National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
Gusakov V.
The problems of perspective development of
Totality of the problems requireing of the paramount decision
to get over economical crisis and to stabilise of the agrarian
complex development are defined in the article. The measures
to improve of the agrarian economics and decisions of the
actual tasks are presented. Accent is done to acceleration of
the reform complex of accomplished measures and resolution
of the activities for realisation of the mechanisms of macro
and micro economics of market type.
Bychkov N.
The problems of the juridical ensuring of
reforming kolkhozes and sovkhozes to market structures.
The juridical basis of reforming of the kolkhozes and
sovkhozes of the Republic of Belarus to market structures is
analysed. The problems and ways of their deciding are shown.
The necessity of changes and supplements to the existing
legislation regulating the reformation of the property relations
in agriculture is argumented on facts.
Gusakov V., Shapiro B.
Conception of the property and
reformation in agriculture.
Theoretical aspects of property were considered by the article
taking into cjnsideration the reforming of the agricultural
enterprises. The specific attention was given to collective
shared property as variety of the private one. Recognition of
the collective shared property is the base to consider the
recognised traditional farms (collective and state) as private
market structures with corresponding conditions for
Formation of the production and services cooperatives of the
new type is going to be as the main way of reforming of the
agricultural enterprises in the country's conditions. Cooperatives
as organisational and legislative form of farming are themost correspond to the mentality of the rural employees,
supply with the social justice and reflect the democratic
principles of management as well. Cost accounting is the main
economical mechanism supplying with the rational
functioning of the cooperatives of a new types as the fully
independent production structures.
Semashko V., Shakhotko O., Kozyreva N., Krotova N.
Farms development: results, problems, outlook.
Restructuring of the agrarian sector of the country's national
economy directed to its demonopolisation and transformation to the
market relations caused the origins of diversed forms of property and
farming, appearance of independent and free commodity producers.
Side by side with the large public production so - called "small
peasant sector" represented in particular by the peasants and farmers
farms is formed. They have a small specific proportion in the total
volume of produced and realised agricultural products till the present
time. However the most important structural elements of the market
economics were formed here. So important acts of the transition
period to market economy as land reform, property privatisation e.t.c.
are realised through these elements.
The estimation of the farmers process development in the country is
done by the article. The mechanism of functioning of the peasants
and farmers farms and the problems and perspectives of their
development are shown here. Presented paper directes to
reorientation of the modern farming structuries from the simple to
extended reproduction and to formation more comfortable
environmental infrastructure for their farming activity as well.
Kravtsov M.
Multycriterium model of transportation of
agricultural cargos.
Economical and mathematical models both one criterium
and multy criteriums was elaborated to decide the task of
transformation of the agricultural cargos. Calculated difficulty
of the multicriterium task and possibility of its linear
criterias application to finding of optimal decisions was
researched. Polinominal algoritm transformation of any of
multycriterium task with one linear criterion and some
criterions MINMAX type to equivalented task decided by
means of linear criteriums was suggested.
Land Caltivation and Plant Growing
Berestov I., Stolepchenko V.
Efficiency of the complex
application of liquid fertilizers under barley.
In the result of the fulfilled research was determined that joint
and separate application of complex nitrogen and liquid
potassium fertilizers exerts to barley capacity identically. The
crops productivity was not reduced in the case of transfer of
part of LPF/N3P10 , N4P15/ from the main pieces of land
enrich with fertilizers to out of root feeding during phase of
bush formation.
Out of root feeding of barley /N20/ during phases of bush or
steam formation has increased the crop capacity accordingly
by 3.5 and 3.2 c/ha and positive influenced to albuminous of
grain and its capacity per 1 ha.
Daderkina D.
"Gold" proportion to blue lupine (Lupinus
Angustifolius) structure.
The structure of the blue lupine (Lupinus Angustifolius) with
simpodiallel type of branch was studied, mean values of the
morphological signs were defined and their proportions were
calculated. Received proportions testify that blue lupine is
formed according to the principle of the "gold" proportion
which is looked through to correlation of the elements of the
crop capacity structure as well.
