





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2012 №1

Agriculture and plant cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textGruzinskaya E.V.
Conceptual approach to identification of the necessity and expediency of credit investments and their availability
The conceptual approach to identification of the necessity of credit investments is formed. This approach provides the possibility of including the elements of government support in its for-mation to make the elements of the mechanism of crediting to be one way oriented that ensures the increase of maneuverability of the mechanism of crediting under the conditions of the factors of external and internal environment.

Full textKarpovich V.F., Shostak S.A., Podluzhnyak N.V.
Tendencies of the development of price market condition of livestock products in the Republic of Belarus
The results of the research of price market condition of livestock products in the Republic of Belarus are presented in the article. The structure of expenses and profitability of the products to have been sold in 2000–2010 are analyzed. The dynamics of the changes of limiting minimum purchase prices for cattle, pigs in carcass weight and milk is shown for the period January – October, 2011. The degree of equivalence of the cost of some kinds of industrial and agricultural products is calculated.

Full textGusakov E.V.
Organizational and economic tools of establishing holding companies in agroindustrial complex
The article states basic concepts, stages and order of establishing and functioning of holding companies, mechanisms of their sound management, recommendations and models of establishing holding companies in some subcomplexes: meat, milk, cereal, potato.

Full textSayganov A.S.
Main directions of the perspective development of the system of industrial service in agriculture of Belarus under market conditions
In the article the current state and tendencies of the development of the system of industrial service in agriculture are researched. It is identified that the most important perspective directions of the development of this system are mechanized industrial service of agricultural manufacturers; technical service of mechanization; supply of agricultural machines to agricultural consumers; formation of the market of second hand machines; licensing of all repair companies and certification of their work and services; formation of the technical service system as one whole integration structure and management of maintenance and repair, and others. Taking into account the tendencies identified in these spheres, the basic perspective directions of the development of the system of industrial service of agricultural production under market conditions are substantiated.

UpAgriculture and plant cultivation

Full textTsytron G.S., Gorbachova E.V., Azaronak T.N., Shulgina S.V.
Elementary soil forming processes in hortic anthrosols
The article presents the results of the research of composition and properties of Hortic Anthrosols on the basis of which the basic elementary soil processes comprising a part of soil forming process are diagnosed.

Full textStepuro M.F., Autko A.A.
Influence of the system of fertilizers application in vegetable fodder crop rotation on the yield and qualite of white cabbage (Вrassica oleracea L.)
The article deals with the results of assessment of the response reaction of white cabbage on the types and doses of fertilizers on green manure and green and slurry soils. The relative difference in the yield and quality of products depending on the system of nutrition is presented. The dependence of activation of vitamin C and nitrates accumulation in cabbage heads is considered.

Full textGolub I.A., Ermolovich O.A.
Effectiveness of the influence of microbiological preparation Biolinum on crops of fibre flax at different levels of mineral nutrition
The article states the results of research of influence of biological bacterial preparation Biolinum with different doses of mineral fertilizers on the yield and structural indices of seeds and fiber of flax. Presow incrustation of seeds with fungicide Vitavaks 200FF and Biolinum has a positive effect on the increase of seed production, yield of flax fiber: increase of the yield of fiber flax seeds is 2.3 c/ha, of fiber – 20.6 c/ha, of long fiber – 13.1 c/ha.

Full textTsyganov A.R., Klochkova O.S., Solomko O.B.
Influence of different densities and scheme of sowing on the size of leaves and net productivity of photosynthesis of spring rape plants
The research shows that the largest size of leaves per m2 in the phase of flowering and the size of pods in the phase of green maturity are formed on average when the density of plants is 107 per m2. The size of leaves decreases when the distance between plants in rows increases. With the following planting schemes of 9.7 x 9.7 and 11,2 x 11,2 cm – 4.40 and 4.24 m2/m2 large sizes of leaves are received. The highest result of photosynthesis net productivity is obtained when the density is 107 per m2 – 9.93 g/m2 a day. Photosynthesis net productivity increases with the decrease of the distance between plants in a row when the square of feeding is the same.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textMalashko V.V., Lishik I.P.
Development of calf skeletal muscles at postnatal ontogenesis under the use of preparation Gamavit
The application of Gamavit while rearing calves-hypotrophics allows to stimulate postnatal miohistogenesis of skeletal muscles. There is an increase of the amount of muscular tissues in m. longissimus dorsi. This index in the experimental group is 23.3%, in the control group is 17.8%. The concentration of glycogen granules per 10 mkm2 of muscular tissue increases by 40.2% relatively to control data. Metabolism and microcirculation in the muscles are activated that results in muscular mass increase and animals growth.

