





























2024 №2



ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of  BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»


2009 №3

Agriculture and Plant Cultivation
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Mechanization and Power Engineering
Processing and Storage of Agricultural Production
Scientists of Belarus


Full textIlyinа Z. M.
World food crisis and threats in the food sphere
The modern aspects of world food crisis are considered. The factors and reasons (system-economic, ecologo-economic and others), which account for the world food crisis, are revealed. The essence of the concept “threat of food safety” is explained. The classification of threats is developed and their indicators are proposed. The mechanism of revealing and anticipation of food safety threats, which can be realized at regional, national, state regional association levels, are offered. The most dangerous factors, which can create the threats for safety in the food sphere under modern conditions and which must, constantly, be taken into account, are revealed.

Full textBatova N.N.
Development of a competitive environment in the markets of agricultural raw material and foodstuffs
The problem of rise of competitiveness and development of the competitive environment is most urgent at the present stage of development of economy. In the article the existing economic, organizational and administrative barriers on the way of production and implementation of production are considered. The tendencies of creation of the food market of the Republic of Belarus and the features of creation of the competitive environment in the markets of agricultural raw material and foodstuffs are observed. The classification model of the competitive strategies of the managing subjects of an orb is presented depending on a taken share of the market and size of firms.

Full textSuboch F.I.
Concept of innovation development of the process industry and problems of its realization
The article outlines the essence of innovation development of the process industry allowing one to establish that the innovation component is the integral part of the formation of competitive advantages. For this reason, the innovation type of development, despite of complexities of its realization, acts by the priority strategy of forward development of agriculture. The importance of the innovation activity of agroindustrial complex spheres in the aspect of strengthening the food competitiveness is determined.

Full textLopatnuk L.A.
Strategy of innovation development of the flax processing enterprises of Belarus
The tendency and the economic situation of flax cultivation and processing are considered. Innovation indicators of development of processing enterprises of linen branch are proved, the strategic direction of creation of a final consumer product through the intensify of the cooperation process and the integration on the basis of cluster interrelation of agricultural manufacturers and flax processing enterprises for the whole technological line is outlined.

UpAgriculture and Plant Cultivation

Full textGrib S.I.
Progress in the spring wheat selection in Belarus
The selection process of spring wheat at the Scientific-Practical Center for Argiculture of the NAS of Belarus is outlined. It is shown that for a short period (1993–2009) a series of new sorts of wheat sorts – Korona, Vasilisa, Laska, Lyubava have been created. It is established that spring wheat sorts of the Belarusian selection are suited not only to bread baking and confectionery but also to macarom production.

Full textMikhailouskaya N.A., Kasyanchyk S.A., Mikanova O.
Effect of biofertilizer Kaliplant on the utilization of soil potassium by grain crops and pea on albeluvisoll loamy sand soils
The effect of biofertilizer Kaliplant (K-mobilizing bacteria) on utilization of soil potassium by grain crops (winter rye, spring wheat and winter triticale) as well as pea was tested in field experiment on Albeluvisol loamy sand soil characterized by different levels of K-supply. Application of biofertilizer Kaliplant resulted in significant hormonal effect, which caused the increase of the root volume and the root dry mass by 18 and 40% respectively. Biofertilizer promoted the improvement of adaptive potential of inoculated plants in respect of potassium uptake from soil. Most effectiveness of biofertilizer Kaliplant was observed on soils characterized by relative deficit of mobile potassium. The effect of Kaliplant on utilization coefficients of potassium from soil depended on biological peculiarities of plants as well.

Full textChirko E.M.
Comparative estimation of the grain efficiency and adaptibility of breeds of millet (Panicum miliaceum) in the conditions of the south-west region of the Republic
In the article the results of a three-year ecological strain testing of breeds of millet in the conditions of the south-west region of the Republic are outlined. The complex estimation of their efficiency and adaptability is made with the use of various statistics and techniques. It is established that the most adaptive breeds for cultivation of millet on grain in the south-west region of Belarus are breeds Bustroe and Galinka. The greatest selection value (on the homeostasis level) is seen in the breed Druzhba.

Full textPikun P.T.
Forage and seed-growing potential in the conditions of Belarus
The article generalizes the research results on the growing of Lucerne for seeds obtained at the Polessje Branch of the Scientific-Practical Center for Argiculture of the NAS of Belarus. A comparative analysis is made of Lucerne seed-growing in the countries with similar climatic conditions. It is shown that in the conditions of Belarus it is possible to grow not only Lucerne and also other types of perenniall grass.

Full textPrudnikov V.A., Golub I.A., Shipko P.I., Evseev P.A., Korobova N.V.
Influence of repeated crops of fibre flax on рroductivity and quality of a fibre
Results of field experiences with fibre flax are resulted. As a result of the lead researches it is established, that at a monoculture of flax there is a decrease in the maintenance of a fibre in trust and its quality indicators: number of a long fibre does not exceed 8 units. At repeated crops of fibre flax on 26–28% productivity of a fibre and seeds in comparison with crops of flax in a crop rotation with an interval of 6 years decrease. Crop of flax in a crop rotation provides reception of profit of 522 $/hectares and profitability of 37,3%, at crop of flax on flax the second time profitability decreases to 4,6%, and the third crop of flax on flax becomes unprofitable.

