
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2000 №2

General Annual Meeting
Economics and Information Technologies
Arable Farming and Plant Growing
Animal Breeding and Veterinary

UpGeneral Annual Meeting

Full textAntonyuk V.
Peculiarities and priority trends of the development of agricultural science in 2001-2005

Full textYakubovskiy M.
About work of Presidium of the Academy of agrarian sciences of Belarus in 1999

Full text
Resolution "About the peculiarity and priority trends of the development of agricultural science in 2001-2005"

UpEconomics and Information Technologies

Full textGusakov V.
Scientific-practical recommendation forefficiency increase of functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex
In the article it has been given the concrete offers and recommendations for stabilizing of agricultural economy, overcoming the crisis and guaranteeing Of efficiency functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex (AIС) in transitional period, creation of the developed market system of management.

Full textIlchik V.
State financing of agricultural production
The government regulation of agrarian sector is a component of economic structure of market. It permits to create the favorable conditions for stabilizing and development of agricultural production, social support to the rural regions. Economic, political and social state of the society depends on agricultural situation, in this connection a guaranteeing of food safety is one of paramount problems of state. In the article it has been shown a level and directions of state financing of agriculture of Belarus. Proposals for improvement of this financing are listed.

Full textVolzhenkov G.
Economic essence of intensification and its peculiarities in agriculture
Intensification is a main direction of efficiency increase of agriculture, augmentation of production of cereals, potato, feeds, milk, meat and other products and raw materials. The greater economic result under its carrying out is possible under the strict taking into account natural conditions of every region and every farm, a radioactive pollution of the substantial part of Belarussian territory. With taking into consideration all of these requirements farming and cattle-breeding have to be developped.

Full textBaranovskiy S., Berinchik S.
Perfecting of organization-economic mechanism of the relations between agricultural, processing and trade enterprises
In the article it has been offered a mechanism of creation and functioning of agrarian financial and industrial group on milk production, its processing and realization of finished products, including the substantiation of an organizational and administrative structure, variants of functioning in given formations, a definition technique of the contribution of the participants in final results, a set of organization-economic measures directed on increase of interest in the growth of management efficiency.

Full textSayganov A.
Organization principles and method of creation and functioning of machine and technological station on the base of JSC "Zhlobin rayagropromtechnika"
It has been shown an organization-economic mechanism of creation and functioning of machine and technological stations in the system of regional Agro-Industrial Complex (AIS). It has been grounded a system of mutual settlements for services rendered by MTS. The ways of economic support to MTS of their forming period are offered. It has been worked out a system of indices permitting to evaluate an expected economic efficiency of the created machine and technological stations.

Full textShapiro S., Stankevich Boguslav
Structural changes in agriculture of the noth-east part of Germany
The main directions of agricultural reorganization in the north-east part of Germany are shown in this article.

UpArable Farming and Plant Growing

Full textKilchevskiy A., Grib S.
The state and tasks of development of agricultural biotechnology in Belarus
State of investigations in agricultural biotechnology in belarussian research institutes and universities was analysed. General fields of investigation were determined, and main tasks of development of agricultural biotechnology in Republic of Belarus were discussed.

Full textPopov F.
State and prospects of before-sowing disinfecting of vegetable seeds
In the article it has been discussed the questions of before-sowing disinfecting of vegetable seeds, its bio-economic significance and prospects. It has been given a whole description of chemicals applied for disinfecting ofseeds in practice, their physic-chemical peculiarities and fungicidal properties. The data about prospective biological chemicals used for disinfecting of seeds are listed.

Full textProchorova S., Tereshchuk V., Nemkovich A.
Phytosanitary situations of triticale crops
In the article the results ofown observations, and also data of weather forecast and signalling stations on phytosanitary situation of triticale crops under conditions of Belarus are stated, harmful organisms oftriticale which renders essential influence to the formation of a grain yield is given.

