





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2019 №3

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricutural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textRastorgouev P.V.
System approach to assessment of efficiency of quality management system in agriculture
Efficient assessment of results of agricultural products quality assurance instruments functioning in practice requires systematic approach taking into account all the correlated elements of the mechanism for assessment of management efficiency quality and agricultural sector peculiarities. The paper presents results of scientific research in the field of arranging systematic approach to assessment of quality management system efficiency in agriculture. Conceptual bases for integrated assessment of agricultural products quality management system efficiency have been developed, including units of organizational- and-economic, management and other tasks requiring preliminary solution and are crucial for achieving the planned result and efficient solution of the problem faced. Basic methods for evaluating efficiency of the quality management system for agricultural products in modern conditions are studied and identified, which is reflected in the decision making matrix for selecting priority methods for assessment of efficiency of agricultural products quality management system. Method bases for evaluating efficiency of the quality management system for agricultural products including the decision making matrix for selecting priority methods for assessment of efficiency of agricultural products quality management system. Functional-and-structural model has been developed, reflecting the main causal correlations between key factors and elements of efficiency evaluation. Essence and content of formation and development stages of efficient mechanism for evaluating efficiency of the system for agricultural products quality management, and their main tasks are disclosed. Methodological recommendations for forming the system of criteria for compliance of the existing mechanism for evaluating efficiency with the set requirements have been developed. The research results can be used for monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency of methods and mechanisms for agricultural products quality management system. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production” for the period of 2016–2020.

Full textDanylenko A.S., Sokolska T.V., Yukhymenko P.I., Lobunets V.I.
Multifunctional agriculture and its effect on rural territories development
The paper deals with the main conceptual approaches to the definition of agriculture multifunctionality, indicates positive changes towards multifunctionality of rural territories in Ukraine and substantiates the main restraining factors such as low level of innovation activity of economic entities operating in this sphere, related sectors of economy, moral ageing of social and communal infrastructure of the village, lack of relations with universities which are the main generators of knowledge. The paper proposes to establish the Regional Coordination Centers for Rural Development in the structure of the Agro-industrial Development Departments. The main function of the centers should be obtaining multifunctional agriculture due to interaction of enterprises and the state shifting the emphasis from production to rural development. It is noted that the establishment of such centers in the conditions of decentralization will allow ensuring interaction of enterprises, state and population and implementing properly multifunctionality of agriculture. It is proved that forming the conceptual foundations of rural development, it should be borne in mind that sustainable multifunctional development should be based on effective rural economy, extended reproduction of human capital and productive employment of rural population, on improvement of people’s quality of life, rational use of natural resources and their reproduction.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textPrushak V.Y., Pirogovskaya G.V., Lapa V.V., Ostrovskiy L.K., Shevchuk V.V., Myslivets D.G.
Efficiency of complex NPK fertilizers obtained from conversion alkaline solution at potassium sulphate production
Waste-free technology for producing chlorine-free fertilizers (potassium sulphate) and recycling liquid wastes (conversion liquors of potassium sulphate production) for obtaining additional products (various grades of complex fertilizers based on them) allowing to reduce price cost of plant production is vital for agricultural production. The paper dwells on results of studies on production and agrochemical efficiency of complex NPK fertilizer of 16-10-16 grade obtained based on conversion alkaline solution at potassium sulfate and ammophos production. Fertilizer is obtained by method of low-temperature conversion of potassium chloride with ammonium sulfate. It allows to obtain chlorine-free fertilizer (potassium sulfate) and arrange processing of conversion alkaline solution to obtain a wide range of complex fertilizers, including the experimental brand. Agrochemical efficiency of NPK fertilizer (16-10-16 grade) during cultivation of vegetable crops (carrot, cabbage, onion) on sod-podzolic loose soil was determined. It was determined that nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer of 16-10-16 brand in equivalent doses with standard solids (urea, ammoniated superphosphate, granulated potassium chloride) during cultivation of vegetable crops provides yield of carrot, cabbage and onion at the level of the standard (standard solids) with no significant changes in product quality, there is only a tendency to increase of sugar and reduction of nitrate content in products. The complex NPK-fertilizer of 16-10-16 brand has been recorded in the “State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers Allowed on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus” and is allowed to be used at agro-industrial complex and for retail sale.

