influence of harvesting terms on the productivity of fodder-grain
crops (barley and its mixtures with pulse crops) and productive
effect of the conserved fodder on animals. Total productivity of one
hectare, which reaches over 100 metric centners of feed units due to
the combination of fodders-grain and post-cut crops, is illustrated.
Ivanyuk V., Avdei O., Zhuromsky G.
strategy and tactics of controlling resistance of the
agent of potato late blight to phenilamids
The article studies the status of the resistance of Phylophtora infestans (Mont.) de Bary population to metalaxil in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. It is proved that the level of fungus resistance is directly proportional to the intensity of systemic phenilamide group fungicides used against it. The analysis of the data obtained has not revealed any interrelation between the character of late blight seen in potato and its agent resistance. It is determined that resistance indication is mainly timed to a type of A1 compatibility. The article offers the measures on restoring Ph. Infestans population sensitivity to metalaxil.
Nikonchik P., Yatsko N.
Optimizing the
combination of animal breeding and plant
growing as the factor of increasing the efficiency
of agricultural production
The article provides the main principals of rational combination of animal breeding and plant growing. It illustrates that soil conditions and the character of soil use must determine the structure of animal breeding, its specialization, volume of stock and produce. It provides the calculations of the optimal density of pig and cattle stocks per hectare of land as well as the volume of stock per average and larger farms, depending on the productivity of lands, the degree of their cultivation, the share of grains and their yields.
Grib O., Pavlovich L., Lapushkova R.,
Sidorenko L.
Agronomic and zoo technical
aspects of the high lysine barley
The article analyses the production of the high lysine barley from
the point of view of agronomic and zoo technical aspects. It illustrates
that high lysine barley with the yield of 70% of the normal yield level
is 17% profitable in terms of zoo technical aspects.
Usenya A.
The influence of different factors of
arable farming on the productivity of barley in
crop rotation
The article considers the results of the scientific research made
in a long-term stationary experiment on intermediate crops in
rotations. It illustrates the influence of a predecessor, fertilizer system
and intermediate crop application on the yield of barley.
Filipenko S., Senchenko V.
The influence of the
predecessors on the yield, its elements, grain
quality, and phytosanitary condition of summer
The article considers the influence of the predecessors on the
yield, elements of productivity, protein content, weed content, disease
level of summer barley. It points out specific features and the reaction
of different varieties to the predecessor.
Vasilyeva N.
The calculation of the sagging of constrictions on biogenic grounds keeping in mind their stage character
The article suggests calculating compression curves of organic
parameters of the biogenic grounds and neglecting the compressibility
of the mineral parameters, because the latter is incomparably smaller.
Keeping in mind the proposals the empiric formula received has
much less deviations. Because of the fact that the sagging of the
construction on biogenic grounds has very considerable volume, the
preciseness of the calculations ensure economically better solutions
Animal Breeding and Veterinary
Postrash I., Holod V.
The interrelation between
the exchange of iron and metabolic processes in
the pregnant cows
The article examines the issues of iron slate exchange in pregnant cows in different periods of pregnancy. Indices of protein, mineral and lipoid exchanges of the 3rd, 6th, and 9th month of pregnancy as well as the interrelation of transport and erythrocytes stock of iron are determined. The correlation between plasma indices of iron exchange and electrolyte composition of serum is studied.
Pshihodsky G., Podluzhny G., Shirko P.
The ways
of reducing the penetration of radio nuclides into
the chain soil-fodder-animals in the contaminated
areas of Mogilev region
The article provides the scientific basis of animal breeding on the
contaminated agricultural lands and the system of measures to ensure
animal breeding according to the Levels RSL-96 of the Republic of
Belarus. It analyses the organization of the feed base and rations
balanced in primary nutzitives, which might be recommended to the
farms of Mogilev region suffered from Chernomyl disaster.
Rusinovich A.
Mahtmatical model - the
prognosis of the epizootic process of VLKRS
infection in spontaneous conditions
The prognosis of the epizootic process of cattle leucosis was based on the biological balance of the stock volume in the populations of the specific specie (via natural or artificial reproduction) as well as on the parameters of incidences and intensively of affected animals, established in various Belarusian farms.
The main criteria of the prognosis are the initial level of incidences, initial and final stages of infection of the population within a year and the percent of the stock reproduction.