It was revealed the possibility to use the "gold" proportion for
modelling of the blue lupine.
Kadyrov M.
To conception developing of adapted crops
production (selective - breeding, genetics - phito - pathologies
The main strategical tasks of the modern crops production i.e.
— energy and resources economy, ecologycal security
proceeding from the possibilities of selective - breeding,
genetics and phito - pathology were analysed.
Koptik I., Trompel A., Koptik N.
Ecological plastic of
sorts of winter wheat in connection with zones of distribution
in Belarus conditions.
In Belarus conditions of the sorts of winter wheat are created
for different level of land cultivation, agrotechnics, predecessors crops. The main morphobiotypes of sorts which have
the different ecological plastic were presented. Plastic coefficients
were calculated according by E.Gregorijan and
The conclusion about ecological plastic of sorts system of
winter wheat for defined level of land quality was made proceeding
from both these conditions and the country conditions.
Kandyba J., Samusik D.
Influence of doses and terms of
nitrogen fertilizers application to winter rye capacity in
dependence of density of crops.
From the economical point of view N90 is well founded rate of
nitrogen fertilizers as feeding up during spring period brought
in one or two steps independently of the technology of cultivation
on sod - podzolic sandy loam soil of Grodno province.
The sowing rates of seeds of winter rye kinds "Kalinka" have
to be 4-5 mln. sprouted seeds per ha in the case of provision
with the elements of fertilizers and observance of technology.
Shuglja Z., Rybak A.
Winter rye capacity under different
systems of fertilizers.
The influence of the different systems of fertilizers to crops
capacity (oats, winter rye, potatoes, barley) using sod -
podzolic sandy loam soil was being studied during long term
stable experience realised by Grodno zonal scientific research
institute of agriculture on territory of the experimental farm
"Shchuchin" since 1961.
The experimental data concerning influence of fertilizers to
winter rye capacity and taking out the elements feeding an
average for two years of the eight crop rotation were presented
in the article.
Soroka S., Soroka L., Alexandrova I.
The efficiency of
the early spring application of herbicide "Arelon" to struggle
with the annual weeds in winter wheat sowing areas.
It is possible to apply 75% herbicide "Arelon" as standard of
1.5 - 2.0 kg per ha successfully for destruction of the annual
weeds at phase of the early spring bush - formation of winter
wheat in Belarus proceeding from the results of the research
1989-1993. Biological efficiency of "Arelon" to the main
kinds of the weeds is higher than "2.4-D" or "Dialen".
"Arelon" is also effective against both of the annual grasses:
horse daisy (Matricaria Inodora), violet (Viola), basket flower
(Centaurea Americana) and cereals weeds: annual meadow
(Poa Annua), silky bent (Apera Spica - Ventis). "Arelon"
application is preferable for the fields where abnormally high
obstruction was noted by these weeds.
Tsyganov A. , Kal V., Rjabtsev P.
Infra red express
method of definition of the main biologicalquality indices
of winter wheat grain.
Infra red express method was performed to define of
biochemical quality indices of winter wheat grain.
Callibrie equations have received to analyse quality indices of
winter wheat grain that is the main task in the case of
development of the programms of infra red method analysis.
Chemical analysis have fulfilled as regards availability of
albumen, fat, cellular tissue, ashes, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium in the framework of these programms developing.
Comparison of the results both chemical and infra red
analysis of quality of winter wheat grain has shown their high
The efficiency of infra red express method application is
grounded by quite good correlation between optical and
analytical and quality indices.
Yaroshevich M., Vecher N., Savuk M.
The basis of possibility
stabilisation of cenotical relations of beans component
of "Galega Vostochnaja" in perennial legume-grass
It is presented the quantitative estimation of "Galega
Vostochnaja" capacity and its biomorphoiogical indices in
cultural cenosis under the different ways and rates of sowing
components of grassmixture on basis of which its optimal
structure for actual conditions is suggested. The stability of
"Galega Vostochnaja" in perennial legume-grass cenosis was
proved. The crop was recommended to agricultural production
for laying of perennial legume-grass grassmixture of hayland
utilization as beans component.
Daineko N.