Full textWildflush I.R., Tsyganov A.R., Barbasov N.V.
Effect of new forms of fertilizers and growth regulators on photosynthetic activities of crops, yield and barley grain quality of feed purpose varieties
Development of new forms of complex fertilizers is a sore issue in many countries of the world. Compared with simple fertilizers, these forms provide a balanced ratio of nutrients for crops, increase economic efficiency due to reduction of application cost. The paper presents data on effect of new complex fertilizer with trace elements for main application in soil, micronutrients (Adobe Copper, complex fertilizers for foliar application (Nutrivant plus, Crystallon), plant growth regulators (Ecosil and Fitovitall), micronutrients with plant growth regulators (Elegum-Copper, MicroStim-Copper L) on the photosynthetic activity of crops, yield and quality of feed purpose barley. Promising variants of fertilizing system using set of agrotechnical techniques in technology of feed purpose barley varieties cultivation are proposed. Effect of various prospective fertilizers, micronutrients, plant growth regulators (both domestic and foreign) on photosynthetic activity of crops, yield and grain quality of feed purpose barley has been determined. Complex effect of the studied preparations on yield and grain quality was determined. Improvement of crop products based on development of efficient resource-saving farming systems and environmentally friendly technologies for production will contribute to formation of efficient and competitive agroindustrial production, ensuring the country’s food security and entry into world food markets. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production for 2016–2020”.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textHerman Y.I., Horbukov M.A.
Estimation of roadster breed of horse in Belarus by set of traits depending on breed and genealogy characteristics
Purebred horses are considered a national treasure and an indirect indicator of country development. In many countries over the past decade, livestock has decreased significantly, but some countries, have focused on horse breeding and increasing the number of horses. Number of horses also significantly decreased in the Republic of Belarus for various reasons, however, quality of horses in breeding companies has undergone no significant changes. Industry directions are also saved to some extent, but shift of priorities towards the roadster horse breeding becomes more and more noticeable. A significant problem having effect on formation of horse breeding basis for sports horse breeding is an ambiguous opinion among specialists about suitability of various breeds of horses in equestrian sport. Assessment was carried out for this purpose according to complex of roadster horse traits used at breeding and equestrian companies in Belarus. Directions for improving selection of horses for classic types of equestrian sport are determined based on expert evaluation of their exterior and constitution parameters, sports performance, success index, etc. Performance of roadster horses at competitions at various levels was analyzed depending on breed and genealogical characteristics of the horse livestock used. The effect of horses origin on their sports performance is determined. Clear sport specialization is determined among the progeny of a number of producing animals. Methods of horse photometry, computer processing of results of field shooting and video materials when performing various elements of lineary motion and jumping were developed. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the state program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production for 2016–2020”, subprogram “Livestock and breeding”.

Full textAgeyets V.Y., Mikaelyan A.R., Koshak Z.V., Babayan B.G., Degtyarik S.M.
Ways to improve efficiency of compound feed for fish
The successful development of the fish industry in the Republic of Belarus requires the provision of aquaculture facilities with low-cost, high-quality, safe and effective feed. Institute of Fish Industry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is developing new types of domestic raw materials of waste industry, in particular fish processing waste. This high-protein raw material is the best for freshwater fish, especially for valuable species. Currently, laboratory samples of fish hydrolyzate have been obtained, which can replace imported fish meal by 10–15 % in composition of compound feed for fish, which will make it possible to reduce the price of domestic feed by 7–10 %. Development of hydrolyzate from fish processing waste will create a closed cycle of fish processing with production of high-quality compound feed raw materials. A new treatment-and-prophylactic compound feed “Mix-Feed” and its specifications have been developed. Compound feed is intended for prevention and treatment of bacterial infections of carp fish, natural phytobiotic Mix-Oil is used in its composition in the amount of 600 g/t. Moisture-and-heat treatment modes of “Mix-Feed” compound feed was selected to preserve its activity. Conducted production tests at the republic's fish farms showed that compound feed “Mix-Feed” increases survival rate of carp by 80 % when fighting against bacterial infections. Compound feed “Mix-Feed” allows to eliminate the use of antibiotics for prevention and treatment of bacterial infections of carp, which allows to obtain environmentally friendly products being in demand in the world market. The new feed has already been used at large fish farms of the Republic of Belarus (fish farm “Volma” and OFH “Selets”). In cooperation with SPS “Armbiotechnology” of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, natural preservative from wine production wastes is being developed. Tartaric acid benzylimide, isolated from wine production waste, showed high activity against conditionally pathogenic strains of salmonella and staphylococcus, causing high mortality of fish when using contaminated compound feed. In the future, this development will allow domestic feeds to become competitive in terms of storage period. Acknowledgments. The study was performed within the framework of the following research programs: State program of scientific research “Quality and Efficiency of Agroindustrial Production” and State Research and Technical Program “Agropromkompleks”. The authors are grateful to the National academy of sciences of Belarus and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus for supporting these researches.

