
































ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2012 №4

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textIlyina Z.M.
Food security of the Republic of Belarus: modern tendencies
The tendencies, regularities and problems of the world system development and their influence on security in the food sphere of different countries are investigated in the article. The tendencies and forecast of the world food system development are described. The analysis of the factors determining the potential of threats and challenges of modern times and countermeasures are presented. The results of monitoring of food security in the Republic of Belarus are stated. The monitoring has been conducted in accordance with the methods, criteria and indices of the National Food Security Concept. The potential of threats is identified, and the measures which are necessary to prevent their approach are substantiated.

Full textSkakun A.S.
Improvement of the mechanism of government regulation of the agroindustrial complex
The article deals with the conceptual bases of the model of private and state partnership. In this connection the directions of further improvement of macro- and microeconomic conditions of an effi cient economic management are defi ned. A special attention is drawn to the creation of a multilevel system of agroindustrial formations on the basis of cooperation and integration. Presented are the recommendations on improvement of foreign trade in agricultural products, system of pricing and taxation, labour relations in agroindustrial complex, and also intergovernmental regulation of agroindustrial production.

Full textGusakov V.G., Zapolskiy M.I., Pilipuk A.V., Suboch F.I.
Conceptual approaches to formation of the integration field of food competitiveness under the conditions of functioning the Common Free Market Zone of the Customs Union States
Under the conditions of an insufficient competitiveness of the domestic market and the quality of economic growth of the Belarusian economy strengthening of the national food competitiveness is the most important priority. It's possible to make this priority come true through taking the advantage of the regional economic integration within trade and economic communities of the Common Free Market Zone. It's established that the integration field of food competitiveness of the Common Free Market Zone countries is beginning to change its sizes that brings about the necessity to modify the economic interaction of its countries. To achieve the indicated purposes an institutional model of the innovative-cluster food system of the Common Free Market Zone has been created. This model is based on the relations of innovative enterprises and developed branches of the agroindustrial complex of the countries within international food clusters that promotes the formation of an co-competitive field within the Common Free Market Zone and creates good opportunities to single out and develop specialized segments on food markets.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textSemenenko N.N.
Agrogenic evolution of phosphate fractional composition of Polesye peat soils
The results of the research on studying the infl uence of drainage and long agricultural use (50 years) of peat soils on the transformation and content evolution as well as on the structure of phosphate fractions are presented. Under the infl uence of anthropogenic factors along with the reduced content of organic matter in soil the equity participation of organic compounds also decreases from 88 to 62% and mineral compounds specifi c weight increases. Relative reserves of mobile (from 5 to 35%), accessible (from 0.8 to 6.8%) and easily accessible (from 0.8 to 5.8%) phosphate compounds increase. As soon as the content of organic matter in soils reduces their phosphate fund becomes more "crumbly".

Full textLapa V.V., Seraya T.M., Bogatyrova E.N., Mezentseva E.G., Biryukova O.M.
Change of the content and composition of mobile humic substances in sod-podzolic soils under the influence of different systems of fertilization
The infl uence of different systems of fertilization on the content of mobile humic substances and their structure in sodpodzolic soils is studied. The most effective way to increase the content of mobile humic acids as a part of mobile humus is the use of organic and organic-mineral systems of fertilization combined with straw ploughing.

Full textPrivalov F.I.
Influence of climate warming on optimal terms of winter cereals sowing
The analysis of changing heat supply of autumn vegetation of winter cereal crops in 1996–2011 in comparison with heat supply according to the climatic norm in 1940–1970 is presented. It is shown that within the analyzed period, as a result of climate warming calendar terms of the beginning of sowing winter cereals moved by 4–10 days, and the end of sowing – by 1-5 days.

Full textKoltun N.E., Grebneva Yu.N.
Phenology of pear psyllid (Рsylla pyri l.) and pear sucker (Psylla pyrisyga Först.) development under the conditions of Belarus
In the article the results of researches on phenology of pear psyllid (Psylla pyri L.) and pear sucker (Psylla pyrisyga Fö;rst.) development are presented. The periods of development of each generation of these pests are presented. The influence of average daily temperatures and relative air humidity on pear psillid embryo and post- embryo development is defined.