The crop capacity of the pastures agrocenosis
in the case of their long utilization.
The crop capacity of three cereals and two bean — cereals
grassmixtures was researched on peaty - bog and sod -
podzolic sandy loam soil by irrigation and without it by long
utilization of pasture at sovkhoz "Oressa" of Gomel province
during 1983-1994.
Cock's - foot grass (Dactylis Glomerata) is a good element of
the cereal grassmixture. However, it may has the damage by
spring or autumn early frosts on peaty - bog soil. Meadow
grass (Poa Pratensis) is the necessary element for long term
utilization of pasture. Beginning from the forth year the crop
capacity of meadow grass has increased significantly and it
occupied the predominant place in the specific proportion of
White Clover (Trifolium Repens) is the leading element in the
structure of bean - cereals grassmixture especially on mineralsoil. Vegetative growth promotes to save the territory occupied
by clover that provides with the high crop capacity during the
first some years of its existing and will promote to its long
term utilization.
Livestock production, fishery and veterinary medicine
Grin M., Yakusevich A., Trotsinskij Y.
Farming useful
features of the black and white cows of different origin.
The research for comparative studying of farming useful
features of cows which were used in pedigree cattle farm У
Nacha У of Brest province was fulfilled for all round
evaluation of results of the utilization the improving cattle
kinds (German, British - Frizz., Danish and Golstein). It was
revealed that German black and white cows (the first genetics
and ecological generation) had the best indices of milk
productivity, good growth to early and close to optimal of
service and between calving periods. Use of black and white
servicing bulls to improved cattle as a rule have not presented
the positive results.
Loban N., Kurak O.
Correlation of the meat qualities and
stress stability of pigs of specialised lines.
The results of research dedicated to the studying of the meat
qualities of the different genotypes of pigs in dependent on
their stress stability was stated. Stress stability of the pigs was
studied by means of the method of "galotan" test at the
experimental farm "Budagovo". The high dependence for
different genotypes of frequency of life reaction of pigs to
"galotan" test with deviation physical and chemical quality of
meat was fixed. Deviation for meat acid was established at 5—
25 % of samples in dependent on the origin. Expediency of
test fulfilment for stress stability of pedigree yong pigs of 2
month of age at the pedigree factory and pigs centres was
Muzyka A.
Improving of the technology of giving to drink
of colostral to new-born calfs.
Influence of the terms of the first giving to drink of colostral
to new-borned calfs on their ability to life, health conditions,
growth and development was researched. The dependence of
colostral quality of litter sex was tested as well. It was
established that the period of giving to drink of the first
portion of colostral to new borned calfs during 0,5-1 hour is
the most optimal. Colostral of cows borned bulls is the most
valuable than of borned heifers proceeding from its chemical
Portnoi A.
Composition and technological features of
milk of high productive cows in the case of feeding by
aromatic addition.
The results of research of influence of aromatic addition out
of "tmin" to productivity of milking cows, chemical
composition and technological features of milk were
It was established that feeding to milking cows additionally to
the main ration of the aromatic addition in size of 50 and 100
gr. daily per cow head have led to increase of cows
productivity by 5.0 and 4.4 %, milk fat by 0.32 and 0.25 %,
milk protein by 0.04 and 0.06 % accordingly. The specific
proportion of dry substance, lactose, calcium and phosphorus
in milk has grown as well. The feeding of aromatic addition
allows to improve the physics and chemical features of milk
and increase considerably its technological qualities.
Application of the aromatic addition is profitable proceeding
from the economical point of view because of leds to receiving
of the additional income.
Marusich A.
Influence of fermented preparations to efficiency
of the feed utilisation and productive qualities of
sucking pigs in the case of rations with different level of
protein and celluar tissue.
