National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Editor-in-chief V. Gusakov, vice editor-in-chief P. Kazakevich, V. Azarenko
1, room 118, Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Republic of Belarus
phone/fax +375 17 374-02-45
e-mail: agro-vesti@mail.ru
Information about the titles change:
1963 - 1991 – «Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of BSSR. Agrarian series»
1992 - 1995 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian sciences of Belarus»
1996 - 2002 – «Proceedings of Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus»
2002 - till present – «Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series»
To the 170th Anniversary of the Belorussian State Agricultural Academy
Kurdeko A. P., Tsyganov A. R.
170 years as one of the leading higher education institutions
Gusakov V. G., Kagan A. M.
Development of agricultural science in the BSAA
Zhelyazko A. P., Ravovoy P. U., Suchkov K. P.
The beginning of reclamation science and reclamation education in Belarus
Tsyganov A. R., Sheluto A. A.
Historical aspects and current state of the research on agronomy in the BSAA
Tsyganov A. R., Vildfloush I. R., Persikova T. F.
The research in the sphere of agrochemistry in the BSAA
Kurdeko A. P., Gavrichenko N. I.
Contribution of the scientists of the BSAA into the development of zootechnic science
Parhomenko M. L., Sharshunov V. A., Klochkov A. V.
Perfection of agricultural machines by the scientists of the BSAA
Kovel P. V.
Economic estimation of the natural factor influence on the results of agricultural production
The paper considers the results of production at an enterprise and in agriculture as two parts influenced by natural and labour (economic) factor. The formulae for parameters calculation for each part of the method of estimation on the example of a representative that is a cereal branch are stated. The application of the received results in all branches of agriculture taking into account their connection with the natural factor and the industrial structure is shown. The theoretical and practical issues,
logic of the system construction of estimation formulae supported with the analysis of practice are described.
Mirenkova G. V.
Methodology of estimation of stable development of rural areas
As a result of the conducted research rural areas are viewed as an ecological-social-economic system that is to be formed from a position of sustainable development. It determines the methodology of the territorial-sectorial concept which includes the principles and system of choice indices, factors and indicators enabling to identify the interrelation in the system,
to structure them according to the types of territorial localization and industrial attribute.
Svitin V. А.
Perspective directions for performing the cadastral function of land resource management
The cadastre structure in the system of land and real estate management is determined by existing and technologically dependent kinds of works and procedures on registration, recording and valuation of real estate. A general approach to land valuation of all categories is a differential rent income taking into account natural characteristics and location of pieces
of land. To value the land of rural areas a model of cadastral appraisal is proposed on the basis of landscape approach which reflects the real value of each piece of land and creates a new informational base for real estate efficient management.
Bouts V. I.
Theoretical basis for resource saving management in agroindustrial production
In the article on the basis of the theoretical analysis new elements of the theory of resource saving in agroindustrial production on the example of regional agriculture are presented. The hypothesis of finding a rational solution to the problem of using economic resources in agriculture is formed. The sequence and principles of developing a theoretical model
of resource management are formulated. The results of the theoretical analysis of resource saving categories are stated.
Kagan A. M., Tsimayeu A. А.
Methodology of forming a portfolio of innovative projects at the agroservice enterprises
The article considers the issues of investments distribution to form a portfolio of innovative projects at the agroservice enterprises. The methodology directed at receiving maximum NPV on the portfolio is suggested. A special attention is paid
to the risk assessment of the innovative portfolio and taking into account its comprehensible level on the basis of a standard deviation of the discounted profitability index and quantile measures Value-at-risk.
Agriculture and plant cultivation
Vildfloosh I. R., Tsyganov A. R., Leshchina M. A., Batyrshaev E. M.
The efficiency of complex application
of UAN (urea ammonium nitrate) with microelements when cultivating winter rye, wheat, and triticale on sod podzol light loamy soil
The article sums up the results of field experiments on the influence of complex application of urea ammonium nitrate UAN containing copper and chelate forms of microfertilizers Vitamir-3 and Ecolist-3 on the productivity and quality of winter cereals.
Freidin M. Z., Vasilyeu V. V.
Increase of economic efficiency of cultivation and preserving of cowberry plants berries
The paper deals with the problem of increasing economic efficiency of cultivation, preserving and selling of cowberry, cranberry, bilberry, and blueberry berries in Belarus. On the basis of studying the international and domestic experience
of cultivation and preserving of cowberry plants berries practical recommendations for managers and experts of agricultural organizations are elaborated.
Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
Pavlova T. V., Каzаrоvеts N. V.
The role of bulls in increasing milk productivity of cows at the RUE «Uchhoz BSAA»
The results of using bulls of different breeding in the dairy herd at the “Uchhoz BSAA” show that the cows of this herd belong to five different breedings (depending on the origin of the father) – Canadian, Danish, German, Dutch and Belaruian. The average milk yield of the cows of different breedings ranges from 6096 (the German breeding) to 6754 kg of milk
(the Dutch breeding). The maximum breeding value by origin is observed at the bulls of the Canadian breeding (9584 kg
of milk), however, the level of realization of breeding value of their daughters is the lowest – 65%. It is established, that
in the herd there is a return interrelation between breeding value by origin and the level of its realization that indicates insufficiently
comfortable conditions for animals with genetic potential at the level of 10000 kg of milk.
Mechanization and power engineering
Klochkov A. V.
Substantiation of the structure of the park of harvesters in the republic
Nowadays there is a tendency of cereals yield growth. The structure of a harvesters’ park is known to determine
to a large extent the conditions of getting the planned amount of the yield. Consequently, the replacement of harvesters
in a park should be explained taking into account the harvesting conditions, the possibilities of grain cleaning and drying farms, and also a solution to the range of problems concerning the quality of harvesting.
Sharshunov V. A., Kruglenya V. E., Kudryavtsev A. N., Alekseenko A. S., Kotsuba V. I.
The choice of a constructive
and technological scheme of a separation device and the parameters of its sieves
As a result of theoretical research of separation of flax heap with slugged oscillating sieves equations of motion of flat slugged oscillating sieves and boundary conditions of their operation are received. When using slugged oscillating sieves for driving the heap up on the surface of a sieve the kinematic parameter of a sieve boot is 41–76% lower than one of the existing sieve boots, for driving the heap downwards it is 21–23% lower, for separating from the surface of a sieve it is 54–85% lower that allows to reduce the power to be spent on purifying the seeds by 12.7–27.2%.