Full textRupasova Zh.A., Yakovlev A.P., Lishtvan I.I., Kozyr O.S.
Genotypic peculiarities of the development of vegetative sphere of taxons р. Oxycoccus in the experimental crop on the exploit peat bog of the north of Belarus
The paper presents a comparative evaluation of biometric indices of the growth of vegetative and generative shoots of 9 taxons Oxycoccus of European cranberry (O. palustris L) and introduced varieties of American cranberry (O. macrocarpus (Ait.) Early Black, Ben Lear, Franklin, Searles, Wilcox, Stevens, McFarlin and Pilgrim when they are grown on the peat bog in the north of Belarus during contrast seasons. It is shown that with the leading position of the variety Stevens in the development of a vegetative sphere, most varieties of American cranberry under the conditions of temperature stresses have more new generative and vegetative shoots. It is accompanied by the increase of the degree of their foliage and the size of leaves without form changes what should promote the work of photosynthetic apparatus of the plants.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textSheyko I.P., Fedorenkova L.A., Yanovich Е.А., Hramchenko N.М., Zayats V.N., Batkovskaya Т.V.
Results of breeding for creation of the plant type of pigs "Berezinsky" in the Belarusian meat breed
As a result of purposeful breeding work a perspective genotype of pigs of the Belarusian meat breed was created. This genotype combines high reproductive traits, increased growth energy at low forage spends, and allow to obtain competitive pork. Thus, breeding sows of the plant type are characterized by high indices of reproductive traits, repairing boars – by a high growth energy, thin fat. A high level of fattening and meat productivity of young pigs of the plant type "Berezinsky" in Belarusian meat breed is identifi ed. Animals of the new plant type are well adapted to the conditions of the industrial technology of Belarus and are widely used in the republican program of crossing and hybridization.

Full textSamsonovich V.A.
Age peculiarities of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of pigs while rearing them at large industrial enterprises
The article studies the dynamics of indices of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of pigs while rearing them at large industrial enterprises. The research shows that within the fi rst 60 days of living the level of glucose, lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol decreases, and the level of lactic acid increases. The most critical periods in respect of glucose insuffi ciency are 80 day age and 105 day age of pigs. At the age of 180 days the indices of carbohydrate metabolism as well as lipid metabolism decrease.

Full textYakubovskiy M.V., Olenich B.P.
Influence of immunostimulants and complex antgelmintic on the immunity of calves with associative parasitic diseases of gastrointestinal tract
The paper presents the results of research of leucogram, T- and B-lymphocytes levels, T-helpers, circulating immune complexes before and after the use of immunostimulants and complex antiparasitic preparation against associated parasitic diseases of gastrointestinal tract of calves.

Full textSkourat E.K., Dzegtyarik S.M., Grebneva E.I., Benetskaya N.A., Lemeza A.N., Govor T.A., Guseva S.S.
Species diversity of fish parasites living in waters of the National park "Braslav lakes"
The article describes the species of fish parasites – water inhabitants of the National park "Braslav lakes", and the data obtained during the complete parasitological analysis. These data characterize the level of invasion of each species of parasites of each species of fish. The structure of dominance of different species of parasites in parasitocenoses in Braslav lakes is identified.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textStepuk L.Y., Samosuk V.G., Azarenko V.V.
Mechanization – priority N1 in the development of agriculture of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage
For a stable increase of the economic potential of rural areas and of the whole country in general a high level of agricultural production is necessary. The article analyses the state of agricultural production for the last two decades. A number of unsolved problems in agriculture are shown. One of the main problems is quantitative and qualitative discrepancy between the car park and the required amount of work. A necessity to develop and implement a scientifically grounded program of priority agricultural machine-building is stated. Its will allow to create the background for technical supply of intensive technologies in plant breeding and animal husbandry all over the country. The structure of the program is grounded.

Full textOrda A.N., Dashkov V.N., Vorobey A.S., Tarasevich I.A.
Substantiation of the assessment criteria of soil adhesion to potato tubers
The author of the article considers some theoretical aspects of infl uence of potato cultivation technology and soil characteristics on soil adhesion to tubers as major factors, determining operating effi ciency of pile separation devices and tools of a machine for pre-sale potato cleansing. The assessment criterion of soil adhesion to potatoes on the basis of the Rozin-Rammler equation parameters is suggested. It will allow to substantiate the required fractional structure of a soil layer and a choice of technological operations in the process of soil cultivation.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textDromashko S.E., Kholmetskaya M.O., Sidor L.S., Vdovenko S.O., Belko N.N.
Control of presence of genetically modified components in foodstuffs in the Republic of Belarus
The application of new technologies connected with the creation of transgenic plants and production of food products on their basis is currently raising. In the Republic of Belarus 18 laboratories have been established to exercise GMI-control. The article demonstrates the results of work of the laboratory detecting GMI of the National Center for Biosafety of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. It also analyzes the data received during the preparation of the Second National Report on the implementation of the Cartagena protocol on biosafety by the Republic of Belarus (2008-2010), underlines the problems connected with Belarus joining the Customs Union with Russia and Kazakhstan and creation of the Common Free Market Zone, the problems which have technical, legal, economic and ethic consequences.

Full textVasilenka Z.V., Nikolaevich L.N., Tsed E.A., Koroleva L.M., Volkova S.V.
Prophylactic and oncostatic properties of soft drink fermented on the basis of rice fungus
The paper presents the results of a complex pre-clinical assessment of a soft drink fermented on the basis of rice fungus. It’s shown on the experimental models that this drink possesses prophylactic, immunostimulatory and oncostatic properties, which allow to recommend it for people, especially those living in environmentally unfriendly regions.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Yosif Michailovich Bogdevich (To the 75th Anniversary of Birthday)

Full text
Zinaida Makarovna Ilyina (To her Jubilee)

Full text
Institute of Arable Farming (Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming) – 85 years old

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