The results of fulfilled research testify that enrichment of
rations containing 14.7-12.6 % of raw protein and 6.9-8.3 %
of raw cellular tissue in dry substance by complex fermented
preparations of pectolitical (pectofoetidin G3x) and
cellulosiolitical (celloterrin G3x) activity in doses of 0.04-0.06
and 0.01-0.03 % was promoted to : increasing of intensive
growth of feeded sucking pigs by 4.3-7.3 %; reducing of feed
expenses to receiving of 1 kg. of living weight; declining of its
prime cost accordingly by 3.9-8.1 and 3.07-7.3 %; improving
of slaughter and meat characteristics of pigs; receiving of the
economical efficiency 2.6-11.9 thous. BRB per head (in price
of 1993).
Konchits V., Fedorova V., Chutaeva A.
Characteristic of
the food interrelations of carp with silver crucian, grown
together with the other kinds of fish in ponds.
Competition in food was established on the base of the food
and food interrelations research of two and three years of age
carp - crucian, carp, hybrid carp with Amur sazan. The
indices of the food likeness of two and three years of age of the
above — mentioned types of fish make up an average 97.6 and
93.5 % accordingly. At the same time carp - crucian
consumping the natural food more intensively allows to save
the concentrated food by 31.9 % and reduce the prime cost of
the grown fish by 19.1 %.
Karput I., Rudenko L.
Bakterium preparations as preventive
measures of dispepsion of sucking pigs.
Preventive measures efficiency of probiotics of lactobacterin
and bacteril and their influence to natural resistance and
formation of microbiocenosis of sucking pigs was established.
High prophulactic effect of complex bacterium preparation of
bacteril application was researched. The sucking pigs received
above - mentioned probiotic during all the period of the
experience have the specific proportion in blood of total
albumen, immunoglobulins, indices of peroxidased activity of
neutrophilsand bacterium activity of blood serum and in feces
— specific proportion of bifida and lactobacteria was
considerably high than tested sucking pigs had. All above -
mentioned are positivly influencing to health of sucking pigs.
Kirichenok V., Anisim I., Vanteev V., Dragun A.
of "B-activin" to immunomorphogenesis of pigs and
calfs in the case of their vaccination against leptospirosis.
The fulfilled research has shown that the immunomorphological
reactions are developed in the case of immunization of
pigs and calfs against leptospirosis inside the bodies of
immune system that testifys about formation of immunity
against this desease.
"B-activin" stimulates immunomorphogenesis, takes off
reactogene features of vaccine and promotes to formation of
against leptospirosis immunity with more high tense.
V. Holod, V. Pushnijakov, V. Vanteev.
Comparative estimation
of the patoimmunobiochemical manifestations in
the case of the cattle and pigs kidney disease.
Post - deadly research of urine albumen structure taken of
urocyst of cattle and pigs urocyst in the case of pathology of
kidney was performed. It was established that proteinuria is
characterised by the types specific features and was variously
expressed by these kinds of animals. Usually, proteinuria of
cattle is taking its course with more high composition both
total albumen and separated albumen faction.
Avtoantibodies to kidney tissue were found by the method of
the У precipitacioned curves of Uanje У to the number of
animals. Avtoimmune breaches of cattle were expressed more
strongly than those of pigs as well. Above - mentioned is
confirmed by more frequent meeting of cattle avtoantibodies
and various versions of precipitacioned curves of Uanje and
their more typical changes.
Yakubovskij M.
The efficiency of avermektinos in the
case of parasitosis of animals.
Avermektinos is the new group of anti - parasitic preparations
with the strong activity. They are very effective against
nematodes by means of stimulating of gama amino oil acid.
The number of the preparations of avermektinos group were
tested in Belarus conditions. Their high efficiency to treatment
and prophilactic of nematodiasis, mange and others
parasitosis of cattle, pigs and horses was established.
Pastukhova Z., Sheinina S.
The new kind of milk substitute
for calfs on the base of dry milk product (DMP).
The new kind of milk substitute for calfs of early age was
received by the result of performed reseach. The product has
the high quality specific features thanks to use of dry milk
product (DMP) in its composition and its high biological value
and emulgating qualities as well.
The new kind of milk substitute has the emulating degree
by 16% higher, the quantity of free fat by 32% lower but lay
aside of fat in it by 56% lower as compared to the checked
version. At the same time the dayly increasing of the living
weight of calfs has grown by 10% taking into consideration of
same cost of compared milk substitutes.