Full textSavelyeva T.A., Krasnikova E.L., Finogenov A.Yu.
Identification of virus of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome in body fluids
The article describes the study of the possibility of using IPMA to diagnose virus of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome which enables to reveal both antibodies and antigen in body fluids, and also the choice of an experimental model of cell cultures, reducing the price of vaccine and ensuring the accuracy of results.

Full textKosyanenko S.V., Nikitina I.A.
Selection of rearing ducklings on the basis of assessment on a number of characteristics
The application of the selection program of ducklings of lines of cross Temp enables to raise such indices as weight, weight of eggs, egg production and to lower the age of sexual maturity maintaining the initial level of reproductive qualities of birds.

Full textBelkevich I.А., Malinovskiy I.F.
Etiopathogenesis of polyhypomicroelementosis of farm animals and rational stabilization of ligand-element homeostasis
It’s the first time when in the national literature the authors of the article have proved theoretically understanding of etiology and pathogenesis on the basis of achievements of the world science and their own research, a hot issue problem in the Republic of Belarus – polyhypomicroelementosis of farm animals. The data on etiopathogenesis of elementosis pathology and its influence on the level of functional reserves and the organism of farm animals are presented.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textGorin G.S.
Development of the hybrid theory of the turn of a machine-tractor aggregate. Kinematika
The article presents the data that prove the necessity to take into consideration the angles of roll steer that are created by the work of interwheel differentials when a tractor turns in a machine-tractor aggregate. The scheme of turn kinematics taking into account the work of interwheel and interaxle differentials, the parameters of a drive gear, the poles of friction of the wheels of a rear drive axle and a front drive axle and the whole system in general is proposed. The scheme of an interaxle drive gear with regard to the work interwheels differentials is corrected. The methodology for calculation of the indices of kinematics of wheels swinging with a shift on a turn is proposed. On the basis of this methodology the data of research of a tractor – a device with interaxle blocked drive gears and interaxle differential drive gears are analyzed.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textSharshunov V.A., Smolyak A.A., Evdokimov A.V.
Calculation of moisture exchange parameters in the process of thermomechanical treatment of grains in a combined dryer-dispergator
As a result of experimental research of grain thermomechanical processing in a dryer-dispergator combining in one working volume material crushing and drying it is established that eventually molecular diffusion of moisture in particles acquires a regular mode character. The criterial equation describing product moisture depending on the period of staying in the machine is received.

Full textGrudanov V.Ya., Brench A.A., Pozdnyakov V.M., Fillipovich M.O.
Influence of domestic food additives on the basis of lophantus adans on biological value of crushed meat raw materials
Technological peculiarities are studied, and possibility of application of domestic food additives on the basis of lophantus adans to give a specific taste, flavor and improve other organoleptic indicators of semifinished products in the process of their manufacturing is shown. The research of meat raw materials with lophantus adans crushed with emulsifier with a new cutting mechanism by the method of reverse phase chromatography shows the increase of major nonessential (Аsр, Glu, Glу, Аlа) and essential with a tree-structured hydrocarbonic skeleton (Ileu Lеu) amino acids, aromatic amino acids (Нis, Tur) and other sulphur containing amino acids (Меt). The received data have been used in the process of development of specifications TY BY 190239501.761–2009. Lophantus adans.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Nikolay Ivanovich Smeyan (To the 80th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Michail Maksimovich Severnev (To the 90th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Albert Fedorovich Trofimov (To the 75th Anniversary of Birthday)

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