The mathematical models considered characterize the epizootic process of cattle leucosis as a dynamically developing system with ups and downs, deviations in the parameters of incidences, intensity of infection, number of healthy and ill animals, number of incoming and disappearing animals.
Doilidov V., Loban N., Vasilyuk O.
useful and biologic peculiarities of pigs in
crossings and hybridization.
The article studies the influence of two- and three- way crossing and hybridization on the commercial and biological properties of pigs (LW, BM, BBN and D breeds). LW pigs were used as controls. It was found that owing to geterosis fattening ability and carcass quality of hybrid and cross bred progeny had been improved by 5,7- 9%. Crossbred sows (LWxBM) mated to boars gave progeny of higher quality than control ones, which allowed to have an extra profit at about $291,05 per sow per year (16,4% higher than in control group). Pigs of this genotype have more valuable meat by its physical, chemical and consumable properties.
Khodosovsky D.
The metabolic energy content in
fodder grains for the poultry
The article is about the problem of barley, wheat and maize
quality for the poultry. It determines the recent years tendencies of
decreasing some quality characteristics.
Fedorova E.
Microbial contamination of udder
skin and bulk milk in different technologies of
management and methods of treatment before
The sanitary treatment of the cow udder is very important in
order to receive milk of high sanitary quality as udder skin of cows
the main source of infection.
The article provides the data on microbial contamination of
udder washing-offand milk, composition of microflora by traditional
wash of udder with warm water during pasture and stabling periods,
the results of testing a new disinfectant Inkarasept 10A for sanitary
treatment of cow udder teats.
Kot A.
Using whey in the diets of calves
The efficiency of using the concentrated acidofill whey (containing 20% of dry matter) and hydrolyzed whey enriched with lactates HWEL-1-40 (containing 40% of dry matter) is studied in the article. The study was conducted using the black-and-white calves. In addition to the main diet the animals of the 1st group were given HWEL-1-40 (2,5 g/kg of body weight) and the animals of the 2nd group were given concentrated (20%) acidofill whey. As the result of this the feeding ability grew by 3,8% and 4,5% respectively (in comparison with the control group). Using grain additives resulted in the growth of the daily gain by 9,8% and 6,2% respectively. The feed consumption per 100 kg of gain was lowered to 4,2% and 1,4% respectively. During the study the digestion was normal.
Mechanization and power engineering, proccessing and storage of agrarian produce
Sharshunov V., Chervyakov A., Kozlov S.,
Kurzenkov S., Radchenko A., Talaluev A.,
Ivanov V., Pontalev O., Kandaurov S.
Biochemical and biophysical prerequisites for
introducing the technologies of deepened
processing of raw materials in fodder production
The quality improvement of mixed fodder production under modern conditions should be based on the development and introduction of the new technologies of deepened grain forage processing, which allows significantly increasing the efficiency of usage of all natural grain potential.
The article provides the analysis of the biochemical content changes of the cereal and legume grains under the influence of different factors (temperature, pressure etc). Anti nutritional qualities of grain limiting its wide use in animal feeding have been described in the article. It also suggests the methods of inactivating the above mentioned anti nutritional substances.
Kazakevich P., Perevoznikov V., Debenkov J.
The combined harvest of flax: prospects and ways
of development
The most considerable losses of the flax crop occur during realization of harvest work. It is possible to lower them to a minimum by using the harvesters (50%) and separate harvest (50%) technologies. In this way separate harvest deseeding is made under two circuits: both in field and on fax mill. The preparation of flax at the combined harvest is carried out on rolled technology and only in extreme weather conditions it can be carried out in sheaves with machine formation of portions for cones. In the Republic of Belarus the base complex of machines for such harvest has been created. Mechanized harvest groups at the flax mills are the important organizational principle of the development of the combined rolled flax harvesting.
Dashkov V., Klyut V.
The prerequisites for the
development of the mathematical model of heat
supply to the spring-summer green house
In Belarus is spring and autumns the daylight hours are quite long. When using solar energy for plastic greenhouse heating we must take into consideration variation of incoming solar energy during the day, dependence upon state of atmosphere. In this case it is expedient to include a subsoil heat accumulator in the heating system for it to store the heat energy. The derived analytical expression allows also choosing a material for manufacturing subsoil heat accumulators to be installed in greenhouses.