Full textRyabtsev A.
Selection SR0523 in scab - resistant apple varieties breeding
A problem of aaple scab resistance maybe solved by including in crossing few donors of polygenic and oligogenic resistance. Departament of fruit breeding of Belarussian recearch institute for fruit growing has a number of selections earning "main" genes Vr, Vf, Vm of crossing some donors of the genes with local and introdused cultivars. Great deal of them are hibrids of M. alrosanguinea seedling SR0523 with Vm gene. Some of crossing combinations were analised in the article. After several years of investigations one may make a conclusion about development of 5th rase of V. inaequalis.

Full textPrishchepa L., Mikulskaya N., Bezruchionok N.
Study of biological diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes in Belarus
In Belarus 2 strain and 16 isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes relating to Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae families are chosen. The ecological and morphological features of Steinernema feltiae (SBS2-96) and S. carpocapsae (SBZ-97) strains are investigated. The possibility of their use for pest control of large-and- small-fruit crops, vegetables and potato is determined.

Full textOkenka I., Simonik Y., Latechka M.
Modeling of the process of mechanized irrigation by drizzling
The article is about of modeling of the process of mechanized irrigation by drizzling on Slovakian soils. The investigation results for efficiency increase of rain-making equipment in Slovakian conditions are adduced. Under applying of manyversion modeling of the irrigation process it has been considered the measures for improvement of organization of rain-making equipment services and increase of its work reliability. It has been stated the indices of drizzling quality and restriction of equipment concentration.

Full textBorisovets T.
Perfecting of organization-management relations in seed-growing of cereals
In the article it has been grounded a necessity of perfecting of organization-management system of cereals seed-growing in our republic by the way of creation of an association of seed-growing farms. The basic principles and functions of these farms'forms are determined and their production structure is presented. The plenary powers of state management are defined more exactly in the regulation of activity of seed-growing enterprises.

UpAnimal Breeding and Veterinary

Full textBudevich I., Budevich A., Pavlenya A., Yurashchuk C.
Interrelationships of between peptidic hypophysial hormones and high molecular carbohydrates and the efficiency of these compounds for biotechnology
An efficient compound formation of FSH with high molecular carbohydrates dextran and polyglucine was shown by the method of fluorescent spectroscopy. Dextran (1,5-5,0%) and polyglucine (3,0-4,5%) solutions were used to stabilize FSH and to form stable hormonal compounds. The use of FSH of prolonged action aliows to have more viable embryos per donor (up to 68,2%) at 2 times lower labour and time expenses for animal treatments.

Full textMedvedev G., Lebedev N.
Stimulation of sexual reflexes of bull producers under the different modes of the sperm takings
The has been developed the system of functional preparation of bull-producers for getting sperm, which includes sexual stimulation and fixed intervals between the takings of sperm. Its application permitted to increase quantitative and qualitative indices of sperm production.

Full textLinkevich E.
The influeence of ultra-sound action on organizm of saws
The influence of ultra-sound odf different intencity on organizm of saws is studied in connection with stimulation of their reproductive function.

Full textRomashko A.
Replacement of fish meal by yeast (provit) in mixed feed of broilers
The possibility of replacement of fish meal by yeast (provit) has been studied in the food allowance of chicken. It has been found the optimal rated of provit inclusion in mixed feeds. It has been considered a degree of the influence of this yeast on poultry productivity, its viability, carcass yield and quality of broilers.

Full textStatkevich D.
The place of Belarus on the world market of poultry
In this article in detail it is analized the position of poultry breeding in the world and Belarus. It is shown the importence of the poultry breeding at the present time as means of solving the problem of a population nutrition by valuablefor a health food and determined the problems, solving of which lets to increase poultry production for the needed level.


Full textSeverniov M., Kolos V., Pastuchova Z.
About an efficiency estimation of scientific-research and experimental-construction works on their planning stage
It has been considered a method of an estimation of scientific-research and experimental-construction works on their planning stage, a quantity of proportional expenses of resources for new and basic variants, a value of efficiency of new research, the indices of ecological purity and competitiveness.

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