Full textBatsian I.N.
Distribution of dust-like ameliorators in the arable layer when disaciding sour soils
Experiments made in “Virovlyany” have shown that the application of ameliorator during the autumn period decreases the application norm to 5%. In this case, the surface dissimilation of ameliorator does not provide a uniform distribution in the depth of plough layer and in fields with a slope of 7o is accompanied by a real decrease in the application norm to 9%.

UpAnimal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Full textTanana A.L., Korshun S.I., Klimov N.N.
Сomparative estimation of cows of different genotypes on the index of productive longevity
The article presents the results on comparative estimation of cows of different genotypes in the index of productive longevity in the conditions of RUAE “Plemzavod “Korelichi” and RUAE “Plemzavod Ross” in the Grodno region. Distinctions are set on the longevity and life productivity of cows having a different stake of genes of Holstein breed. In RUAE “Plemzavod “Korelichi” the cows from the interpedigree crossing and having a share of genes of Holstein breed within the limits from 25.0 up to 49.9 were characterized by longer for uses (3,13 lactations) and a high lifelong yield of milk (25531 kg of milk). In RUAE “Plemzavod Ross” animals with the least stake of genes of Holstein breed (to 25%) and of pure breed cows of black-motley breed differed from the most term of the economic use and the greatest level of indices of the suckling productivity. Pure breed Holstein cows left the herd in both economies upon termination of the first lactation.

Full textBatkouskaya Т.V.
Genotype of pigs and its effect on reproductive, fattening аnd meat traits

Full textDromashko S.E., Kvitko O.V., Afonin V.Yu., Koneva I.I., Trusova V.D., Sheiko Ya. I.
Expression of the molecular-biological marker of cell ageing in tissues of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
The article deals with an expression of beta-galactosidase gene in various breed groups of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) bred in Belarus. For the first time, the beta-galactosidase gene expression was found in carp liver cells, while there was no expression of this gene in peripheral blood erythrocytes. The data were obtained on evidence of difference of betagalactosidase gene expression among individuals within two breed groups (common and mirror).

Full textBucнukurу J.V., Kovaliov N.A., Usenia M.M.
Epizootic efficiency of the rabies strain KMIEV 94 for oral immunization of wild carnivores against rabies
The results on afficacy of the rabies vaccine for oral immunization of carnivores are presented in the article. The vaccine's KMИЭВ-94 strain was grown in ПС, Vero, or BHK-21 cell cultures.It was shown that oral immunization of the vaccine in a dose of 2.0 ml3 was safe for carnivores and induced proper antirabies immunity. The vaccine in a dose of 2.0 ml3 was injected into baits (chicken head, pieces of beet or fish). Biomarker tetracycline-hydrochloride in a dose of 150 mg per dose was added to baits, too. During 2007 the oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies was conducted in the territory of the Vologin district of the Minsk area with the use of about 20000 baits and in 17 Republican forest organizations with the use of about 235820 baits.

Full textPrytychenko A.V.
Metabolic probiotic diamixan for prevention of gastroenteritis in pigs
The metabolic probiotic Diamixan for pigs during the pre-wening period normalizes the hematologic indices, stimulates the metabolism, gives rise to a weight yield while reducing the morbidity.

UpMechanization and Power Engineering

Full textSamosyuk V.G., Perednya V.N., Tarasevich A.M.
Determination of a rational bunker volume of a mobile mixer – feed distributor
The analysis of preparing and feeding smog component fodder at the cattle-breeding farms is made. An advantage of mobile mixers – feed distributors is shown. The basic machine parameter influencing the number of livestock, internal combustion engine power and, hence, expenditure of liquid fuel and machine metal as a whole is substantiated. It is established that a rational bunker volume of a mobile mixer – feed distributor for small cattle-feeding farms is 6 m3 and for large farms – 11 m3.

Full textKondratyev V. N., Gryshchuk V. M. A.
Substantiation of design data of the device for selection of berries of a large fruited cranberry from a water surface at industrial cleaning
The design of the device for selection of berries from the water surface ejectors is offered by a soaking up stream at picking of a large fruited cranberry by flooding plantations and its constructive-technological parameters are proved.

UpProcessing and Storage of Agricultural Production

Full textFurik N.N., Safronenko K.V., Zhabanos N.K., Obraztsova N.V.
Polyspecific concentrates of probiotic micro-organisms

Full textIvaschenko N.I., Lilishentseva A.N., Shramchenko O.V.
Complex research of food adequacy of orange juices
Results of definition of the contents of natural sugars, organic acids, potassium and ashes in samples of concentrated orange juice are presented. Comparison of the obtained data with the international requirements on concentration of components of natural orange juice is made. The necessity of carrying out screening research and creating a database of the imported concentrated juices is shown.

Full textRazviaznaya I.B., Timofeeva V.N.
Change of the amino acid compound of pumpkin juice during lactic bacteria fermentation
The chemical compound of a pumpkin, pumpkin juice and the juice subjected to lactic fermentation was investigated. The comparative analysis of qualitative and quantitative compound of protein in the investigated samples was carried out. In pumpkin juice 16 amino acids, including 6 irreplaceable ones, are identified.

UpScientists of Belarus

Full text
Stanislav Ivanovich Grib (To the 65th Anniversary of Birthday)

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