Full textBuchukuri D.V., Kovalev N.A., Lamaka Y.V., Barysavets D.S., Velikiy S.V., Shpiylevskiy D.O.
Vaccine- containing blister-free bait for oral immunization of carnivorous animals against rabies
Rabies is absolutely lethal acute viral disease that affects humans and all warm-blood animals, which is common in many countries of the world, including Belarus. Wild carnivorous animals, mainly foxes, are the main source of rabies virus infection, therefore development and improvement of means and methods for preventing this disease among wild carnivores, in particular oral immunization of carnivorous animals, is of great research and practical importance. Anti-rabies vaccine was developed for oral use in the form of a blister-free bait consisting of fixed rabies virus selected by us – strain KMIEV-94 (71 BelNIIEV–VGNKI M), meat and bone meal and wheat flour, gelatin, glycerin and tetracycline. Technology for manufacture of improved highly immunogenic blister-free vaccine-containing bait for oral vaccination of wild carnivorous animals against rabies was developed. Immunological and anti-epizootic efficiency of vaccine-containing baits was studied. It was determined that use of the developed vaccine-containing blister-free anti-rabies bait in natural conditions is ecologically safe, since KMIEV-94 rabies virus is deeply attenuated and apathogenic for rodents and carnivorous animals after oral administration, does not have reversibility and after 9 days of storing the bait at a temperature of 18–20 °C is inactivated. High efficiency, safety, simple manufacturing technology of the developed bait indicate prospects of its introduction into practice, which will reduce the incidence of rabies in animals.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textSayganov A.S., Lipskaya V.K.
Method for increasing competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial goods based on example of grain harvesters
Decisive factor for commercial success of any business entity in market economy is competitiveness, since it contributes to efficient and profitable work of enterprises, allows to see prospect, but requires constant increase of product export potential possible due to improvement of its quality and cost characteristics. In this regard, the problem of increasing competitiveness of products is becoming increasingly important in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus nowadays and becoming the main criterion for efficient functioning and sustainable development of agricultural engineering companies. The paper reveals concept and economic essence of competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial products. Peculiarities of formation of competitiveness of grain harvesters are revealed and criteria for its evaluation are substantiated. The basic factors and the nature of their effect on competitiveness of grain harvesters are determined. Method for assessment of competitiveness of goods for industrial purposes is presented. Practical recommendations are developed to increase competitiveness of grain harvesters, as well as their manufacturers. Method for selecting rational option of technical solution during design, improvement and modernization of agricultural machines has been substantiated and developed. The proposed methods for improving competitiveness of technically sophisticated industrial goods on example of grain harvesters contributes to more rational use of enterprises’ resources, successful development of foreign markets and ensures significant increase in competitiveness of products of enterprises engaged in development and production of sophisticated engineering products.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricutural Production

Full textSharshunov V.A., Kirkor M.A., Evdokimov A.V.
Process of crushing sprouted grains of rye, wheat and triticale in combined disperser dryer
One of promising products for obtaining natural food additives can be germinated grain of various cereals crushed to powder. Selection of mechanical impact method on germinated grain directly depends on physical-and-mechanical properties of the material. The most promising are drying and grinding installations of combined type based on interaction of suspended layer and grinding devices with blade rotor. It allows to ensure efficient use of shear and cut deformations to obtain the final product of the required particle size distribution. The paper presents results on study of mechanical impact methods on germinated grain and the least energy-intensive method is defined. It is determined that the most promising for grinding are units of combined type. Based on the research conducted, the design of combined dryer with integrated rotary chopper (disperser dryer) has been substantiated and practically implemented. Experimental test installation was designed and manufactured to study the process of thermomechanical processing of high-moisture food raw materials. It allows to implement and study drying and grinding combined processes. Mathematical model building task for grinding process of germinated grain in disperser dryer based on Lagrange method is considered. Mathematical model of grinding process of germinated grain in unit with twisted flow based on Rehbinder theory is proposed. Mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of germinated grain under uniaxial static immersion is obtained. Correlation of granulometric composition of finished product with performance of disperser dryer, temperature of drying agent, shredder rotor rotation speed, initial moisture content in germinated grain have been studied. Froude number is defined. Conclusions and practical recommendations will contribute to solving problems of improving quality, safety and competitiveness, as well as increasing export potential of domestic food and agricultural products.

Full textLovkis Z.V., Usenia Y.S., Ulozhinova M.Y., Filatova L.V.
Application of flaxseed fiber as physiologically functional ingredient for production of enriched food concentrates
Application of secondary products of oilseed crops processing, which due to high nutritional and biological value, can be enriching ingredients during production of functional food products, is an important area of research and improvement of food technology. The paper presents the results of study of physical and chemical, fatty acid and vitamin and mineral composition, as well as nutritional value of domestic flaxseed fiber samples in Belarus. Based on data obtained, it was determined that flaxseed fiber can be used for production of functional food concentrates with the purpose to enrich them with dietary fibers, polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein. When choosing food concentrates for enrichment with these nutrients, current trends of food industry development focused on production of high nutritional value products of in bulk consumption were considered, including the level of physiologically active ingredients, instant food, with long shelf life, etc. Assortment of new types of food concentrates with flaxseed fiber has been developed. Mathematical simulation methods helped to determine rational dosages of enrichment ingredient, experimental batches of products were produced, their nutritional value, quality and safety indicators were studied. The data obtained can be used for design of new types of enriched and specialized food products. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the State Research and Technical Program “Agropromkompleks- 2020” for 2016-2020, subprogram “Agropromkompleks – efficiency and quality”.

UpScientists of Belarus

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Sergey Nesterovich Ivanov (To the 110th Anniversary of Birthday)

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Tamara Nikandrovna Kulakovskaya (To the 100th Anniversary of Birthday)

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Vyacheslav Alekseevich Sharshunov (To the 70th Anniversary of Birthday)

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